by Nephilim on Thu Nov 02, 2006 4:11 pm
Finally getting around to putting something on here; I can only resist arguing for so long. And here is a good place to make a point: cbobgo, I have pushed this topic for the sake of principle, and because I enjoy debate, not because I am a sore loser. I lose games all the time, I can handle that. I have told you all this in the multiple pm's we exchanged on this topic. Why is it so hard for you to believe that I enjoy spirited debate, and that the only option to mjjanusa being a complete moron is that you two had an alliance?
Another thing you don't seem to get: attacking someone because they just attacked you and it bothers you (mjj attacked me, and this is the motive cbobgo has attributed to mjj) is NOT a reasonable or logical move. Actually, it is the opposite of reasonable or logical, it is an action guided by emotion. Noticing your exceptionally nerdy new avatar, I would think a Jedi might know these things.
This is the best part, and the thing that really made me think "alliance." Cbobgo says:
"We had no secret alliance. We had only one shared border, greenland to iceland. We agreed not to attack across that border. MJJ was fighting on his other borders, and I was fighting on my other borders. We had no opportunity or need to attack each other."
So, when you had taken over everything but Aussie (me) and Europe (mjj), you two had no shared borders and he had no need to attack you? You had shared borders between Euro/Africa and Euro/Asia before the end! And the thing is, mjj never attacked bob! When bob was sweeping across the map, mjj still honored their NAP between Greenland and Iceland! And then sat there till bob took over, never lleaving Europe or attacking bob, and instead attacking me. And I'm supposed to believe this is b/c of a NAP, that somehow got extended to the whole board, and b/c mjj got mad that I attacked him?
Look, here's the thing, I don't think you two had a secret alliance anymore. I think mjj is an utter moron who somehow thought this alliance was good for him, and then decided he liked you b/c you never attacked Iceland, although you were sweeping the board. I guess I thought it better to assume you cheated than that mjj could be so dense. Not to mention attacking me at the end instead of you--utterly outside the spirit of competition and honor. I don't know what to compare that to--nope, can't think of anything, it's so low. And cbobgo, all you did was take advantage of this idiot, which is fine with me. But you keep defending him, which is stupid, and most of your defenses fail logically.
Finally, you suggested that people check my feedback for signs of dishonor. Quite silly, since I was 15-4, and two of the negs were you and mjj. And none of the negs indicted my battlefield honor in any way; in fact, I have a positive concerning that subject.