Play States
Play By Clickable Map
Deploy: Click on territory to deploy, choose number to deploy and click again to make deployment
Assault: Click on a territory to Assault from, then on a territory to Assault (right click to Auto Assault)
Advance: Click on conquered territory to choose to advance, choose number to advance, then click again to advance. Click on conquering territory to advance zero.
Reinforce: Click on a territory to Reinforce from, then on a territory to Reinforce to. Click again to confirm.
Play By Keyboard and Mouse
N Key: Skip to next game, Jump to next game
B Key: Begin Turn
E Key: End Deployment, End Assaults, End Reinforcement
L Key: Later (decline to play spoils)
W,S Keys: Increase/decrease troop quantity (slow)
Q,A Keys: Increase/decrease troop quantity (fast)
Mouse Wheel: Change troop quantity by scrolling over the selected region.
CTRL Key + Click: You can always use CTRL-click instead of the right mouse button.
Middle Click: To advance to next stage (Begin Turn, End Assaults, etc.) click the middle mouse button anywhere on the map.
2011-06-23 01:12:10 - TOBIASAN: hello again and gl everyone
2011-06-23 21:15:16 - catnipdreams: hi, gl & hf =)
2011-06-26 23:44:05 - WILLIAMS5232: good luck again,
2011-07-07 15:44:38 - Mad777: Remember, Virginia cannot be join at the 1st place of this Group and he's qualify for Round 2 already...hoping you still have fun anyway!
2011-07-24 01:05:02 - Mad777: How we look so far here? Big fight?
2011-07-24 01:20:17 - WILLIAMS5232: it's locked up like a pet squirrel at the moment. this is just how these multiple player games go with no spoils though.
2011-07-25 16:23:23 - Mad777: I see....thanks
2011-08-17 22:41:53 - Mad777: Still lock'out?
2011-08-19 00:02:22 - WILLIAMS5232: fraid so.
2011-08-21 13:48:18 - lynch5762: lol.. I was wondering where and how big green... I guess I found out
2011-08-21 14:22:43 - WILLIAMS5232: well, i'm surely not the biggest. especially after we had our little scrimmage game some time ago. this game seems to me to be very delicate atm.
2011-08-21 21:19:31 - lynch5762: me either... I have been trying to gane ground but it's a good group of players... I'm guessing no spoils was not the right pick for this game... my fault guys
2011-08-21 21:19:40 - lynch5762: err.. gain
2011-08-30 02:51:56 - TOBIASAN: red would you like to exchange paris c for something in your favour??
2011-08-30 03:16:54 - Mad777: lol, seems like we go with some "Monopoly" rules...I like it!
2011-08-30 23:51:10 - WILLIAMS5232: i like no holds barred play. i just can't help it. monopoly can be a very fun game if there are no restirictions. i've paid people rent for them to keep them from selling. :)
2011-08-30 23:52:36 - WILLIAMS5232: hey snarf, didn't realize that was your bonus, i don't mind you keeping that, i just didn't like you breaking mine, i'm colorblind and these bonuses are hard to notice.
2011-08-31 23:56:18 - Mad777: ""i don't mind you keeping that, i just didn't like you breaking mine, i'm colorblind and these bonuses are hard to notice"" --> lol
2011-09-07 10:07:00 - lynch5762: blue I red chat after turn... I dont mind moving that and will do so on my next turn
2011-09-07 10:08:03 - lynch5762: B would be a great place... hint hint green.. :)
2011-09-07 21:33:04 - WILLIAMS5232: i love being all friendly :)
2011-09-08 07:12:43 - lynch5762: we are like a big ol happy family now.. :) ... of course this game will probably outlast the tournament but oh well.. lol
2011-09-08 22:09:03 - WILLIAMS5232: oh well, this is your map right lynch?
2011-09-09 02:34:14 - lynch5762: ya... I should have known better than no spoils.. I regret that now but hey?? I enjoy hanging out with you guys.. lol
2011-09-10 00:33:31 - WILLIAMS5232: oh well, at least we don't have to play you're next one in the rest of the tourney. :)
2011-09-10 07:48:17 - lynch5762: lol... I am wondering if i want to either.. ;)
2011-09-14 18:32:12 - lynch5762: gg pink
2011-09-27 01:38:00 - WILLIAMS5232: not going after you blue, just trying to get back at my buddy there. and geez. i've never done that poorly on an auto-assault with large amounts. i was expecting to have nearly 100 or so left to plunder bonuses with. :(
2011-09-27 02:27:49 - lynch5762: I think you did your damage.. :)
2011-09-27 02:30:45 - WILLIAMS5232: yeah, thanks me huh. well, just remember, you started it. :o
2011-09-27 04:54:13 - lynch5762: oh trust me I no brother... no worry at all... lol... I brought this on us all I am now just seeking and end.. lol
2011-09-27 04:55:20 - lynch5762: lol... not sure what I meant by that but I am quite certain that I should give up on trying to speak slang.. lol
2011-09-29 03:49:43 - catnipdreams: gg, all