Play States
Play By Clickable Map
Deploy: Click on territory to deploy, choose number to deploy and click again to make deployment
Assault: Click on a territory to Assault from, then on a territory to Assault (right click to Auto Assault)
Advance: Click on conquered territory to choose to advance, choose number to advance, then click again to advance. Click on conquering territory to advance zero.
Reinforce: Click on a territory to Reinforce from, then on a territory to Reinforce to. Click again to confirm.
Play By Keyboard and Mouse
N Key: Skip to next game, Jump to next game
B Key: Begin Turn
E Key: End Deployment, End Assaults, End Reinforcement
L Key: Later (decline to play spoils)
W,S Keys: Increase/decrease troop quantity (slow)
Q,A Keys: Increase/decrease troop quantity (fast)
Mouse Wheel: Change troop quantity by scrolling over the selected region.
CTRL Key + Click: You can always use CTRL-click instead of the right mouse button.
Middle Click: To advance to next stage (Begin Turn, End Assaults, etc.) click the middle mouse button anywhere on the map.
2011-01-22 03:06:42 - Game has been initialized
2011-03-05 18:00:51 - cachejob eliminated tenbar from the game
2011-03-05 22:46:19 - Shatners Bassoon eliminated dazza2008 from the game
2011-03-05 22:47:51 - Shatners Bassoon eliminated Claudard from the game
2011-03-08 19:04:06 - Shatners Bassoon eliminated BlackKnight_6 from the game
2011-03-08 19:04:06 - Dako, cachejob, elfish_lad, Shatners Bassoon won the game
2011-03-08 19:04:06 - dazza2008 lost 10 points
2011-03-08 19:04:06 - BlackKnight_6 lost 10 points
2011-03-08 19:04:06 - Claudard lost 10 points
2011-03-08 19:04:06 - tenbar lost 10 points
2011-03-08 19:04:06 - Dako gained 10 points
2011-03-08 19:04:06 - cachejob gained 10 points
2011-03-08 19:04:06 - elfish_lad gained 10 points
2011-03-08 19:04:06 - Shatners Bassoon gained 10 points
2011-01-22 08:44:21 - BlackKnight_6: good luck all
2011-01-22 12:13:01 - Dako: and the 12h rule? Please tell us what you have done in the 1st turn according to the clan war rules
2011-01-22 12:13:06 - Dako: good luck to you as wel
2011-01-22 18:05:23 - BlackKnight_6: hi, sorry I don't understand the 12h rule. I've just checked and I'm still not sure.
2011-01-22 18:06:43 - BlackKnight_6: does that mean we have to wait 12h before playing the first round?
2011-01-22 18:07:21 - BlackKnight_6: ok, in the interest of fair-play - here's what I did. I deployed all on South Beach (in three batches of 1)
2011-01-22 18:07:51 - BlackKnight_6: And I then I forted the Mall from Eltingville.
2011-01-22 18:08:25 - BlackKnight_6: If I didn't need to tell you that then oh well. But please clarify the 12h rule.
2011-01-22 18:33:50 - elfish_lad: heya mate, 12 hour rule means that the first team to play in a fog game waits 12 hours before starting
2011-01-22 18:34:10 - elfish_lad: that way the other team has a chance to take snapshots
2011-01-22 20:57:18 - cachejob: gla, hf
2011-01-22 21:02:40 - elfish_lad: gl team two
2011-01-22 21:05:29 - dazza2008: gl all
2011-01-22 21:30:59 - BlackKnight_6: ok cool - understood for next time
2011-01-23 10:59:14 - Claudard: Good luck to all, have fun
2011-01-23 17:23:03 - tenbar: enjoy the game everyone!
2011-01-30 08:21:34 - TheSaxlad: Go Go GO Crusaders!!!!
2011-02-07 20:04:03 - BlackKnight_6: what is the deal when a player misses a turn in a clan war? are there rules about that?
2011-02-07 21:33:05 - Dako: no rules, i was damn busy this day. just a miss by us
2011-02-08 05:31:47 - elfish_lad: Dako buys his team a beer?
2011-02-08 09:46:05 - Claudard: No, he should by our team a
2011-02-14 15:53:58 - Claudard: theCrown for Claudard
2011-02-16 19:04:56 - Claudard: dazza2008 for Claudard
2011-02-16 19:56:16 - Dako: damn, crusaders, this game gives me a headache every day.
2011-02-16 20:05:15 - BlackKnight_6: If you surrender Dako the pain will be over.
2011-02-16 20:17:04 - Dako: Ha, I can fight! (though it should be your line :D
2011-02-17 20:49:11 - Claudard: dazza2008 for Claudard.
2011-02-19 20:52:07 - Claudard: mcshanester29 for claudard
2011-02-21 20:35:42 - Claudard: TheCrown for Claud
2011-02-24 04:59:52 - Claudard: mcshanester29 for claudard
2011-02-25 15:18:05 - Chariot of Fire: Had no idea these were still going on. It's nearly Easter chaps, chop chop
2011-02-25 15:19:07 - Dako: chop chop, those Crusaders are tough to overcome
2011-03-05 18:01:48 - cachejob: gg tenbar
2011-03-05 22:48:43 - Shatners Bassoon: gg guys,was a pretty epic battle!
2011-03-06 16:48:30 - Chariot of Fire: wow, still going on? gg guys
2011-03-06 20:46:23 - BlackKnight_6: Oh man... Dako now it's my head that's hurting.
2011-03-06 20:46:52 - BlackKnight_6: Still, I think this is the last in our war against you guys. Kinda ironic I'm the last one standing (with no legs, no arms...)
2011-03-06 20:47:14 - BlackKnight_6: SO COME AND GET ME!
2011-03-06 20:47:38 - BlackKnight_6: I'M TAKING AS MANY OF YOU TOFU GUYS WITH ME AS I CAN!
2011-03-06 20:48:25 - Dako: bay ridge is kind of a good place for the last terrotury :)
2011-03-07 02:01:54 - cachejob: gg crusaders
2011-03-07 08:11:33 - BlackKnight_6: gasp... pant... pant... good game TOFU... I think I'll bear the scars for quite some time...