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question about stats tab

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question about stats tab

Postby legion of boom on Sat Jul 19, 2014 4:59 pm


Wasn't sure where to post this but seeing as I'm new I figure here, 2 questions.

What is Spoils (est) showing on the Stats tab, is it some kind of hint as to whether an opponent has a cashable set?

Following on from that can someone explain what goes into the calculation behind the Power figure beyond the obvious high/low troop count.

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Re: question about stats tab

Postby dhallmeyer on Sat Jul 19, 2014 7:03 pm

can you get us a screen shot? I have an idea what you're talking about, but I would like to make sure.
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Re: question about stats tab

Postby Koganosi on Sat Jul 19, 2014 11:58 pm

I assume you mean the statistics on the right side or bottem side of the map.

The spoils tab for that means how many spoils, aka how many cards, a person has. Meaning 1 is 1 card, 2 is 2, so on. At 5 a person must cash ofc, old risk rules and always has a set!

You can also find the number of regions one has, troops and troops due. IF you play game in fog of war, the number of troops and troops due is hidden.


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Re: question about stats tab

Postby legion of boom on Sun Jul 20, 2014 4:16 am

Hey I'm not quite that simple Kog :lol:

Its the Spoils (est) column on this screen that I'm referring to


In this particularly example me and green have 3 cards but have a stat of 16.1 and 15.1, do we assume from that that we can't cash(I definitely can't) whereas blue with a stat of 47.5 can(i realise blue has 5 and must have a set but lets assume they had 4 for a moment with that figure)? The next set in this particular game is worth 40.

Anyway its this column I was looking for a read on.

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Re: question about stats tab

Postby Koganosi on Sun Jul 20, 2014 4:26 am

Particulair reason I dont work with that!!! Stuff confuses me way to much, I have no clue how to explain it. Probably have to dig into the code, someone who knows more about this, who is using it, might be able to answer your question.


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Re: question about stats tab

Postby dhallmeyer on Sun Jul 20, 2014 9:12 am

Ok. Thanks for the pic. I'm not sure what all the categories are for, because I stopped using it a long time ago. I'll ask around and get you an answer.
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Re: question about stats tab

Postby tigerbob on Sun Jul 20, 2014 1:04 pm

I don't know if this is right but I think i saw it explained somewhere like this.

It's the odds of how many troops you will get next turn for cashing.

You have 3 cards. There are 4 ways to cash, 3 green, 3 blue, 3 red or 1 of each. there are 6 ways to NOT cash, 2green1blue, 2green1red, 2blue1green, 2blue1red, 2red1green, 2red1blue. Your odd of cashing are 4/10 or .4. Multiplied by the value of the next cash. 40x.4=16. The .1 is the odds of you having the tert that corresponds with the card you are cashing for 2 bonus troops. I didn't do the numbers but I think .1 the function of the number of terts/cards avail and the number of cards/terts you hold.

I'm not a math guy but I did stay at a motel 6 last night.

edit: and I'm not sure about the .1 thing. Blue's number is 47.5. Which would mean on average he would gain and additional 7.5 for bonus terts but with only cashing 3 cards the max would seem to be 6. I can't quite figure how the average would be higher than the max possible.

edit2: let me dig myself a little deeper into this hole. now i'm not sure about the first part. I'm not sure how pinks number would be 15 instead of 16.
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Re: question about stats tab

Postby JamesKer1 on Sun Jul 20, 2014 1:43 pm

JamesKer1 wrote:This is from my understanding...

Green and pink both don't have a certain cash, so the program is giving the amount of troops to be expected (less than a cash, but certainly not 0), taking into account that they may or may not cash and the rewards of that (I forget the formula, but it's a simple one - permutations maybe?). It is not giving out card info, just stats based on card count.

Blue has a certain cash- however, his is above 40 because the program is taking into account that pink and green may cash before him.

Green's cash amount is slightly higher because the program also takes into account the chance pink may cash before him and raise the cash amount.

If this makes sense at all... Hopefully it's helpful
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Re: question about stats tab

Postby dhallmeyer on Sun Jul 20, 2014 6:51 pm

In the BOB menu on the left side of the screen, select View Options and change the stats to Standard. That will get rid of the display with the confusing numbers. That will give you enough data to get a handle on the situation, and knowing the basic probabilities for a set will give you enough to work on.
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Re: question about stats tab

Postby legion of boom on Mon Jul 21, 2014 9:19 am

Thanks for the all the replies I understand now what its showing in terms of the probability and I'm taking Dhal and Kog's advice and ignoring it :)
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