Play States
Play By Clickable Map
Deploy: Click on territory to deploy, choose number to deploy and click again to make deployment
Assault: Click on a territory to Assault from, then on a territory to Assault (right click to Auto Assault)
Advance: Click on conquered territory to choose to advance, choose number to advance, then click again to advance. Click on conquering territory to advance zero.
Reinforce: Click on a territory to Reinforce from, then on a territory to Reinforce to. Click again to confirm.
Play By Keyboard and Mouse
N Key: Skip to next game, Jump to next game
B Key: Begin Turn
E Key: End Deployment, End Assaults, End Reinforcement
L Key: Later (decline to play spoils)
W,S Keys: Increase/decrease troop quantity (slow)
Q,A Keys: Increase/decrease troop quantity (fast)
Mouse Wheel: Change troop quantity by scrolling over the selected region.
CTRL Key + Click: You can always use CTRL-click instead of the right mouse button.
Middle Click: To advance to next stage (Begin Turn, End Assaults, etc.) click the middle mouse button anywhere on the map.
2011-04-28 21:34:33 - MyTurnToWin: Hello & GL
2011-05-02 14:11:07 - Tammy DeLee: ty you too!
2011-05-02 14:11:56 - Tammy DeLee: Hi ralphie! dont matter, you wont acknowlege me in this game either... :-(
2011-05-02 19:09:18 - MyTurnToWin: Hi Tammy, I'm not ralphie, but I'll acknowledge you! : )
2011-05-04 13:53:10 - Tammy DeLee: lol
2011-05-04 13:53:17 - Tammy DeLee: thanks
2011-05-09 21:12:04 - ralphcptc: sorry Tams...busy and check chat very rarely. I apologize for my rudeness
2011-05-11 05:52:21 - Tammy DeLee: oh, your never rude ralphie! I annoy myself sometimes, so i can understand how you all must feel. but I am working on it! very slowly, but I am! :-)
2011-05-16 20:27:12 - MyTurnToWin: GG The Saxlad
2011-05-17 03:22:41 - Super Nova: GG Tammy
2011-05-17 03:25:35 - Super Nova: Truce till round 12 pink? We both have the fire power to hurt each other rather badly (my next set is worth 10) and I want to avoid that.
2011-05-17 20:18:06 - MyTurnToWin: truce in a tournament game?????
2011-05-19 04:31:29 - Super Nova: whoops, sorry for the miss...
2011-05-19 04:32:35 - Super Nova: and truce in a tournament game? diplomacy is a good chunk of the strategy in this game: why shouldn't it be allowed in tournaments?
2011-05-19 04:36:32 - Super Nova: of course, I'm now realizing that you're just employing your own diplomacy because you really don't want me and pink trucing
2011-05-19 04:36:46 - Super Nova: the offer stands pink.
2011-05-19 19:02:06 - MyTurnToWin: Actually, the issue of truces came up before in another tourney and the moderators said it was "unethical" though not currently a rule.
2011-05-19 22:21:06 - Pheonix.bradley: sorry i agree with blue, its a tourney
2011-05-21 18:17:52 - Super Nova: I still don't agree with that, but okay.
2011-05-21 18:18:27 - Super Nova: Btw, sorry for all the misses, although this should be the last one
2011-05-26 04:12:08 - Super Nova: I have a large set pink.
2011-05-26 23:25:57 - Pheonix.bradley: blue has a larger one, but everyone is still hitting me every turn
2011-05-27 03:13:26 - Super Nova: Feel like trucing yet?
2011-05-27 19:39:19 - Pheonix.bradley: its too late for me, i got 3 wayed for to many turns, u guys have gotta worry bout each other now, gl
2011-06-01 09:24:45 - Pheonix.bradley: ease up on me orange please, blue is your concern
2011-06-03 19:34:49 - benga: jug68 for benga
2011-06-14 01:48:14 - ralphcptc: gg