Play States
Play By Clickable Map
Deploy: Click on territory to deploy, choose number to deploy and click again to make deployment
Assault: Click on a territory to Assault from, then on a territory to Assault (right click to Auto Assault)
Advance: Click on conquered territory to choose to advance, choose number to advance, then click again to advance. Click on conquering territory to advance zero.
Reinforce: Click on a territory to Reinforce from, then on a territory to Reinforce to. Click again to confirm.
Play By Keyboard and Mouse
N Key: Skip to next game, Jump to next game
B Key: Begin Turn
E Key: End Deployment, End Assaults, End Reinforcement
L Key: Later (decline to play spoils)
W,S Keys: Increase/decrease troop quantity (slow)
Q,A Keys: Increase/decrease troop quantity (fast)
Mouse Wheel: Change troop quantity by scrolling over the selected region.
CTRL Key + Click: You can always use CTRL-click instead of the right mouse button.
Middle Click: To advance to next stage (Begin Turn, End Assaults, etc.) click the middle mouse button anywhere on the map.
2010-11-24 08:28:52 - DBandit70: mc shane can I ask your thinking in attacking me?
2010-11-24 08:29:47 - DBandit70: red is getting 19 armies and more troops than us both combined
2010-11-24 08:30:24 - DBandit70: he has 5 cards to cash, I am curious to know your strategy he so I can help
2010-11-24 08:31:08 - DBandit70: looks like you wanted to maybe trade regions for cards? No you attacked 2 regions
2010-11-24 08:31:40 - DBandit70: maybe to grab a good bonus, nah you are still well short of any bonus that would payoff before red takes us out
2010-11-24 08:34:28 - DBandit70: I know the US school system produces very little and would rather teach of social perversion than to teach something of value nowadays
2010-11-24 08:36:31 - DBandit70: I mean an educated populous is difficult to govern, but being from Idaho I expected more
2010-11-24 08:37:49 - DBandit70: not trying to cause waves I am just curious to know your thoughts since I invest time in games to have it all seemingly thrown away
2010-11-24 08:38:16 - DBandit70: maybe I did something to piss you off earlier in the game?
2010-11-24 16:58:24 - mcshanester29: well I guess I can ask you the same question as why attack me...but oh well
2010-11-24 17:00:40 - mcshanester29: well last turn misdeployed after red took out pink. I was getting the small region bonus and hit attack other than end turn...hence the second territory I took from you.
2010-11-24 17:03:02 - mcshanester29: And just for your info didn't go the public education route, so that insult is not going to work...and as for strategy if you look at your game history you will notice I have won the last two maps in this tourney
2010-11-24 17:04:36 - mcshanester29: not trying to down you but it is a game after all and you win some and lose some....Although I will say you do have a nice win record :) As for this it was a couple clicking mistakes is all...sorry for human error
2010-11-25 01:34:22 - alt1978: dbandit...i was a product of the american education system and was about to make an eloquent defense of the said institution...when i made a boneheaded move in the appropriation of troops...possibly costing me severely...and i thought maybe it was not
2010-11-25 01:34:44 - alt1978: a good time to defend that very system you attacked. maybe you are on to something...
2010-11-25 08:45:14 - DBandit70: lol, well I also am a product of the american school system , but so much has changed in philosophy since I was there 25 years ago. Back in my day college ruined me for a time, but now I see the perversion down to grade school
2010-11-25 08:48:20 - DBandit70: if you look at test scores and world rankings of americans versus the the world over the past 100 years, it is clear we are being educated in worthless garbage like social acceptance...
2010-11-25 08:51:49 - DBandit70: when math, reading, science, writing, and common sence have taken a back seat
2010-11-25 08:59:15 - DBandit70: Mcshanester I spoke from frustration, and pride just made me say something. Glad you avoided the public school system, but maybe enroll in a computer class to prevent you from human error ;)
2010-11-25 14:53:12 - alt1978: you know...i think if you were to look at the school system and what it deals with...i think it's hard to pin all the blame on the schools.
2010-11-25 14:54:16 - alt1978: when you have a society that commits to forcing all members through school, and then in turn do nothing about the growing levels of poverty and discrepancy between the wealthy and poor, you are inevitably going to get a lot folks in schools whose number
2010-11-25 14:54:23 - alt1978: one priority is not learning.
2010-11-25 14:54:49 - alt1978: if you fix the american may have a better shot at fixing the schools.
2010-11-25 20:08:26 - mcshanester29: lol dbandint I am definitely going to need that computer class :)