Play States
Play By Clickable Map
Deploy: Click on territory to deploy, choose number to deploy and click again to make deployment
Assault: Click on a territory to Assault from, then on a territory to Assault (right click to Auto Assault)
Advance: Click on conquered territory to choose to advance, choose number to advance, then click again to advance. Click on conquering territory to advance zero.
Reinforce: Click on a territory to Reinforce from, then on a territory to Reinforce to. Click again to confirm.
Play By Keyboard and Mouse
N Key: Skip to next game, Jump to next game
B Key: Begin Turn
E Key: End Deployment, End Assaults, End Reinforcement
L Key: Later (decline to play spoils)
W,S Keys: Increase/decrease troop quantity (slow)
Q,A Keys: Increase/decrease troop quantity (fast)
Mouse Wheel: Change troop quantity by scrolling over the selected region.
CTRL Key + Click: You can always use CTRL-click instead of the right mouse button.
Middle Click: To advance to next stage (Begin Turn, End Assaults, etc.) click the middle mouse button anywhere on the map.
2011-01-27 00:04:34 - MichaelLog: Blue's gonna win if we don't get rid of his continent bonus. I suggest a truce between the other three of us for one round. I
2011-01-27 00:05:06 - MichaelLog: am going to do my best to get rid of his bonus now, I hope you all at least realize I'm doing you a favor.
2011-01-27 00:32:47 - DaBoss: Oh come on now. I am not about to win. If anything I am in the second worst position
2011-01-27 00:34:52 - The Z: thanks red. I needed to focus on strentghing my own bonus
2011-01-27 04:26:44 - MichaelLog: Well now I'm leastr worried about you. It sucks being in my position. From my perspective, everyoen seems to be winning.
2011-01-27 04:39:02 - MichaelLog: We should definitely get rid of green's africa bonus. He won the first game. >.>
2011-01-27 12:06:31 - The Z: I got rid of Africa's bonus
2011-01-27 16:52:26 - piderman: It's true, he did.
2011-01-27 17:08:46 - MichaelLog: Nice!
2011-01-27 17:20:34 - MichaelLog: Ah man, blue. Not winning my butt.
2011-01-27 17:28:21 - DaBoss: I got lucky. Bad rolls on your part to good rolls on mine.
2011-01-27 21:57:14 - The Z: I am being plague with bad dice
2011-01-27 22:02:33 - MichaelLog: Green, Get Blue!!!!
2011-01-27 23:10:53 - piderman: Here goes!
2011-01-27 23:33:23 - DaBoss: Green is more a threat than I am. And he is about to kill off yellow. You should be fighting him not me red
2011-01-27 23:52:47 - MichaelLog: Alright. Move your troops out of europe and I'll agree not to attack you over that border if you do the same for me
2011-01-27 23:59:13 - MichaelLog: Wow green, way to give it to blue. That's game, eh?
2011-01-28 00:08:43 - piderman: Blue, at least you'll get cards. Thanks red, that's the idea! I hope.
2011-01-28 00:18:31 - DaBoss: I will pull out as you asked red.
2011-01-28 00:21:41 - DaBoss: Notice red who has the largest bonus to come. And who won the last game.
2011-01-28 01:17:29 - piderman: Go Dakar
2011-01-28 01:19:21 - piderman: Well red? Treaty? 14 v 6 isn't looking good for your previous treaty
2011-01-28 01:20:34 - piderman: Both of us combined have fewer troops than he.
2011-01-28 01:21:02 - MichaelLog: Well green I'm glad that we had that little pow wow while blue took over south America, but even though I can't attack blue from Europe, it would probably be smart for us to agree not to attack each other until he's in a weaker position.
2011-01-28 01:21:48 - MichaelLog: I suppose we're in agreement then.
2011-01-28 01:27:04 - DaBoss: I only reinforced my borders. If I had planned to attack you red I could have. But why woud I betray the truce?
2011-01-28 01:31:47 - piderman: Sarcasm is a nice touch. Mexico wasn't a viable path for me. We're in agreement.
2011-01-28 01:34:03 - DaBoss: No
2011-01-28 01:34:06 - DaBoss: It can't be
2011-01-28 01:34:08 - DaBoss: So close
2011-01-28 01:39:22 - DaBoss: I don't suppose you would be willing to NAP with me for the moment Green?
2011-01-28 01:44:51 - piderman: I think that would be suicide at this point
2011-01-28 01:50:35 - DaBoss: You are actually in the better position
2011-01-28 01:50:52 - DaBoss: Your borders are fortified
2011-01-28 01:51:01 - DaBoss: Mine not so much
2011-01-28 01:56:55 - MichaelLog: I hope you realize we have two more games to play together, blue
2011-01-28 01:58:42 - DaBoss: I do. I did not break the pact until after you had agree to ally against me with green. I told no lies
2011-01-28 01:59:45 - MichaelLog: Well, green, I believe our treaty still stands
2011-01-28 01:59:57 - DaBoss: Think though, if you attack me now you likely will cripple me and yourself letting green come in and win again.
2011-01-28 02:01:52 - piderman: It does. Sorry about those dice
2011-01-28 02:02:34 - MichaelLog: I have the dice of a castrated squirell
2011-01-28 02:03:05 - DaBoss: You have doomed us both
2011-01-28 02:04:07 - piderman: Man, squirrels these days
2011-01-28 02:05:55 - piderman: Yep.
2011-01-28 02:06:27 - piderman: Referring to my dice roll of a similar squirrel type
2011-01-28 02:54:21 - MichaelLog: That was awful
2011-01-28 03:04:34 - MichaelLog: I think we can all agree on one thing: eliminating theZ makes for a fast game.
2011-01-28 03:05:20 - DaBoss: I would agree. lol The game does go faster
2011-01-28 03:09:53 - DaBoss: Good game Micheallog. You fought well
2011-01-28 03:14:19 - DaBoss: Goodgame all.