The Regulators have challenged The Untouchables to a Clan War. It is the first Clan War for both parties so alot of spirit and unity will be on show. Can The Untouchables really remain untouched!
STATUS : Waiting for the last 4 games to be made and sent to The Untouchables Clan.
The Regulator's Home Games
Game 1845165 - triples - The Untouchables
Game 1845161 - triples - The Regulator's
Game 1848437 - triples - classic The Untouchables
Game 1848444 - triples - feudal The Regulators
Game 1848451 - triples - benelux The Regulators
Game 1848439 - triples - circus maximus - The Regulator's
Game 1746897 - triples - global warming - The UnTouchables
Game 1768503 - triples - europe - The Untouchables
Game 1845165 - triples - The Untouchables
Game 1897045 - The Untouchables
Game 1844761 - doubles - The Untouchables
Game 1845170 - doubles - AOR - The Regulators
Game 1848403 - doubles - feudal The Regulators
Game 1848467 - doubles - ireland The Regulators
Game 1726971 - doubles - malta - The Untouchables
Game 1735213 - doubles - siege - The Untouchables
Game 1736190 - doubles - alexanders empire - The Untouchables
Game 1760024 - doubles - ancient greece - The Regulators
Game 1768500 - doubles - iberia - The Untouchables
Game 1786299 - doubles - AOR: magic - The Untouchables
The Untouchables Home Games
[Game 1939722 - The Untouchables
Game 1939730 - The Regulators
Game 1939739 - The Untouchables
Game 1936378 - The Untouchable's
Game 1931398 -The Regulators
Game 1931410 - The Untouchable's
Game 1929918 - The Regulators
Game 1929924 - The Untouchables
Game 1929228- The Untouchables
Game 1929019- The Regulator's
Game 2116159 - THe Untouchables
Game 2115765 - The Untouchables
Game 2130280 - The Untouchables
Game 2130289 - The Regulator's
Game 2132124 - The Untouchables
Game 2132128 - The Regulator's