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n8dog / n8sbi7ch [cleared]

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n8dog / n8sbi7ch [cleared]

Postby thefunkyfarm on Thu Dec 27, 2007 4:07 pm

These are suspected Multis/Secret Alliance

Suspect users: n8dog / n8sbi7ch

Game number:

Comments: These 2 users appear to be the same person or a strict alliance. They never attack each other, their user-names are similar and are from the same country. They play their turns directly after each other and I suspect have used one army to weaken a country b4 attacking with the other army so it would appear the 2nd army was only the one attacking - even when there were easy Cards to be gained on other fronts.

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Postby Russianfire8371 on Thu Dec 27, 2007 4:11 pm

they don't act like multis, but rather as good friends. I do suspect a secret alliance though...
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Postby Shirls on Thu Dec 27, 2007 4:50 pm

This sure looks like a multi to me

In this game one of them obviously attacked 3 on 3 everywhere he could to weaken himself down because there is no way that the other guy could have taken so many territories on Turn 1.

This is pretty blatant - there are a couple other examples of this in their game history too
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Postby Russianfire8371 on Thu Dec 27, 2007 6:24 pm

Shirls wrote:This sure looks like a multi to me

In this game one of them obviously attacked 3 on 3 everywhere he could to weaken himself down because there is no way that the other guy could have taken so many territories on Turn 1.

This is pretty blatant - there are a couple other examples of this in their game history too

seeing how its flat rate, he could've been desperate to get a card....

Why would you buy 2 premiums anyway?
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Postby sully800 on Sat Dec 29, 2007 8:28 pm

Before I read the game chat I was going to suggest that n8dog / n8sbi7ch were a couple and not multis. Then in game caht n8dog says its his girlfriend, which I believe.

After all, he says he knew everyone in the game. Yet thefunkyfarm, the only outside, is going to end up winning. If they had a secret alliance you would have been eliminated before you ever got strong.

This seems to be a case of one player getting very strong in a flat rate game, and then getting attacked by everyone. I know how that can seem like a secret alliance, but usually it happens because everyone knows what they need to do- no secret communication needed.

Based on that game, n8dog / n8sbi7ch are cleared. If either of you are reading this, just remember to keep treating each other as you would any other opponent in a singles game.
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Postby n8dog on Fri Jan 04, 2008 2:36 am


Thanks for clearing us. As I said in the chat, n8sbi7ch is my girlfriend, chimaster my boss, amhowie my brother, and lkmgray is my brothers girlfriend.

The game was how you saw it, classic risk. This is a far from classic outcome, but hey.

@ Shirls - I don't lose to my girlfriend on purpose. Losing twice in our first 3 games to my n00b girlfriend wasn't planned. No offence babe :wink:

95% of the time we live 500+ kilometres away from each other. A real admin would check IP addresses and delete this thread for being stupid.
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Postby lord voldemort on Fri Jan 04, 2008 3:58 am

n8dog wrote:Sully800,

Thanks for clearing us. As I said in the chat, n8sbi7ch is my girlfriend, chimaster my boss, amhowie my brother, and lkmgray is my brothers girlfriend.

The game was how you saw it, classic risk. This is a far from classic outcome, but hey.

@ Shirls - I don't lose to my girlfriend on purpose. Losing twice in our first 3 games to my n00b girlfriend wasn't planned. No offence babe :wink:

95% of the time we live 500+ kilometres away from each other. A real admin would check IP addresses and delete this thread for being stupid.

i think hes telling you that you have no power sully
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