SoC 1v1 Ladder Reset Tournament - Game of Thrones...
Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2016 1:06 pm
by celliottii
For the last few years, I've ran the SoC 1v1 Ladder and once a year I do a "Ladder Reset" to shake things up...
"Chaos isn't a pit. Chaos is a ladder. Many who try to climb it fail and never get to try again. The fall breaks them. And some are given a chance to climb, they cling to the realm or the gods or love. Only the ladder is real. The climb is all there is." - Lord Petyr "Littlefinger" Baelish
This year, we are proud to announce a Game of Thrones theme to the Ladder Reset...and we are giving away THREE months of Premium membership, plus a newly created medal "GoT Battle of the Seven Kingdoms to the player who actually finishes as the #1 player once the Ladder Reset is complete.
"The man who passes the sentence should swing the sword" - Eddard Stark
All active SoC 1v1 Ladder members will be automatically entered into the Game of Throne Ladder Reset Tournament.
If you are not currently an active member, but wish to join, then please follow this link and sign up there. ... 1&t=194552 No sign-ups will be allowed on this thread. Deadline for signing up is September 15, 2016.
Good luck to everyone...Just remember, "When you play the game of thrones, you win or you die. There is no middle ground." - Cersei Lannister
* As I am also a participant in this tournament, ElricTheGreat and/or dhallmeyer will assist on any rulings that involve my games to protect the integrity and ethical nature.
Re: SoC 1v1 Ladder Reset Tournament - Game of Thrones...
Remember, if a player's name is in RED, that means they challenged someone. If there is name has been struck through (Chuck), then they have already been challenged.
Re: SoC 1v1 Ladder Reset Tournament - Game of Thrones...
Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2016 10:51 pm
by Lord Arioch
I frigging hate GoT but i must say this seems to be the best out of that really bad serie! Book and/or movie take ur pick! Good work cell i will send u a sausage to gnaw on through the winter:)
Re: SoC 1v1 Ladder Reset Tournament - Game of Thrones...
Posted: Fri Aug 26, 2016 1:26 am
by macbone
Heh. Sounds fun, Celliottii!
Re: SoC 1v1 Ladder Reset Tournament - Game of Thrones...
Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2016 7:29 pm
by MGSteve
Rule 3 should read: All Ladder challenges must be posted in this topic thread AND you must send the player you are challenging a PM or wall post as well. Otherwise the wall post, which we've long used, will not be allowed and walling is so much quicker than PMing.
Rule 12 needs to be reworded as it's from the days of challenging only 3 ahead: For example, you are #9 and challenge and lose to the #6 player, you cannot challenge the #6 player until you challenge either #4, #5, #7 or #8.
And Rule 24: For example, Tom is on Hiatus at #10. Dick is at #13, and #12 and #11 are currently being challenged by other players. Dick can jump over Tom and challenge Harry at #9.
Three ahead again. The situation described would need no exception for the #10 player's hiatus and no jumping as there is less than 5 spaces between them. So let's change it to: For example, Tom is on Hiatus at #10. Dick is at #15, and #14, #13, #12 and #11 are currently being challenged by other players. Dick can jump over Tom and challenge Harry at #9.
Think that will save some rule questions and such bother down the road. Or is that down the ladder?
Re: SoC 1v1 Ladder Reset Tournament - Game of Thrones...
Posted: Mon Aug 29, 2016 9:23 am
by celliottii
MGSteve wrote:Rule 3 should read: All Ladder challenges must be posted in this topic thread AND you must send the player you are challenging a PM or wall post as well. Otherwise the wall post, which we've long used, will not be allowed and walling is so much quicker than PMing.
Rule 12 needs to be reworded as it's from the days of challenging only 3 ahead: For example, you are #9 and challenge and lose to the #6 player, you cannot challenge the #6 player until you challenge either #4, #5, #7 or #8.
And Rule 24: For example, Tom is on Hiatus at #10. Dick is at #13, and #12 and #11 are currently being challenged by other players. Dick can jump over Tom and challenge Harry at #9.
Three ahead again. The situation described would need no exception for the #10 player's hiatus and no jumping as there is less than 5 spaces between them. So let's change it to: For example, Tom is on Hiatus at #10. Dick is at #15, and #14, #13, #12 and #11 are currently being challenged by other players. Dick can jump over Tom and challenge Harry at #9.
Think that will save some rule questions and such bother down the road. Or is that down the ladder?
1. Good catch, Steve... 2. Fixed everything so the rules flow properly now. 3. Why didn't you catch this last year when we revamped the rules???
Re: SoC 1v1 Ladder Reset Tournament - Game of Thrones...
Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2016 1:06 am
by MGSteve
ummm... I wasn't watching?
Re: SoC 1v1 Ladder Reset Tournament - Game of Thrones...
Posted: Thu Sep 01, 2016 2:00 pm
by celliottii
MGSteve wrote:ummm... I wasn't watching?
ok...I'll buy that...I wasn't watching either...
Re: SoC 1v1 Ladder Reset Tournament - Game of Thrones...
Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2016 6:01 pm
by ElricTheGreat
MGSteve wrote:ummm... I wasn't watching?
Chuck ... Steve is too shy to say he didn't have HBO back then
Re: SoC 1v1 Ladder Reset Tournament - Game of Thrones...
Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2016 9:44 pm
by dhallmeyer
'Fraid I'm gonna need some handholding here. This is more complex than my tired brain can handle.
Re: SoC 1v1 Ladder Reset Tournament - Game of Thrones...
Posted: Sat Oct 01, 2016 12:07 am
by ElricTheGreat
Here we go folks
I will get this started by challenging josko.ri !!!
Re: SoC 1v1 Ladder Reset Tournament - Game of Thrones...
Posted: Sat Oct 01, 2016 9:49 am
by celliottii
dhallmeyer wrote:'Fraid I'm gonna need some handholding here. This is more complex than my tired brain can handle.
Very simply just choose one person from the Active List (above) who doesn't have a strikethrough their name (ETG challenged josko, so josko now looks like this josko).
Then post that challenge in this thread and play it like a normal SoC 1v1 match.
Winner needs to post the results.
Re: SoC 1v1 Ladder Reset Tournament - Game of Thrones...
Posted: Sat Oct 01, 2016 9:51 am
by celliottii
Last night, I was sent a PM asking who reports the match results. Because reporting the win could affect standings and potential Ladder Reset Twists, I have added the following to Rule 9 for the Special Rules section.
Because of the various Reset Twists, winners must post their victory. Loser posting a loss will not be recorded.
I also received a PM for better clarification of the "Jon Snow" Twist.
Q: Since most matches consists of three games, can the Jon Snow twist be used if a person wins the first two games and loses the third or if the person wins all three games.
A: Yes. Before the "Jon Snow" Twist can be enforced, I will verify that the winner actually won the first two games in both matches. This also applies to the "Cersei Lannister" Twist.
As there is only one active challenge, this will not affect gameplay.
Re: SoC 1v1 Ladder Reset Tournament - Game of Thrones...
Posted: Sat Oct 01, 2016 9:54 am
by celliottii
ElricTheGreat wrote:Here we go folks
I will get this started by challenging josko.ri !!!
Re: SoC 1v1 Ladder Reset Tournament - Game of Thrones...
Posted: Sat Oct 01, 2016 10:59 am
by TimWoodbury
accept and ill be posting ur challenege in a momemt Game 16893718 password Ladder
Re: SoC 1v1 Ladder Reset Tournament - Game of Thrones...
Posted: Sat Oct 01, 2016 6:22 pm
by iamkoolerthanu
Sooo can I join or do I need to wait until the firs 2 matches are complete? Only active players from last ladder gets to participate? Or...
Re: SoC 1v1 Ladder Reset Tournament - Game of Thrones...
Posted: Sat Oct 01, 2016 7:20 pm
by celliottii
iamkoolerthanu wrote:Sooo can I join or do I need to wait until the firs 2 matches are complete? Only active players from last ladder gets to participate? Or...
Sorry, Kooler, but the deadline for signing up was September 15th. You'll have to wait until Ladder Reset is complete before you can officially join the Ladder.
Re: SoC 1v1 Ladder Reset Tournament - Game of Thrones...
Posted: Sat Oct 01, 2016 10:55 pm
by ElricTheGreat
I have received a reply on my wall from josko,ri ...
I have 7 days deadline to join your SoC games. I will use some more days before joining.because on vacation now
Am I stuck or can I withdraw my challenge and challenge someone else?
... or since he did not ask to be put on Hiatus is it a forfeit if we cannot come to an agreement of when to start our battle? (as this is a time sensitive GoT event)
Or is he right and can hold me hostage?
In either case I would recommend that anyone else who is not ready to participate in this Reset Tourney make their intentions known so as to not affect the battles of the rest who are ready to battle. I believe there was plenty of time (notice) given before this was to begin so that requests to withdraw or be moved to Hiatus.
I have left a message of josko.ri's wall letting him know I do not want to wait and that I am posting here asking to cancel the challenge so that I can get started.
If the invites lapse I wish to challenge grt instead using the same games ... pw= ladder
Re: SoC 1v1 Ladder Reset Tournament - Game of Thrones...
Posted: Sun Oct 02, 2016 6:02 am
by josko.ri
ElricTheGreat wrote:hi
I have received a reply on my wall from josko,ri ...
I have 7 days deadline to join your SoC games. I will use some more days before joining.because on vacation now
Am I stuck or can I withdraw my challenge and challenge someone else?
... or since he did not ask to be put on Hiatus is it a forfeit if we cannot come to an agreement of when to start our battle? (as this is a time sensitive GoT event)
Or is he right and can hold me hostage?
In either case I would recommend that anyone else who is not ready to participate in this Reset Tourney make their intentions known so as to not affect the battles of the rest who are ready to battle. I believe there was plenty of time (notice) given before this was to begin so that requests to withdraw or be moved to Hiatus.
I have left a message of josko.ri's wall letting him know I do not want to wait and that I am posting here asking to cancel the challenge so that I can get started.
If the invites lapse I wish to challenge grt instead using the same games ... pw= ladder
What I meant by my response is that first day when you challenged me is not ideal for me to join but some next days within the 7 days deadline will be more suitable for me to join due to easier schedule.
From my understanding of rules, challenged players have right to join anytime within the 7 days deadline, and i just informed you that my joining will be a little bit later but still within the deadline.
So from my side there is no need for Hiatus because I will accept every challenge within the deadline and there is also no basis for forfeit because I did not reject the challenge.
Re: SoC 1v1 Ladder Reset Tournament - Game of Thrones...
Posted: Sun Oct 02, 2016 6:51 am
by MGSteve
Think he's gotcha, Elric.
I wanna challenge the great, the one and only, bt, bobbythomson with Game 16895338 and Game 16895339. Prepare to meet your doom! And watch out for the white walker. He's itching for battle.
Re: SoC 1v1 Ladder Reset Tournament - Game of Thrones...
Posted: Sun Oct 02, 2016 8:03 am
by celliottii
I'm not going to re-quote everything that was said from Elric and Josko, but here is my ruling:
Josko is right.
Rule #19 states, "If a challenge is declined or not answered/accepted within seven (7) days, it will be treated as though the challenger won the match and the challenged player will be charged with a “FORFEIT”."
Josko answered the challenged and did not decline it. He stated he needed a few days until his schedule cleared up, but will accept the challenge.
Now, if this was a challenge on the normal SoC 1v1 Ladder, I would allow ETG to challenge another...But it's not. This is the Ladder Reset - Game of Thrones.
(I'm using my words now, so don't get your panties in a bunch please)
If you are familiar with Game of Thrones, everyone gets "screwed over" at some point by betrayal, assassination, secret deals, hostages, etc. When I designed this Ladder Reset, I left certain loopholes in the Reset to accommodate for people to get "screwed over" as well. This is just one of them.
Bottom line - The challenge from ElricTheGreat to josko.ri stands. Elric cannot challenge another player. Josko has answered the challenge and has seven days to accept or decline the challenge.
Re: SoC 1v1 Ladder Reset Tournament - Game of Thrones...
Posted: Sun Oct 02, 2016 10:56 am
by torres44cm
I would like to challenge Mad777 if hes available, but a I'm a little confused on the twist listed, how and when they apply, as some challenges have the twist post with their challenge and others do not, post a twist. So a little clarification pls.
Re: SoC 1v1 Ladder Reset Tournament - Game of Thrones...
Posted: Sun Oct 02, 2016 11:33 am
by celliottii
torres44cm wrote:I would like to challenge Mad777 if hes available, but a I'm a little confused on the twist listed, how and when they apply, as some challenges have the twist post with their challenge and others do not, post a twist. So a little clarification pls.
The Twists do not come into play until after you have completed your first two matches (you challenging someone and someone challenging you).
Once those two matches are complete, depending on what your scores are will determine if you qualify for a particular twist.
Example 1: Tom challenges Harry and wins 2-0 (or3-0) and then he's challenged by Dick and Harry wins that match 2-0 (or 3-0), then Harry is qualified to use the Jon Snow Twist.
Example 2: Curly challenges Larry and loses that match 3-0. Then Curly is challenged by Moe and wins that match 2-1. Curly is not qualified for any Twist scenario.
I mentioned this before, but this will be the only reiteration...With the exception of the Jon Snow twist, a twist can be invoked at any time, as long as the Ladder Reset is still active.
Re: SoC 1v1 Ladder Reset Tournament - Game of Thrones...
Posted: Sun Oct 02, 2016 12:45 pm
by bobbythomson
I accept the challenge in the name of Billy the goat, sacrificed at my father's hands 45 years ago this summer - this will be Billy's revenge. Fear the Goat, Billy the Goat. I will post the game in a moment.
MGSteve wrote:Think he's gotcha, Elric.
I wanna challenge the great, the one and only, bt, bobbythomson with Game 16895338 and Game 16895339. Prepare to meet your doom! And watch out for the white walker. He's itching for battle.