Play States
Play By Clickable Map
Deploy: Click on territory to deploy, choose number to deploy and click again to make deployment
Assault: Click on a territory to Assault from, then on a territory to Assault (right click to Auto Assault)
Advance: Click on conquered territory to choose to advance, choose number to advance, then click again to advance. Click on conquering territory to advance zero.
Reinforce: Click on a territory to Reinforce from, then on a territory to Reinforce to. Click again to confirm.
Play By Keyboard and Mouse
N Key: Skip to next game, Jump to next game
B Key: Begin Turn
E Key: End Deployment, End Assaults, End Reinforcement
L Key: Later (decline to play spoils)
W,S Keys: Increase/decrease troop quantity (slow)
Q,A Keys: Increase/decrease troop quantity (fast)
Mouse Wheel: Change troop quantity by scrolling over the selected region.
CTRL Key + Click: You can always use CTRL-click instead of the right mouse button.
Middle Click: To advance to next stage (Begin Turn, End Assaults, etc.) click the middle mouse button anywhere on the map.
2010-12-05 21:28:29 - Game has been initialized
2010-12-19 22:18:56 - Liliputanac eliminated danryan from the game
2010-12-19 22:19:55 - Liliputanac eliminated HippieBroker from the game
2010-12-20 07:55:35 - mario44 eliminated InnyaFacce from the game
2010-12-20 07:55:35 - Liliputanac, mario44, Zoki77 won the game
2010-12-20 07:55:35 - danryan lost 30 points
2010-12-20 07:55:35 - HippieBroker lost 30 points
2010-12-20 07:55:35 - InnyaFacce lost 30 points
2010-12-20 07:55:35 - Liliputanac gained 30 points
2010-12-20 07:55:35 - mario44 gained 30 points
2010-12-20 07:55:35 - Zoki77 gained 30 points
2010-12-05 23:30:10 - Zoki77: gl
2010-12-06 01:18:15 - danryan: gl
2010-12-07 22:07:28 - HippieBroker: this is like deja vu! you're a tough team to beat when you are rolling well!
2010-12-07 22:07:42 - HippieBroker: any chance you could miss the next couple of turns??!! :)
2010-12-07 22:38:24 - Zoki77: he had 13 mostly attacking 1 or 2
2010-12-07 22:39:03 - Zoki77: so it is not really somethig special :)
2010-12-09 22:54:42 - HippieBroker: you were up 13 guys after rd 2....not as good as your last game I admit, but still pretty steller
2010-12-09 22:59:12 - HippieBroker: i haven't seen a bad turn from you guys yet in a game and a half....that would be "something special" :)
2010-12-10 07:41:26 - Zoki77: we are now 9 up. Yellow got 7 on 1 round and blue got -1 on 2 rounds
2010-12-10 07:42:17 - Zoki77: vhen you take that 4 extra and -2 the difference on the dice is 3
2010-12-10 07:44:02 - Zoki77: i see you have completed 3000 games, i really don't beleieve this is one of better dices you have seen :)
2010-12-12 05:03:11 - HippieBroker: i've seen better....but i rarely see piss poor rolling from freemiums
2010-12-12 05:03:56 - HippieBroker: i've seen more poor turns for us in these 2 games than i'm sure you've seen in your 130 games
2010-12-12 05:05:50 - HippieBroker: don't ever fork over the $25. you'll become as pissy as me. but you'll have a reason to when you get to see things from the other side of the street
2010-12-12 05:05:57 - HippieBroker: gg...wp...again
2010-12-12 06:38:21 - Zoki77: you are so wrong but there is no need to discuss this since you are convinced thta freemiums get better dice
2010-12-13 09:15:02 - Zoki77: green won't be happy :)
2010-12-13 21:50:09 - HippieBroker: you are just outplayed us in both games. the fact i haven't won a single roll in 3 rds is pure skill on your part
2010-12-13 21:50:58 - HippieBroker: best of luck in the rest of the tourney. if your theory is correct you'll need it. if my theory is correct, you won't
2010-12-13 21:53:02 - HippieBroker: and don't rate my partners poorly...i'm the only ass here :)
2010-12-14 09:04:03 - Zoki77: i usually don't rate at all ,almost never badly
2010-12-14 09:04:47 - Zoki77: and i never rate on waht people say, just how they play :)
2010-12-14 09:08:44 - Zoki77: unfortunately many times here luck will help you more then a good strat, so yeah we are going to need it
2010-12-18 02:40:42 - HippieBroker: you have played well....good dice aside you still would have been damn tough to beat.
2010-12-18 02:40:56 - HippieBroker: seriously best of luck going forward. cheers
2010-12-18 16:50:50 - Zoki77: thx
2010-12-18 16:51:01 - Zoki77: gg
2010-12-19 22:20:19 - Liliputanac: :)
2010-12-20 09:28:38 - Liliputanac: gg