As a n00by member of the ConquerClub civilization, I feel like it is time to show some organization on the general population's side. For too long has there been warring between a certain group of radical forum-goers and mods. Well now is the time for civility. And I'm not at all good at this speech stuff so I'll shattup.
General Rule for the General Election:
The first 12 nominees who get 2 nominations will be entered into the poll
The "prez" will then hopefully be considered the "voice of the people" by those that have more ConquerClub-al power than the rest of us.
Thank you, and goodnight.
David Bowie: "Now, this'll be a straight walk-off, old school rules. First model walks; second model duplicates, then elaborates. Okay, boys - let's go to work!"
Ya got 1 week