added small details
changed the legend a bit

small army test (88&888)


large army test (88&888)

made orcs and pit fiends also lose -1 for non important terits (thanks Torter_of_Worlds)
solved the small version text readability in the troglodites terits
made various other elements more visible in the small version.

* small version
* made the docks more visible
* made army circles more visible
* changed the bonus for humans from +4 to +2
* added the no automatic armies thing in the legend
* solved the weird greenish thing in the sanctuary island
* made the river between troglodytes and night elves thicker and more visible.

darker yet visible.
*made blood waters more flowy
*tweaked the Xi landscape
*made borun and xi continents to intersect better with the water
*added a few icebergs around mua
*changed the legend explanations regarding the blood waters
*added custom shields for blood waters for easy recognition.
-made the blood waters more flowy to blend better
-changed the troglodyte's continent colour
-changed the pit fiends' continent colour
-added neutrals
-added some claw scratches on the legend
-made a few border tweaks
-removed the animation
-changed the legend to reflect that blood waters can be attacked by any dock but they can also attack back.
-removed dock from u'rl
- reworded parts of the legend and added various missing explanations (like the blood water bonus)
- got bored and animated the legend

1. changed the pit fiends continent to a cool lava with burning lava flows type terrain.
2. changed terit name colour for pit fiends.
3. turn mountain into volcano
to do
1. fix the legend.
1. changed rune names to life, ice, fire, rage, etc
2. changed the rune icon for pit fiends. the dwarven hammer was out of place
3. added icons for easy recognition in the legend.
4. changed troglodyte texture to a better suited one that's also easier to read.
5. changed troglodyte text
to do:
1. add flowy molten rivers, barren land and stuff for the pit fiends
1. fixed short/long screwy borders
2. made u'rl dock more visible
3. replaced rock golems with troglodytes
4. faded the blood water.
5. reworded the lyches decay text in the legend
6. muted blue text in ice elementals continent
to do
1. replace power rune for pit fiends
2. add flowy molten rivers, barren land and stuff for the pit fiends
3. make rock golems/troglodytes land texture smoother so that text is easier to read.
4. add icons for easy recognition in the legend
5. rename runes to fire water ice life, etc
changed dwarfs to pit fiends
changed ice golems to ice elementals
changed borders for golems, pit fiends and lyches
changed colours ot the text in the rock gollems, pit fiends and dark elves terits.
i still need to replace the pit fiend rune.
first there was a kingdom torn by war. 6 realms battled for supremacy but they trespassed the sanctuary and unleashed a terrible curse. all land was frozen. terrible ice storms ravaged the land but the humans survived and they kept fighting to unite the kingdom and to end the spell. they managed to break the spell but at a terrible cost. a magical portal opened and horrific creatures spew out of it. golems orcs dwarves elves and liches invaded the land and forced the humans to a hasty retreat in aoria. the safe haven of humanity. now each race has a domain and each wants total annihilation of the others. so the war rages on even more than before.
each races is unique and has a special trait that affect them and their homeland. each race has 2 power runes from which they gather their strength. the objective is only one. kill or be killed.
100 terits.
- 1 way attacks
- decay
- starting neutrals
- possibly killer neutrals
- conquest gameplay
- resource type bonuses
- various terit count bonuses
- bombardments
so here's the map.