UPDATE 6/18: Three of our final four showdown dames have finished, and wolfmaster appears to be headed for victory unless friendly1 can tie things up. Updated results below!
UPDATE 6/4: After several attempts to contact him and waiting a week, gtouchton has been replaces with the solar, who was the last to be eliminated from the wildcard. Hopefully the finals will all get underway shortly. Thanks for your patience!
UPDATE 5/27: Congratulations to gtouchton for winning the wildcard qualifier. That makes the finalist gtouchton, wolfmaster, 4V4T4R, and friendly1. The four final matches have been made and PM's sent to the finalist. In a last minute change of plans, we are going to use Age of Mayhem in the finals as the fourth map in order to mix things up. Good luck finalists... I hear it's a tough map!
UPDATE 4/10: Congratulations to wolfmasteron winning the Magic Round qualifier. Both 4V4T4R and friendly1 earned places in the "final four" by making it to the podium. The Wildcard Round got off to a slow start, with LLLUUUKKKEEE being allowed to play as the fourth place finisher in the Magic round due to dominationnation no-showing. Once the wildcard round finishes, the final showdown will begin, so to the three current qualifiers please watch your inbox fof the game announcement and also let me know about the question in my last post to this thread. Thanks
UPDATE 3/27: Congratulations to wolfmaster and to LLLUUUKKKEE on winning the respective Might Round matches. Both the Magic Round and the Wildcard Round will play in parallel, as described in the posts below, in order to move things along a little faster to the finals... so you won't want to settle for a fourth position in Magic as only the top three Magic finishers will advance.
UPDATE 3/19: Congratulations to 4V4T4R on winning the last of the Feudal Round matches. Both of the Might Round matches are gearing up, so onward we progress toward the next set of maps...
UPDATE 3/13: Congratulations to Colson on tying up the second win of the Feudal round. Our last Feudal game is still in a 4-way show-down. Once it has concluded the game passwords to Might Round games will be PM'd.
UPDATE 3/08: Feudal round is winding down. Congratulations to friendly1 on a hard fought first round victory! The last two games are still a horse-race. The first round elimintations and wild-card qualifiers have been posted as well. If you have qualified for a wildcard game, we appreciate your patience as we wait for the Magic and Might rounds to play out. Please check back for updates, and game passwords will be sent once all wildcard players have qualified. Thanks!
Taking entrants for fans of Age of Might, Age of Magic, Age of Merchants, and Feudal War. Here is the format:
Round of 18: one round of Feudal war, 6 players. Players to be randomly assined to one of 3 games. First to be eliminated from each game will be eliminated. Second eliminated from each game go to Age of Merchants Wildcard. Remaning 12 advance to Round of 12.
Round of 12: one round of Age of Might. Last three to be eliminated from each game will advance to Round of 6. The third eliminated from each game goes to Wildcard round.
Round of 6: one round of Age of Magic. Last three to be eliminated advance to Finals. Third player eliminated from game goes to Wildcard round.
Wildcard Round. 6 player age of merchants. Winner advances to Finals.
Final Round: 4 player games on each of Age of Magic, Age of Might, Age of Merchants and Feudal War... (unlike previous rounds, there will be neutral castles at the start). Best record wins. In the event of tie after 4 games (either 2-2 or 1-1-1-1), there will be a sudden death match to decide among the players on a randomly selected map (one of the 4 above).
All games will be fog-of-war; no cards; adjacent; sequential.
Post below if you want in... need not be premium. I'm looking for 18 plus 5 reserves.