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Cloak and Dagger [Winner: Easy n Dirty]

PostPosted: Wed Sep 08, 2010 9:50 pm
by thunderhue
Original Tournament by Dieforasandwich (original thread)

Recovery news: 9/9/2010: PMs sent to Round two players to gather some information on how to proceed...
9/14/2010: Restarting with Round Two
11/15/2010: Leg Two games sent out
1/12/2011: Leg Two scores posted, Final Round Players identified
1/27/2011: Final Round Leg 1 games sent out
4/14/2011: Final Round Leg 1 scores updated, Leg 2 games sent out

show: Original Description

Points are gained in the following manner:

10 points for each kill you get as the Killer
4 points to the killer for each townsperson-on-townsperson fratricide while he is still in the game
6 points to each townsperson if the Killer is the first eliminated
5 points as a Sheriffs bonus to the player who eliminates the Killer
1 point for each kill you get as a townsperson, regardless of target

Each player will play twelve games (six at a time) and have two shots at being the Killer before the field is reduced. I will update scores without fog after each leg; maps will be small and simple to keep things cozy and moving; all games will be sequential, flat rate, unlimited, and sunny; the final round will encourage all-out aggression, so be prepared!

When I PM the games I'll tell each player for which of the games in that leg they are the designated Killer.

Changes / Clarifications
  • Reminder: The objective for the tournament is different than the objective for standard terminator games. See points above.
    Easy n Dirty wrote:Game 4850218: the structure of this trnmnt has me making moves i would probably otherwise never make
  • "6 points to each townsperson" was never awarded. Consider the value.
  • Scoring ends after 30 rounds
  • Because it has been so long since the last games completed, you must join within 48 hours. Eliminated players from round one will be invited as alternates based on the round one scores from the original thread.
  • Revealing that you are the killer is up to you. Feel free to engage in that or other kinds of diplomacy (anti-diplomacy?) in the in-game chat. :D I will follow the tradition of posting game scores only after the leg is complete, unless the killer has revealed themselves.

show: Maps

show: Round 1

show: Round 2

show: Finals

show: Round 1 Scores

show: Round 2 Scores

show: Final Round Scores

Re: Cloak and Dagger [Round Two Leg One]

PostPosted: Wed Sep 15, 2010 11:11 pm
by thunderhue
Round 2 Leg 1 invites and killer notices sent.


Re: Cloak and Dagger [Round Two Leg One]

PostPosted: Thu Sep 16, 2010 10:26 am
by thunderhue
JeF has requested to be replaced in the tournament. Culs De Sac as the highest scoring player eliminated from Round 1 has agreed to take his place.

Good luck!


Re: Cloak and Dagger [Round Two Leg One]

PostPosted: Thu Sep 30, 2010 2:36 pm
by Culs De Sac
Game 7642107 Game Complete..

Culs gets 3 kills and a win =).. Hopefully I got the kiler!

Re: Cloak and Dagger [Round Two Leg One]

PostPosted: Fri Oct 15, 2010 7:45 am
by thunderhue
Four of the Leg 1 games are completed. Remember that scoring only goes through round 30.

Culs did have a nice showing in that game. Taking out three other players... Revealing that you were not the killer in that game... :)

I'll start sending out invites to the the Leg 2 games once half of the Leg 1 games are up. Probably within a week.


Re: Cloak and Dagger [Round Two Leg One]

PostPosted: Wed Nov 10, 2010 8:54 pm
by Culs De Sac
Game 7642111

3 Kills, including the killer, and the win.. Woop woop..

btw.. I have not received any invites for the second LEg

Re: Cloak and Dagger [Round Two Leg One]

PostPosted: Fri Nov 12, 2010 8:56 am
by thunderhue
Updated Round 2 Leg 1 scores posted in main post.

Totals so far:
6. Dako----------67
11. wooooood----------39
2. Easy n Dirty----------35
9. robbymac----------33
12. Culs De Sac----------30
3. joeaggie98----------29
10. GreenBaize----------25
7. b00060----------19
5. Phr34ky----------17
1. VampireM----------10
8. MyTurnToWin----------8
4. smbgolf----------0

The top six advance to the final round.


Re: Cloak and Dagger [Round Two Leg Two]

PostPosted: Mon Nov 15, 2010 9:55 am
by thunderhue
Round 2 Leg 2 game invites have been sent. Killer notices went out. There is a new batch of killers approaching poor, unsuspecting townspeople. ;)

VampireM requested removal from the tournament. danryan agreed to replace him. (He was the next highest scoring player from round one that agreed to resume play.)

It really still is anyone's game. Two kills as the killer in your game is 20 points.


Re: Cloak and Dagger [Round Two Leg Two]

PostPosted: Tue Dec 28, 2010 2:28 pm
by Culs De Sac
We are past round 30 in our games.. Could we have a status update for leg 2 round 2. Thanks

Re: Cloak and Dagger [Round Two Leg Two]

PostPosted: Wed Jan 12, 2011 9:01 am
by thunderhue
The last game in Round 2 finally went past 30 rounds! Scores for Round Two calculated and posted. Advancing to the next round are:

Culs De Sac
Easy n Dirty


Final Round Leg 1 games will be created and sent soon.

Re: Cloak and Dagger [Round Two Leg Two]

PostPosted: Thu Jan 13, 2011 5:45 am
by Dako
Thanks, looks promising :).

Re: Cloak and Dagger [Final Round Leg One]

PostPosted: Thu Jan 27, 2011 8:18 am
by thunderhue
Final Round Leg One game invites have been sent and killers have been notified.

Thank you :)

Good Luck!


Re: Cloak and Dagger [Final Round Leg One]

PostPosted: Thu Feb 03, 2011 12:34 pm
by Culs De Sac
And we have the first completion of the Finals Games

Game 8397999 Culs gets the win with 4 kills and an overall game victory.. Dako comes in second with 1 kill..

Now to Keep Rolling, Rolling, Rolling!

Re: Cloak and Dagger [Final Round Leg One]

PostPosted: Mon Feb 14, 2011 5:09 pm
by Easy n Dirty
Are scores cumulative, or did we all reset to zero for the Finals round? Thanks.

Re: Cloak and Dagger [Final Round Leg One]

PostPosted: Thu Apr 14, 2011 8:23 am
by thunderhue
Final Round Leg 1 scores updated, Leg 2 games sent out

Scores so far for the final round, and the game:

Easy n Dirty-----43
Culs De Sac------30

Good luck!


Re: Cloak and Dagger [Final Round Leg Two]

PostPosted: Sun Jun 12, 2011 6:37 am
by Easy n Dirty