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[XML] Troop Counter

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[XML] Troop Counter

Postby skychaser on Fri Aug 17, 2012 10:00 am

At the current situation we have xmls for the maps. The xml checks if territories are taken and develop bonuses based on it.
I guess we could release to the xml the information of how many maps are present at the territories as well as allowing the 4 basic operations. I guess constants are already present at xml as it's needed to make some calculations.

It would allow for people developing a new wide range of maps based on how many troops are at a given place including limiters.
For example. Someone could develop a map where you lose troops if you have more than 15 troops there or someone may do a map where you gain troops if there's a multiple of 5 at a given territory, or even take all af your territories and give it to you again by the start of each turn(that would do a fine map for fun).

You may think it adds some complexity and you are absolutely right. But it's a matter for the cartographic team to dive on.

The site would win a whole new concept and much more flexibility on new maps. Without losing nothing at the old ones.
The cartographers could work like programmers and each new map could have a new unique feature.

If you read till here. Help me better my idea.
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Re: Troops counter to XML

Postby agentcom on Sun Nov 04, 2012 12:34 pm

I'm picturing some cool things that mapmakers could put into the key like "Sydney will become overpopulated when it has over 15 troops and a virus will kill 3 units per turn." Or "Parisians don't like a military presence and will reduce it by half if it has over 4 troops." Or "Sao Paolo's citizens demand protection and will volunteer at a rate of 2 units per turn if less than 5 troops are stationed there." I think it would be another cool tool for mapmakers. It would also be yet another way to balance a map that has problems. Or it could be a way to "unbalance" a map like the missile bonus in Arms Race to bring about the end of a game. But, of course, it would be interesting to hear from them whether they would use this. Perhaps this would be better posted as a Foundry Discussion? I don't know. Surprised that this didn't get any responses, so I'm going to bump this and see what happens.
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Re: Troops counter to XML

Postby thenobodies80 on Mon Nov 12, 2012 7:26 pm

It looks like a sort of bonus modification/variation that take into account the troops instead of the territories.... Agree with you, it could be cool, even if it doesn't seems to me so easy to implement considering all the variables that are mentioned in your examples. :-k

And yes, probably this suggestion belongs more to this thread --> viewtopic.php?f=127&t=103961

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Re: Troops counter to XML

Postby agentcom on Wed Nov 14, 2012 5:28 pm

I don't really like the mega-threads like the one you linked to and the one with the medals suggestions. I'd prefer to have an indexing thread of those suggestions and then have the individual threads just stay on one topic. MrBenn's thread that you link to has features that have been implemented, but it's very difficult to remove just those and move them to implemented in order for the discussion to carry on in old thread.
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