Conquer Club

mc bopping and TheNextc

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Moderators: Multi Hunters, Cheating/Abuse Team

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mc bopping and TheNextc

Postby TheTrust on Thu Feb 07, 2008 10:55 am

This is probably nothing, I do hate to accuse people of cheating and such but this strikes me as odd and I've heard from others that there are suspicious activities as well so I'll post here and get these guys either cleared for good or busted depending on what's found out. I will post only based on my activity with them and anyone else who had issues with these 2, please post yourselves, I'm not too sure about the rules but I dont think I can be asked to accuse others in the cheating thread for a 2nd hand complaint.

Suspected users: mc bopping and TheNextc

Basis: Multi or secret alliance

Description. (I'll do this in a timeline)

- Game 1765736 (I beat mc bopping in a 1-1 game)

2008-02-07 14:06:08 - mc bopping: hi gl and can we rt please this my last game slot
2008-02-07 14:07:08 - TheTrust: no we cant make this RT :(
2008-02-07 14:07:11 - TheTrust: I'm sorry :(
2008-02-07 14:07:52 - mc bopping: why not ?
2008-02-07 14:09:13 - mc bopping: lucky bastard
2008-02-07 14:10:00 - TheTrust: I cant always commit to RT
2008-02-07 14:10:08 - TheTrust: and I'm a woman, calling me a bastard isnt polite sir ;)
2008-02-07 14:10:33 - mc bopping: sotty love?
2008-02-07 14:10:40 - mc bopping: why cant u rt ?
2008-02-07 14:11:34 - TheTrust: sigh fine
2008-02-07 14:11:41 - TheTrust: I'll try but I'm multitasking
2008-02-07 14:12:00 - mc bopping: sorry i ment lol would u like to play a three man game after this?
2008-02-07 14:12:41 - mc bopping: m person game next hun ??
2008-02-07 14:13:47 - mc bopping: 3 person game next love?
2008-02-07 14:14:21 - TheTrust: LOL

2008-02-07 14:14:33 - TheTrust: you are an incredibly resiliant (sp) young man ;)
2008-02-07 14:14:36 - mc bopping: ouch u hit me hard babe
2008-02-07 14:15:02 - mc bopping: hahaa im just trying to live whats wrong with that lol
2008-02-07 14:15:14 - TheTrust: :o
2008-02-07 14:15:14 - mc bopping: (sp) ??? whats thats mean?
2008-02-07 14:15:27 - TheTrust: true true
2008-02-07 14:15:42 - TheTrust: (sp) indicates I may have spelled the word wrong but you get the point

I get this pm from him:

From: mc bopping
To: TheTrust
Posted: 07 Feb 2008 14:16
Subject: good game hun
would u like a 3 man game please say yes give me chance to get my points back

Following (I agree) and he sends me a number, I hesitate to join because because the 2 names are the ones I've been questioned about before but I get this pm and I have decided to swallow the bucket and try it anyway, besides, things I've heard until now were just speculation.

From: mc bopping
To: TheTrust
Posted: 07 Feb 2008 14:24
Subject: Re: good game hun
1765813 jump in this game please babes xxxxxxxxxxx

So I'm in the game, Here is how this game takes place...

Game 1765813

I had SA, he went for africa... The Nextc took North america... I got squat in SA and moved a few guys into australia where I was crushed shortly after and to my suprise, The Nextc who had been in the powerful position early on lost rather quickly to mc hopping.

I figured, ok, maybe nothing fishy anyway...

Then I get this pm from mc:

From: mc bopping
To: TheTrust
Posted: 07 Feb 2008 14:44
Subject: hahahahaaahahahahaha

i beat you lol then also beat the other guy lol thanx for the game i am very gratefull for your point lets have another game some time babes

wb bopping

I respond saying how about now, and he responds with this....
From: mc bopping
To: TheTrust
Posted: 07 Feb 2008 15:08
Subject: game???
ok then i will send u game number we will play nextc in three man again ok?

From: mc bopping
To: TheTrust
Posted: 07 Feb 2008 15:10
Subject: game
r u up for it hun x

They are both from the UK (or so the tags say on their profiles)

Again, to me this all just seems funny/fishy. I'm not too sure on what signs are looked for in clearing or busting people so I thought I'd bring my own experience with these 2 to the thread, I wont be accusing them based on things I hear they've done with other players, I'm not sure its within the rules to even ask me to do that and in my view its bad etiquette, if you have a problem with them post your own thread, I can only write up based on my experiences with them. If they are innocent I'd like to see them cleared, if not busted but I think mc has a flair about him that I find to be kind of funny so if he's no cheater I'll go back to playing games with him. I had actually considered going into another 3 player with him and nextc to see if the results would come out the same, what do you guys think?
Sergeant 1st Class TheTrust
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Postby TheTrust on Fri Feb 08, 2008 10:44 pm

no thoughts?
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Postby timmytuttut88 on Fri Feb 08, 2008 10:49 pm

suspicious...very bout asking him to try and play without that other guy? see what he says.
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Postby Tk 421 on Sat Feb 09, 2008 1:41 am

This is very suspicius. But like above, get her to play with out him. This would be a true way of telling!
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Postby TheTrust on Sat Feb 09, 2008 4:52 am

From: TheTrust
To: mc bopping
Posted: 07 Feb 2008 15:28
Subject: Re: game???
no, we'll play 2 player ;)

I havent heard back from him
Sergeant 1st Class TheTrust
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Postby JOHNNYROCKET24 on Sat Feb 09, 2008 7:41 am

they are not multis but it could be possible of a secret alliance
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Postby lord voldemort on Sat Feb 09, 2008 7:48 am

yer you'll find they arent the same person because of the time they take their turns in freestyle is too close. its also esc so anything can happen hence the quick vicory (yes its possible but unlikely) but a secet alliance could be in the question you should play again with them and see wat happens.

though i stick away from 3 player games for the very reason.
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