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Severe vindictiveness - afroaction [noted] BG

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Re: Severe vindictiveness - afroaction

Postby hmsps on Mon Jul 23, 2012 12:28 am

Meldrew wrote:Thank you evolution.
P.s. I'm not taking another turn until the moderators have had a look at this. I've taken several turns already in the hope that afroaction would finish it. But he hasn't. I feel that if I hadn't complained he would have held me there for ever. Just got nowhere to go here guys.

Well stop being so rude in your games
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Re: Severe vindictiveness - afroaction [pending] BG

Postby hmsps on Mon Jul 23, 2012 12:30 am

Larry46 wrote:Come on people Afro has issues losing to "lower ranked" players for some time now................vacation seems justified!
Another wannabe mod who spouts up all of a sudden, calling the shots and is basically trolling Afro. Grow up.
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Re: Severe vindictiveness - afroaction [pending] BG

Postby hmsps on Mon Jul 23, 2012 12:32 am

Meldrew wrote:Accused:


The accused are suspected of:
Severe Abuse

Game number(s):

Game 11407811

Comments:This player (afroaction) has made my gaming on this site an absolute misery. He has already filed a complaint about me for bigotry, which was rejected as a spurious claim. Now, purely for vindictive reasons, and bullying, he is deliberately not completing a game which he effectively won several rounds ago. I have a single "bombardment" territory with a single troop. He has scores, possibly hundreds of troops, yet he is just playing with me- apparently so that I can't move on, foe him and enjoy a game with a friendlier player.
I've had a look at the various comments and confrontations other players have had with this guy, and I don't quite understand why he is allowed to carry on playing. He is a bully, he is vindictive, he clearly spends too much time on this site (which can't be good for his mental state) and, most importantly, he is destroying the enjoyment of many other players.
Allowing players like afroaction on this site will certainly put new players off - and will certainly not encourage us to pay a premium for the "priviledge".
Please ban afroaction!
Looking at these comments. For less than 100 games this guy is crying out multi multi please ban me
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Re: Severe vindictiveness - afroaction [pending] BG

Postby IcePack on Mon Jul 23, 2012 1:08 am

Meldrew is guested :p

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Re: Severe vindictiveness - afroaction [pending] BG

Postby hmsps on Mon Jul 23, 2012 1:17 am

IcePack wrote:Meldrew is guested :p
I like others thought the writing was on the wall for that one.
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Re: Severe vindictiveness - afroaction [pending] BG

Postby BGtheBrain on Mon Jul 23, 2012 8:17 am

Meldrew was busted with Dobbie

Initial charge is still pending
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Re: Severe vindictiveness - afroaction [pending] BG

Postby hmsps on Mon Jul 23, 2012 8:31 am

BGtheBrain wrote:Meldrew was busted with Dobbie

Initial charge is still pending
Initial charge by someone who shouldn't have been playing a game now thats novel!! :roll: :roll:
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Re: Severe vindictiveness - afroaction

Postby afroaction on Mon Jul 23, 2012 8:53 am

Pixar wrote:yep i think he needs a vacation hes holding him hostage

Really Pixar, holding him hostage Eh?

2012-07-22 13:11:29 - Meldrew played a set of Soviet Control 06, Polish Control 02, and Władysław Bortnowski worth 85 troops
2012-07-22 13:11:32 - Meldrew deployed 88 troops on Soviet Union 04

He had like 300 men on his plane, and did not have enough to take him out. Now with Pixar, before you speak, please take time to think about what you are saying.
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Re: Severe vindictiveness - afroaction

Postby afroaction on Mon Jul 23, 2012 8:59 am

eddie2 wrote:hum i am looking at the op's games first game he goes on about a player throwing games.
2nd he beats a major. has this guy been multi checked ???

Wow eddie for once i agree with what you've said, man is the end of the world coming? lol
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Re: Severe vindictiveness - afroaction [pending] BG

Postby BGtheBrain on Mon Jul 23, 2012 9:54 am

afroaction has been NOTED for hostage holding.

This appears to be an isolated instance.
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Re: Severe vindictiveness - afroaction [pending] BG

Postby afroaction on Mon Jul 23, 2012 9:55 am

Holding someone Hostage EH? HHHMMM, keep on trying people! :lol: =D>
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Re: Severe vindictiveness - afroaction [noted] BG

Postby *Pixar* on Mon Jul 23, 2012 10:36 am

why'd u deploy so much on plane? theres your troops to take him out there what a waste
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Re: Severe vindictiveness - afroaction [noted] BG

Postby afroaction on Mon Jul 23, 2012 11:39 am

Because once I finally was able to capture Paf he had 3 or 4 cards can't remember? I could not take the chance of him cashing in and taking a tank again so he could recapture PAF.

It was a trench game, loading up my plane was a simple insurance move.
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Re: Severe vindictiveness - afroaction [noted] BG

Postby afroaction on Mon Jul 23, 2012 12:04 pm

2012-07-22 13:16:57 - afroaction played a set of Soviet Control 05, Stanisław Maczek, and German Control 07 worth 95 troops
2012-07-22 13:16:57 - afroaction got bonus of 2 troops added to Stanisław Maczek
2012-07-22 13:17:09 - afroaction deployed 22 troops on Ferdinand Čatloš
2012-07-22 13:17:16 - afroaction deployed 33 troops on Semyon Timoshenko
2012-07-22 13:17:28 - afroaction deployed 25 troops on Fedor von Bock
2012-07-22 13:17:33 - afroaction deployed 27 troops on Johannes Blaskowitz
2012-07-22 13:17:37 - afroaction assaulted German Control 04 from Gerd von Rundstedt and conquered it from neutral player
2012-07-22 13:17:41 - afroaction assaulted Polish Control 02 from Edward Rydz-Śmigły and conquered it from neutral player
2012-07-22 13:17:44 - afroaction assaulted Soviet Control 01 from Semyon Timoshenko and conquered it from neutral player
2012-07-22 13:17:48 - afroaction assaulted Soviet Control 05 from Vasily Chuikov and conquered it from neutral player
2012-07-22 13:17:51 - afroaction assaulted German Control 10 from Fedor von Bock and conquered it from neutral player
2012-07-22 13:17:58 - afroaction assaulted German Control 02 from Johannes Blaskowitz and conquered it from neutral player
2012-07-22 13:18:00 - afroaction assaulted German Control 06 from Ferdinand Čatloš and conquered it from neutral player
2012-07-22 13:18:05 - afroaction assaulted Soviet Control 06 from Mikhail Kovalev and conquered it from neutral player
2012-07-22 13:18:13 - afroaction ended the turn and got spoils

Once he finally realized he was beat and no way for him to win then he suicided all his men on his planes

It was over next turn, but he got busted before I could do it
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Re: Severe vindictiveness - afroaction [noted] BG

Postby eddie2 on Mon Jul 23, 2012 12:33 pm

affro come on the game could of been over 4 rounds before that. and that is obvious just be glad it is isolated i would of properly done the same lol
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Re: Severe vindictiveness - afroaction [noted] BG

Postby afroaction on Mon Jul 23, 2012 2:49 pm

sure, eddie it would of been done 4 rounds before that, if he wouldn't cash in and added another 100 men to 300+ he had already.
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Re: Severe vindictiveness - afroaction [noted] BG

Postby afroaction on Mon Jul 23, 2012 2:58 pm

afroaction wrote:sure, eddie it would of been done 4 rounds before that, if he wouldn't cash in and added another 100 men to 300+ he had already.
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Re: Severe vindictiveness - afroaction [pending] BG

Postby Woodruff on Mon Jul 23, 2012 3:50 pm

hmsps wrote:
BGtheBrain wrote:Meldrew was busted with Dobbie

Initial charge is still pending
Initial charge by someone who shouldn't have been playing a game now thats novel!! :roll: :roll:

I received a 3-month ban because I had the gall to flame a multi (that I knew was a multi, that I had quite some time previously reported as a multi (and he was cleared!) and who was a multi for the sole purpose of coming after me to try to get me to flame him so he could report me and I would be banned). Then he was discovered to have been a multi, literally a day or so after my ban. So this should be no surprise.
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