Play States
Play By Clickable Map
Deploy: Click on territory to deploy, choose number to deploy and click again to make deployment
Assault: Click on a territory to Assault from, then on a territory to Assault (right click to Auto Assault)
Advance: Click on conquered territory to choose to advance, choose number to advance, then click again to advance. Click on conquering territory to advance zero.
Reinforce: Click on a territory to Reinforce from, then on a territory to Reinforce to. Click again to confirm.
Play By Keyboard and Mouse
N Key: Skip to next game, Jump to next game
B Key: Begin Turn
E Key: End Deployment, End Assaults, End Reinforcement
L Key: Later (decline to play spoils)
W,S Keys: Increase/decrease troop quantity (slow)
Q,A Keys: Increase/decrease troop quantity (fast)
Mouse Wheel: Change troop quantity by scrolling over the selected region.
CTRL Key + Click: You can always use CTRL-click instead of the right mouse button.
Middle Click: To advance to next stage (Begin Turn, End Assaults, etc.) click the middle mouse button anywhere on the map.
2007-09-19 23:51:16 - bryce29: no i think its +2 if you have 2 zeroes.... if you have 4 its +4 and if you have all zeroes its +7
2007-09-19 23:52:08 - bryce29: so you cant addition 2+4+7
2007-09-19 23:52:17 - bryce29: its just +7 for zeroes
2007-09-19 23:52:39 - bryce29: i see everybody is good now
2007-09-21 16:49:47 - Fag_Ash: thats how it should be.,... i dont know if its fixed but was working them out wrong and giving bonuses for all
2007-09-22 14:06:53 - ParadiceCity9: goddamn COX Digital Cable had an outtage...
2007-09-22 15:20:27 - bryce29: really?
2007-09-22 15:20:30 - bryce29: its bad
2007-09-23 23:46:33 - 2dank: *WILLING
2007-09-25 10:35:39 - ParadiceCity9: well, i sohuld be in better position with 19 more armies, but my internet gave out ....still really pissed about that lol
2007-09-26 20:58:01 - 2dank: Looks like Green & Teal have gotten very strong. This map is tough!
2007-09-30 11:58:42 - TITANS: i think green will win...hes the strongest
2007-10-01 23:11:36 - bryce29: i have the less army on the map
2007-10-05 17:41:16 - bryce29: rd have more than 100 army
2007-10-11 22:46:12 - nath21: my last strike ah that felt good goodbye all and gl
2007-10-12 04:40:58 - bryce29: lucky last strike
2007-10-13 22:34:16 - TITANS: gg nath
2007-10-22 22:31:35 - TITANS: gg green
2007-10-24 21:19:49 - bryce29: ok everybody's here :)
2007-10-24 21:20:15 - bryce29: light blue??? why ?
2007-10-24 21:20:23 - bryce29: you wana give the gameto the pink?
2007-10-25 01:27:10 - TITANS: gg lt blue
2007-10-25 01:28:09 - TITANS: thought you were taking me out earlier
2007-10-25 07:19:52 - bryce29: lol titans
2007-10-26 21:08:57 - ParadiceCity9: sorry for that missed
2007-11-05 16:34:43 - ParadiceCity9: pink we have no reason to threaten each other, truce for now?
2007-11-05 16:45:19 - bryce29: truce?!
2007-11-05 16:45:24 - bryce29: ok light blue
2007-11-05 16:45:28 - bryce29: i dont care of pink
2007-11-05 16:45:40 - bryce29: all my force will be against you if you wanna truce
2007-11-05 16:46:01 - bryce29: we are all equity
2007-11-05 16:46:50 - bryce29: thats bad to propose a truce for this game
2007-11-05 16:46:55 - bryce29: we are 3
2007-11-05 17:53:00 - bryce29: you really want a truce with pink?
2007-11-05 18:01:17 - ParadiceCity9: well considering that you have nearly the strength of both pink and i put together, yes
2007-11-05 18:40:25 - bryce29: not at all i am like you
2007-11-05 20:12:45 - ParadiceCity9: do you have greasemonkey?
2007-11-05 20:31:26 - bryce29: what is greasemonkey?
2007-11-05 20:38:36 - ParadiceCity9: its a plug-in that tells you a bunch of stats about the game
2007-11-05 20:39:39 - ParadiceCity9: get it here:
2007-11-05 20:41:47 - bryce29: thx
2007-11-05 21:24:30 - bryce29: dont give the game to thepink please
2007-11-05 21:26:22 - bryce29: just one army one army on phelps...
2007-11-06 17:42:23 - TITANS: bryce you still have over 350 men and get 28 men per turn...for me to attack par is suicide
2007-11-07 11:22:16 - bryce29: light blue you will kill me and after pink will kill you
2007-11-20 20:10:35 - ParadiceCity9: gg bryce
2007-11-20 20:11:34 - TITANS: gg bryce
2007-11-20 20:23:50 - ParadiceCity9: gg man
2007-11-20 20:35:31 - TITANS: sorry i missed one gg