Play States
Play By Clickable Map
Deploy: Click on territory to deploy, choose number to deploy and click again to make deployment
Assault: Click on a territory to Assault from, then on a territory to Assault (right click to Auto Assault)
Advance: Click on conquered territory to choose to advance, choose number to advance, then click again to advance. Click on conquering territory to advance zero.
Reinforce: Click on a territory to Reinforce from, then on a territory to Reinforce to. Click again to confirm.
Play By Keyboard and Mouse
N Key: Skip to next game, Jump to next game
B Key: Begin Turn
E Key: End Deployment, End Assaults, End Reinforcement
L Key: Later (decline to play spoils)
W,S Keys: Increase/decrease troop quantity (slow)
Q,A Keys: Increase/decrease troop quantity (fast)
Mouse Wheel: Change troop quantity by scrolling over the selected region.
CTRL Key + Click: You can always use CTRL-click instead of the right mouse button.
Middle Click: To advance to next stage (Begin Turn, End Assaults, etc.) click the middle mouse button anywhere on the map.
2012-03-14 02:33:12 - chapcrap: i was hoping to get into a 3 players stalemate...
2012-03-14 02:58:18 - ianphull: you was why? lol
2012-03-15 00:26:17 - chapcrap: i wasn't really
2012-03-15 00:26:22 - chapcrap: just joking
2012-03-15 00:26:33 - chapcrap: three player games are the worst!
2012-03-15 00:37:33 - ianphull: i know im in a few of them! lol
2012-03-21 01:04:32 - chapcrap: so, how are we going to end this?
2012-03-21 01:04:42 - chapcrap: one of you want to team up with me to take out the other one?
2012-03-21 03:37:10 - ianphull: we could ask him to make a terminator trips game? then just carry on with this?
2012-03-21 10:46:03 - harvmax: i like your idea red.....keep this one going and create another game either terminator or put round limit on it.
2012-03-21 17:14:29 - chapcrap: i'm fine with making another game with a round limit and whoever wins gets this game too
2012-03-21 17:14:56 - chapcrap: what game/settings? Just make it a 20 round limit, that should be enough I think
2012-03-22 14:24:07 - ianphull: GBII in for ian
2012-03-22 14:25:23 - ianphull: on order for that to work, it has to be same map and settings, I would think
2012-03-22 21:17:17 - harvmax: sounds good, maybe even escalating too if possible
2012-03-23 02:09:10 - chapcrap: i ignore what ian's sitter said...
2012-03-23 02:09:26 - chapcrap: i would prefer something smaller if we could
2012-03-23 02:09:58 - chapcrap: Classic, USA, whatever, and escalating is fine with me
2012-03-23 02:10:08 - chapcrap: with a round limit, we should be ok either way though
2012-03-23 02:29:21 - ianphull: i think it should be same map but escalating with 30 or 20 rd limit
2012-03-23 16:05:21 - chapcrap: was that ian back or still his sitter?
2012-03-23 16:05:42 - chapcrap: if it's his sitter, he shouldn't be commenting, he's not involved
2012-03-24 00:43:50 - ianphull: its Ian back sorry, my sitter was my Clan leader lol just think it should be same map for the tournament but i suppose USA would work!
2012-03-24 11:48:11 - harvmax: i'm fine with whatever, classic will be fine
2012-03-24 16:17:16 - chapcrap: ian, you set up the game and invite us
2012-03-24 16:17:28 - chapcrap: as long as there is a 20 or 30 round limit, i'm ok with whatever
2012-03-24 22:42:11 - ianphull: sent a post to the organizer! see what he says!
2012-03-25 19:30:54 - chapcrap: he shouldn't care what we do to finish a game....
2012-03-25 20:22:50 - ianphull: thats true, if he has not got back to me by my next go ill set it up!
2012-03-26 15:17:40 - chapcrap: he doesn't have to back you...although I don't know why he wouldn't
2012-03-28 03:16:50 - chapcrap: ok, i'll set up a game
2012-03-28 03:17:09 - chapcrap: everyone good with a 20 round limit, escalating on USA? Chained and sunny
2012-03-28 03:17:20 - chapcrap: winner of that game gets this game too
2012-03-28 06:49:15 - ianphull: yes im ok with that
2012-03-28 21:55:57 - harvmax: fine with me
2012-03-29 03:11:19 - chapcrap: ok, made the game and sent the invites
2012-03-29 03:11:21 - chapcrap: good luck
2012-04-04 13:56:07 - chapcrap: started attacking with some big stacks so that when the other game is finished we won't have a billion troops
2012-04-05 06:48:12 - ianphull: why not just build one big stack then hit who loses!
2012-04-06 03:15:37 - chapcrap: whichever 2 people lose, need to suicide on each other here
2012-04-06 03:15:45 - chapcrap: i'll stop the attacking for now
2012-04-06 03:15:57 - chapcrap: i think i took some hundreds from each of us
2012-04-06 03:16:02 - chapcrap: more from myself than anyone else
2012-04-06 03:16:23 - chapcrap: but, ian is right, making a large stack will make it easier
2012-04-06 03:16:29 - chapcrap: i'll start forting all my men to one spot
2012-04-13 02:25:40 - chapcrap: well, i won the tiebreaker
2012-04-13 02:25:46 - chapcrap: ...
2012-04-13 02:26:01 - chapcrap: i guess you two can suicide each other and then me take you out after?
2012-04-15 16:04:37 - ianphull: sorry just wanted to kill him after he messed the other game up for us both!
2012-04-15 16:04:44 - ianphull: wp mate