Play States
Play By Clickable Map
Deploy: Click on territory to deploy, choose number to deploy and click again to make deployment
Assault: Click on a territory to Assault from, then on a territory to Assault (right click to Auto Assault)
Advance: Click on conquered territory to choose to advance, choose number to advance, then click again to advance. Click on conquering territory to advance zero.
Reinforce: Click on a territory to Reinforce from, then on a territory to Reinforce to. Click again to confirm.
Play By Keyboard and Mouse
N Key: Skip to next game, Jump to next game
B Key: Begin Turn
E Key: End Deployment, End Assaults, End Reinforcement
L Key: Later (decline to play spoils)
W,S Keys: Increase/decrease troop quantity (slow)
Q,A Keys: Increase/decrease troop quantity (fast)
Mouse Wheel: Change troop quantity by scrolling over the selected region.
CTRL Key + Click: You can always use CTRL-click instead of the right mouse button.
Middle Click: To advance to next stage (Begin Turn, End Assaults, etc.) click the middle mouse button anywhere on the map.
2011-09-14 23:49:23 - marvis: wow you idiot... you going to kill us both. wtf??
2011-09-14 23:50:38 - ProtoSser: you keep breaking me. I pulled back so you could have that bonus, and left like 44 men theree, and you attacke d
2011-09-14 23:50:44 - ProtoSser: thats why i retaliate.
2011-09-14 23:51:04 - ProtoSser: Hense my messeage, about your retaliation.
2011-09-15 18:24:50 - ProtoSser: you broke one of my bonuses before, i did the same for you that round. :)
2011-09-15 18:25:23 - ProtoSser: But hey not to worry. If you keep up this war against me, im sure you would win!!
2011-09-15 19:01:31 - marvis: i realize that, but then fawkes is going to have a huge upper hand..
2011-09-15 19:25:54 - ProtoSser: Like i said before, i left that region so you could have that bonus before, but you came after me, after that i only retaliated.
2011-09-16 00:43:09 - Scorned Woman: you guys should just let me win so you lose less points ; )
2011-09-16 01:12:29 - Scorned Woman: gg, guys!
2011-09-16 02:27:39 - Fawkes: you waited too long to unleash your fury
2011-09-16 06:04:00 - ProtoSser: i know. . too slow
2011-09-16 13:33:39 - Fawkes: i was talking to scorned woman
2011-09-16 13:34:07 - Fawkes: hell has no fury...
2011-09-19 13:51:45 - Fawkes: so gray, how about some kind of a truce?
2011-09-19 18:27:50 - marvis: sure lets take em out its our ony chance
2011-09-19 21:25:53 - Fawkes: so, a truce until teal is out?
2011-09-19 22:53:05 - marvis: yea im ok with that
2011-09-19 23:06:39 - ProtoSser: what the heck, how did i get the short end of the stick on that one.
2011-09-19 23:09:02 - ProtoSser: grey, how about you give me a chance and dont attack me and ill go after blue?
2011-09-19 23:17:51 - ProtoSser: Since blue obviously wants to start something aginst me. I hope you can leave me alone until him and i settle this.
2011-09-19 23:17:53 - ProtoSser: GG
2011-09-20 17:07:44 - ProtoSser: frankly blue, i dont know why you chose to take me out over grey, when i was already going aginst him. you could have easily offerd me that deal as i was doing way more damage, and we both would have been betteer of had either of us won
2011-09-20 17:08:54 - ProtoSser: I did give grey a sweet deal too. looks like he only accepted 20 percent of it. I should have attacked him last round and not just this one. But you were intent coming after me bad
2011-09-20 17:09:38 - ProtoSser: I will say though, together we have a glimmer of hope. up to you if you want to try.
2011-09-20 17:15:13 - ProtoSser: Actually, I guess your coordinates attacks worked. Very little hope for either one of us.
2011-09-22 22:57:23 - Fawkes: i started another game
2011-09-22 22:57:28 - Fawkes: please join
2011-09-22 22:57:41 - Fawkes: and teal it was nothing personal against you
2011-09-22 22:57:54 - Fawkes: I thought I would win that way
2011-09-22 22:58:00 - Fawkes: apparently I miscalculated
2011-09-22 22:58:22 - Fawkes: game 9792864
2011-09-23 14:08:30 - Fawkes: gray here is a 3 turn notice
2011-09-23 14:08:56 - Fawkes: no truce in round 91
2011-09-23 19:30:53 - ProtoSser: grey, you are only lessening your troops for when blue attacks. but i gues you have a a good enough lead anyways
2011-09-23 19:31:48 - ProtoSser: just annoying how I said I would not attack you and just go after blue, and you just kept going at me.
2011-09-23 19:43:01 - ProtoSser: but from the message from Fawkes in my Inbox, im sure you guys had secret deals going back a while
2011-09-23 23:51:26 - Fawkes: no secret deal and the only message in your inbox is that it was your turn
2011-09-24 20:31:31 - marvis: absolutly no secret message. and thanks for the heads up fawkes.
2011-09-26 05:53:29 - marvis: this sucks.teal will come back and this will last till round forever.
2011-09-28 19:07:19 - ProtoSser: cant believe we broke the 100 round mark.. my second highest active game at the moment.
2011-09-28 22:42:09 - marvis: wow such bad rolls.. bad timing
2011-09-29 14:02:19 - ProtoSser: gg blue
2011-09-29 18:24:06 - Fawkes: yeah
2011-09-29 18:24:07 - Fawkes: gg
2011-09-30 22:41:43 - Fawkes: gray just gave up?
2011-09-30 22:55:23 - ProtoSser: dont worry blue, you arent my target
2011-09-30 23:00:26 - Fawkes: right, b/c i have 1 territory left
2011-09-30 23:00:33 - Fawkes: why dont you just finish me
2011-10-02 17:05:41 - ProtoSser: gg