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Postby oaktown on Fri Jan 04, 2008 8:20 pm

cairnswk wrote:oaktown, just how does one achieve the impression of height on a flat overview map apart from doing a isometric or 3D map, which i do not want to do to. I want to keep this simple.

You've got skills - i suspect you'll find a way. But I agree - 3D map bad. My concern was simply that many of your individual elements are short and wide, while Chicago is a tall and thin city.

Well, maybe not the people so much. :wink:

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Postby cairnswk on Fri Jan 04, 2008 8:37 pm

oaktown wrote:
cairnswk wrote:oaktown, just how does one achieve the impression of height on a flat overview map apart from doing a isometric or 3D map, which i do not want to do to. I want to keep this simple.

You've got skills - i suspect you'll find a way. But I agree - 3D map bad. My concern was simply that many of your individual elements are short and wide, while Chicago is a tall and thin city.

Well, maybe not the people so much. :wink:

Can somebody pass me those cookies?

Kewl....i understand. i am going to trry to attempt to build a skyscraper out the legend somehow...don't knwo if it will come off but keep watch...cookies here for you ->
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Postby Coleman on Fri Jan 04, 2008 10:12 pm

A lot of my frustration came from it being page 5 and the last update being page 2... So I really hope you find the time soon. I don't think it's good when gaps like that happen in the topic. :(
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Postby cairnswk on Fri Jan 04, 2008 10:27 pm

Coleman wrote:A lot of my frustration came from it being page 5 and the last update being page 2... So I really hope you find the time soon. I don't think it's good when gaps like that happen in the topic. :(

Coleman...if you continue with this harassement when it is my timeline, i shall be reporting you and i don't want to do get off my case, i will do the update when i am ready. not before, and not when u dictate.
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Postby cairnswk on Fri Jan 04, 2008 10:29 pm

Coleman, i have just finalised the last bits of xml and stuff for Waterloo. so if you have nothing better to do, go check that.
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Postby Coleman on Fri Jan 04, 2008 10:47 pm

You're being a bit too defensive while I'm trying to explain my previous actions. I can see this is fruitless and you're not willing to be reasonable. I get that I'm a CA but I have my right to behave like a normal commenter, and I would like it if you'd treat me as such. I'll look at your xml.

I'm not interested in starting a war, I just wanted to make sure you know what my point of view was when I made that post.
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Postby cairnswk on Fri Jan 04, 2008 11:09 pm

Coleman wrote:You're being a bit too defensive while I'm trying to explain my previous actions. I can see this is fruitless and you're not willing to be reasonable. I get that I'm a CA but I have my right to behave like a normal commenter, and I would like it if you'd treat me as such. I'll look at your xml.

I'm not interested in starting a war, I just wanted to make sure you know what my point of view was when I made that post.

Coleman, peace, I am not interested in startig a war either with you. i think it is you who are blasting away too much - what's the matter with you man, power got to your head?

I already got your point, and if you read post in which i replied to oaktown, you would see that i am in the process of re-working the map, however, as it came up, Waterloo has just been prioritised in front of Chicago.

As for your point about a 3 page non-update, go look at some other maps and see the number of pages and comments that get laid out before an update is posted. From this point of view, and the fact you come back for another jab, i think it is you who are being unreasonable and U need to lay off. Just cool it for a while until this next update is done and then u can have a go at it.

I am also not questioning your rights as CA to post, I have already got the message, but enough is enough.
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Postby Coleman on Fri Jan 04, 2008 11:54 pm

cairnswk wrote:what's the matter with you man, power got to your head?
If you notice Cartos is missing, I think that means I have no power. :lol: err :-k
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Postby cairnswk on Sat Jan 05, 2008 12:30 am

Coleman wrote:
cairnswk wrote:what's the matter with you man, power got to your head?
If you notice Cartos is missing, I think that means I have no power. :lol: err :-k

Good god, i could start a rumour...Cartos missing. :P
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Postby cairnswk on Sat Jan 05, 2008 7:12 pm's a small update to keep some people happy. :)

Changes are made to give a very Art Deco feel to this map.
1. colours.
2. text and title - mayu change again as i experiment
3. trying to build a skyscaper out of the legend which i hope will have art deco featurs

Still to do - the planes...Mmmmmm! maybe ski planes.

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Postby edbeard on Sat Jan 05, 2008 7:22 pm

FYI you've switched the northside and rackateers bonuses from your previous versions

I'm going to ask again (though expecting another NO), any chance of making these Gang Bonuses majority held? I still feel like most of these bonuses are way too hard to hold. Lowering the amount of the bonus would be necessary too but I think it would help gameplay.

Bonuses are almost impossible to hold on this map at the moment. Sheer size of the regions and the movement because of the guns attacking all guns thing.
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Postby Herakilla on Sat Jan 05, 2008 8:58 pm

argh! i shot those planes down! they used boats since canada was just across the lake! why waste money with a 5 min plane ride?
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Postby cairnswk on Sun Jan 06, 2008 4:14 am

OK...Version 6.

Wonder how this one will be received????

Changed the legend, didn't like all the names in boxed (although it was appropriate) we've got something that exudes gangsters and hopefully Chicago.


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Postby cairnswk on Sun Jan 06, 2008 4:19 am

Herakilla wrote:argh! i shot those planes down! they used boats since canada was just across the lake! why waste money with a 5 min plane ride?

Herakilla....i will get to the planes and change them when i next have a chance...for now there were more urgent matters to attend to. :)
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Postby cairnswk on Sun Jan 06, 2008 4:21 am

edbeard wrote:FYI you've switched the northside and rackateers bonuses from your previous versions

I'm going to ask again (though expecting another NO), any chance of making these Gang Bonuses majority held? I still feel like most of these bonuses are way too hard to hold. Lowering the amount of the bonus would be necessary too but I think it would help gameplay.

Bonuses are almost impossible to hold on this map at the moment. Sheer size of the regions and the movement because of the guns attacking all guns thing.

edbeard..i haven't forgotten your request...there is a likelihood i will consider doing this....just got to work out more stuff re the legend and how to explain it in the bonus section.
I do hope it keeps the map simple. :wink:
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Postby Coleman on Sun Jan 06, 2008 10:41 am

Awesome. What's really neat about this new design is that you striped away a lot of the complexity out of reading the legend.

Might I ask why the bright yellow wasn't used to write bonuses on the tommy guns? It isn't a big deal, but the 10 on Ch. Outfit East is a little hard to read and I like the way the yellow pops out everywhere else.
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Postby Snorri1234 on Sun Jan 06, 2008 11:46 am

Coleman wrote:Awesome. What's really neat about this new design is that you striped away a lot of the complexity out of reading the legend.

Might I ask why the bright yellow wasn't used to write bonuses on the tommy guns? It isn't a big deal, but the 10 on Ch. Outfit East is a little hard to read and I like the way the yellow pops out everywhere else.

Yeah agreed too. :P

Few minor things though.
* The assist by public utilities in the legenda has a red colour for no appareant reason.
* Shouldn't Bugsy siegel have a army counter? (Little white box.)
* I suggest changing the colour of ch outfit west, as it's a little hard to see what colour it is on the map.
* Can you reach Cicero from Gamblers heaven and vice versa? Because they both lead to giggle juice warehouse, but it's not clear whether they run past it or not. As I don't think that's the intent, I suggest making the connection from cicero turn right sooner. (put the entrance on top of the warehouse?)

Few minor gripes, but I'm a perfectionist and what's the point of making the map not as clear as possible.

Other than that, I like the concept and new design very much. The addition of the guns for gangnames is a nice touch.

*Edit: The word in the right top corner should be riddled.
Last edited by Snorri1234 on Sun Jan 06, 2008 12:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby cairnswk on Sun Jan 06, 2008 12:25 pm


Is this better gameplay?

1. Planes are still not fixed, they will be next version. Same with bonuses on gangs, they need to be adjusted for this new gameplay.

2. Continents have been re-organised so that they are easier to hold and not scattered. Routes still exist between some territories. Enemny gang members can only attack each other across a street.

3. Changes to the bonuses on Giggle Juice Trucks, City Hall, Tax Dept. and all Utilities

Last edited by cairnswk on Mon Jan 07, 2008 2:39 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby cairnswk on Mon Jan 07, 2008 2:38 am

Coleman wrote:Awesome. What's really neat about this new design is that you striped away a lot of the complexity out of reading the legend.

Might I ask why the bright yellow wasn't used to write bonuses on the tommy guns? It isn't a big deal, but the 10 on Ch. Outfit East is a little hard to read and I like the way the yellow pops out everywhere else.

Coleman, i tried several versions of yellow on the bonus text. It simply isn't strong enough in some places and is illegible with existing yellows. I hear what you are saying and will try to find something more suitable in future versions. :)
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Postby oaktown on Mon Jan 07, 2008 9:33 am

nice work in the past two days! Herakilla's idea of boats rather than planes might be a good one - seems like more smuggling traffic may have happened via boat anyway, and it would make sense that they are hitting the coastal territories rather than airports.

I had written something here about my confusion with the legend, but I just figured out that the public utilities are a region together... at first it's confusing, because the box in the legend is the same box as that used for army counts in the gangs.
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Postby mibi on Mon Jan 07, 2008 9:53 am

if someone starts with the tax office, they will have it for the whole game.

what about making the city hall abd tax office +3 due to the nice corruption going on there.
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Postby onbekende on Mon Jan 07, 2008 12:01 pm

so how does the gang member attack routes now work? (or give all routes)
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Postby Blitzaholic on Mon Jan 07, 2008 2:14 pm

great design cairnsk
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Postby cairnswk on Mon Jan 07, 2008 3:51 pm

oaktown wrote:nice work in the past two days! Herakilla's idea of boats rather than planes might be a good one - seems like more smuggling traffic may have happened via boat anyway, and it would make sense that they are hitting the coastal territories rather than airports.

I had written something here about my confusion with the legend, but I just figured out that the public utilities are a region together... at first it's confusing, because the box in the legend is the same box as that used for army counts in the gangs. it will be....and i will change the public utilities box.
Thanks oaktown
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Postby cairnswk on Mon Jan 07, 2008 3:52 pm

mibi wrote:if someone starts with the tax office, they will have it for the whole game.

what about making the city hall abd tax office +3 due to the nice corruption going on there.

OK mibi...will change in next version...thanks!
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