Play States
Play By Clickable Map
Deploy: Click on territory to deploy, choose number to deploy and click again to make deployment
Assault: Click on a territory to Assault from, then on a territory to Assault (right click to Auto Assault)
Advance: Click on conquered territory to choose to advance, choose number to advance, then click again to advance. Click on conquering territory to advance zero.
Reinforce: Click on a territory to Reinforce from, then on a territory to Reinforce to. Click again to confirm.
Play By Keyboard and Mouse
N Key: Skip to next game, Jump to next game
B Key: Begin Turn
E Key: End Deployment, End Assaults, End Reinforcement
L Key: Later (decline to play spoils)
W,S Keys: Increase/decrease troop quantity (slow)
Q,A Keys: Increase/decrease troop quantity (fast)
Mouse Wheel: Change troop quantity by scrolling over the selected region.
CTRL Key + Click: You can always use CTRL-click instead of the right mouse button.
Middle Click: To advance to next stage (Begin Turn, End Assaults, etc.) click the middle mouse button anywhere on the map.
2010-12-04 04:41:04 - macbone: I still weep over the events of that day
2010-12-04 04:41:29 - macbone: All joking aside, my grandad stopped a rampaging water buffalo while he was in the Civil Service in Vietnam during the war
2010-12-04 04:41:35 - macbone: He was the man
2010-12-04 04:41:43 - macbone: And I never even knew about it until his funeral
2010-12-04 04:42:17 - macbone: And yeah, Cat, my wife needs to work on a plan for work on Monday, so I'm waiting on you so I can hand the laptop off to her =)
2010-12-04 04:42:26 - catnipdreams: and no, Mac, I can honestly say that I have never, ever seen you go for Oz.
2010-12-04 04:42:29 - macbone: I think jricart's online, too. He moved in the other games already =)
2010-12-04 04:42:37 - macbone: But take your time, Cat. Take your time =)
2010-12-04 04:42:50 - macbone: I'd leave you a space to card, but I'm nowhere near you
2010-12-04 04:42:57 - catnipdreams: Asia, that one time, but never Oz
2010-12-04 04:43:20 - macbone: Scratch that - there's always Sao Paolo =)
2010-12-04 04:43:42 - macbone: What's wrong with going for Asia? It has a huge troop bonus! =)
2010-12-04 04:43:50 - macbone: I do try to take Hong Kong each game =)
2010-12-04 04:44:21 - macbone: So watch out! =)
2010-12-04 04:51:09 - catnipdreams: awesome Grandfather, Mac. I'm sorry you couldn't hear the story firsthand.
2010-12-05 16:11:10 - macbone: Yeah, me too
2010-12-05 16:11:27 - macbone: He never really talked about his service until late in life, and by then, we weren't as close
2010-12-05 16:11:42 - macbone: But when I was a kid, we'd go spend a week every summer with him and my grandma
2010-12-05 16:12:03 - macbone: He'd take us to the pool, to military museums - we always had a blast
2010-12-07 05:06:38 - catnipdreams: I never knew either of my Grandfathers...
2010-12-07 05:07:13 - catnipdreams: I'd love to hear "grandfather" stories if anyone feels like sharing...
2010-12-07 05:08:14 - catnipdreams: and I'm not sure why Mac and I doing most of the chatting here, but it's not my intent to only chat with Mac
2010-12-07 05:08:58 - catnipdreams: so just in case someone else in this game is a "chatter", please, chat!
2010-12-07 20:19:16 - spartacus65: i have a grandad story mine would tell me to pull his finger and when i did he would fart
2010-12-07 20:20:53 - spartacus65: it was funny to a 5 year old kid,wish he could of hung around a few more years maybe hear some ww11 stories he was a hero
2010-12-08 03:06:48 - catnipdreams: I love it, spartacus!
2010-12-08 03:10:35 - catnipdreams: He sounds like a fun guy, as well as one of the "good guys"...
2010-12-08 03:11:19 - catnipdreams: Do you know anything about his ww11 service?
2010-12-08 03:12:20 - catnipdreams: Both of my parents served (lol, please, don't do the math), but as far as I know, they didn't do anything heroic
2010-12-08 03:13:10 - catnipdreams: Actually, they never really talked about it much - not sure if that is a good thing or a bad thing...
2010-12-08 05:31:46 - macbone: Many veterans don't like talking about their service
2010-12-09 20:58:44 - spartacus65: dont know much only what my dad and uncle told me but he was a para and got dropped of behind enemy lines on d day
2010-12-09 21:00:11 - spartacus65: most of his bunch got killed trying to hold a bridge...they were all heroes
2010-12-10 03:38:15 - catnipdreams: whoa - spartacus - I can't even come close to imagining what he went through...
2010-12-10 03:40:32 - catnipdreams: I do know that I am living in a free society because of other people's sacrifices, and I have the deepest respect for those folks who make that possible.
2010-12-10 03:42:24 - catnipdreams: Something that I think is very important, is that people who have gone through intense times, and seen, perhaps done, things that disturb them deeply,
2010-12-10 03:43:21 - catnipdreams: should process those experiences, not bury them deep and try to forget about them.
2010-12-10 03:44:48 - catnipdreams: If telling war stories helps them, great, bring it on.
2010-12-10 03:45:44 - catnipdreams: It's icing on the cake if it's interesting, but I am willing to listen for hours to boring war stories if it's somehow helpful to the person who experienced it.
2010-12-10 03:46:22 - catnipdreams: And if someone does not want to talk about it, to me, that is fine to.
2010-12-10 03:47:44 - catnipdreams: But I think it should be talked about to someone, sometime, so anything that might be festering can hopefully be healed.
2010-12-10 03:48:24 - catnipdreams: mind/body connection - I'd like service people to be healthy throughout.
2010-12-10 03:52:32 - catnipdreams: yowza - chatnip is in fine form - time to play this game...
2010-12-10 21:41:12 - spartacus65: spot on
2010-12-11 07:15:22 - macbone: Good stuff, cat!
2010-12-13 00:58:59 - catnipdreams: thanks guys
2010-12-13 23:36:14 - Zidane - 21: poop poop poop poop pooop poop dice
2010-12-13 23:50:11 - catnipdreams: gg
2010-12-14 03:00:08 - Hath: gg
2010-12-14 03:00:27 - Hath: dice almost cost me it...i lost a 7v1 and then almost lost a 6v1 taking out red...