Play States
Play By Clickable Map
Deploy: Click on territory to deploy, choose number to deploy and click again to make deployment
Assault: Click on a territory to Assault from, then on a territory to Assault (right click to Auto Assault)
Advance: Click on conquered territory to choose to advance, choose number to advance, then click again to advance. Click on conquering territory to advance zero.
Reinforce: Click on a territory to Reinforce from, then on a territory to Reinforce to. Click again to confirm.
Play By Keyboard and Mouse
N Key: Skip to next game, Jump to next game
B Key: Begin Turn
E Key: End Deployment, End Assaults, End Reinforcement
L Key: Later (decline to play spoils)
W,S Keys: Increase/decrease troop quantity (slow)
Q,A Keys: Increase/decrease troop quantity (fast)
Mouse Wheel: Change troop quantity by scrolling over the selected region.
CTRL Key + Click: You can always use CTRL-click instead of the right mouse button.
Middle Click: To advance to next stage (Begin Turn, End Assaults, etc.) click the middle mouse button anywhere on the map.
2010-11-28 18:55:00 - gradybridges: good luck
2010-11-28 18:55:02 - gradybridges: Reminder-2 ways to advance #1 Win the match
2010-11-28 18:55:11 - gradybridges: 2nd-Have the most points gained(no points deducted for being knocked out) of the non winners in your group. If the winner Terminates all 5 competitors then the last person eliminated will advance
2010-11-28 18:55:23 - gradybridges: THis means points taken from eliminating a player-not number of "kills"
2010-11-29 01:40:24 - deputydogg21: gl all have fun
2010-12-01 07:00:30 - deputydogg21: lf2m trips game 8059362 seige map awsome map join if interested
2010-12-03 04:05:58 - bobafart: thx you too.
2010-12-03 08:55:30 - deputydogg21: anytime bud its a pleasure to face u all on the battle field d^_^b
2010-12-08 05:21:39 - murphy16: Teal you moron, this whole game you have been suiciding me
2010-12-08 05:22:29 - deputydogg21: no id rather attack u then attack me man
2010-12-08 05:22:36 - deputydogg21: sorry that u feel that way
2010-12-08 05:23:16 - deputydogg21: im just trying to stay alive it honestley has nothing to d with u man
2010-12-08 05:23:34 - murphy16: It's fucking flat rate, why would I run over your stack at this point in the game
2010-12-08 05:23:45 - murphy16: well you just killed both of us
2010-12-08 05:24:42 - deputydogg21: no i didnt
2010-12-08 05:25:15 - deputydogg21: u might think that
2010-12-08 05:25:41 - deputydogg21: really though id rather roll 3 die rather then 2 when u attack me
2010-12-08 05:28:33 - deputydogg21: i just felt that u woulda attacked me so i only meant to lower ur troop #'s like i did when u had 8 in canarsie nd 8in east flatbrush its not my fault u left them
2010-12-08 05:29:17 - deputydogg21: that way maybe if it was 16 i woulda stayed away but i had no other options
2010-12-08 05:29:55 - deputydogg21: to knock one group out and i was gonna move bak to middle village but u blocked my escape route
2010-12-08 05:31:28 - deputydogg21: like i said honestly im sorry u feel that way. i would appreciate it if u didnt call me names. its just a game man
2010-12-08 05:32:20 - deputydogg21: have fun and enjoy yourself win or lose it matters not right
2010-12-08 05:33:07 - deputydogg21: best of luck to u and no had feelings
2010-12-09 03:52:12 - murphy16: Typical noob, fucking people over, I had one stack of 13 when you decided to hit it.
2010-12-09 04:25:01 - deputydogg21: lol ur a noob man just like i thought u had a turn in and u really want ur weak bonus that i was stuck in so u woulda came at me ur just mad cause i put u in check guy calm down
2010-12-09 04:26:51 - deputydogg21: and i coulda wiped u all the way out but i let u be just wanted to lower ur #'s so u wouldnt feel compelled to take out my stack cause u woulda outnumbered my stack get over it
2010-12-11 01:39:35 - deputydogg21: sorry if my judgment has been impaired by these pain pills for my dentistry work on my teeth. so i seriously apologize if ur upset murph peace out
2010-12-13 20:54:56 - deputydogg21: gg
2010-12-14 00:15:44 - bobafart: gg uck
2010-12-15 19:02:55 - bobafart: gg murphy
2010-12-16 02:36:35 - KING KONQUER: hit up pink yellow our only chance
2010-12-16 02:37:07 - KING KONQUER: he got a few kills that one got too huge
2010-12-16 02:42:00 - jdtins: oops sorry green didnt see your post until after i went
2010-12-16 02:42:09 - jdtins: you want to call a truce green?
2010-12-16 02:42:31 - jdtins: i will back off of the bronx and let you have it back
2010-12-16 02:42:59 - jdtins: truce can be broken given 1 turn notice
2010-12-16 02:43:01 - jdtins: agreed?
2010-12-16 02:43:20 - jdtins: i will take my troops off bronx as well
2010-12-18 15:10:17 - bobafart: gg King
2010-12-18 15:10:22 - bobafart: gg tins.
2010-12-18 15:10:35 - bobafart: Thanks all for the game and gl in the next one.