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codydonahue ~ Intentional Deadbeating [noted]

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codydonahue ~ Intentional Deadbeating [noted]

Postby jak111 on Tue Mar 12, 2013 3:22 pm

Accused: codydonahue

The accused are suspected of:

Other: Intentional Deadbeating/Gamethrowing

Game number(s):

Game 12362284
Game 12362285

If this was just in ONE game I would foe and move on, but happening in two games in the same event by the same person while it shows he has been online is not cool. 12362284 he is already booted for missing too many turns, and in round 12362285 he is about to be in roughly 6 hours. But that is not all, in both games he has attacked me, his own partner out of the blue. In 12362284 I asked him to attack purple up the Arruntius border, to which I was attacked instead. In game 12362285 round 3 I had asked him to finish taking Mameyev Hill for the 1 bonus while I protect him with my stack on Refinery, to which I was attacked and the hill was not taken. Does that even make sense? To not take a bonus that has less troops than your partner but attack him instead?
He apologizes for both attacks, but then deadbeats shortly after. You do not attack your teammate twice in pretty much a row and then deadbeat on complete accident while logging on just hours before his latest turn.

Game 12362285 log:
2013-03-11 22:34:57 - FreeFalling123 ended the turn and got spoils
codydonahue's profile:
Last visited:Mon Mar 11, 2013 7:32 pm (2013-03-11 19:32:~~)

Just 3 hours difference and you watch, he will conveniently not log on to take his final turn, successfully deadbeating in the SECOND game I have been stuck with him in this event on.

I just joined to have fun and try to get a medal, but now I am stuck doing it alone and at a disadvantage because I get stuck with one guy who just decides to deadbeat/throw game on me in.

Also note that his last log in, although he has missed TWO consecutive turns I have gotten no inbox nor in-game message from him explaining why he wasn't there or if he's even going to be there next turn.

I apologize for making this a long read, but it irritates me beyond belief that this happens twice in a row by the same guy -.-.
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Re: codydonahue ~ Intentional Deadbeating.

Postby king achilles on Tue Mar 12, 2013 10:29 pm

For game 12362284 when he started missing turns, according to our tools he was basically not online during those turns. For game 12362285, yes he did logged in and could have taken his turn if it was his time to take it. This will have to be noted for now. Feel free to rate him accordingly and or put him on your foe list.
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Re: codydonahue ~ Intentional Deadbeating [noted]

Postby jak111 on Wed Mar 13, 2013 2:20 pm

Okay, Thank you for your time King A. Glad to see a note at least :)
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