Play States
Play By Clickable Map
Deploy: Click on territory to deploy, choose number to deploy and click again to make deployment
Assault: Click on a territory to Assault from, then on a territory to Assault (right click to Auto Assault)
Advance: Click on conquered territory to choose to advance, choose number to advance, then click again to advance. Click on conquering territory to advance zero.
Reinforce: Click on a territory to Reinforce from, then on a territory to Reinforce to. Click again to confirm.
Play By Keyboard and Mouse
N Key: Skip to next game, Jump to next game
B Key: Begin Turn
E Key: End Deployment, End Assaults, End Reinforcement
L Key: Later (decline to play spoils)
W,S Keys: Increase/decrease troop quantity (slow)
Q,A Keys: Increase/decrease troop quantity (fast)
Mouse Wheel: Change troop quantity by scrolling over the selected region.
CTRL Key + Click: You can always use CTRL-click instead of the right mouse button.
Middle Click: To advance to next stage (Begin Turn, End Assaults, etc.) click the middle mouse button anywhere on the map.
2010-10-22 00:23:19 - JJ41375: GL Everybody.
2010-10-22 14:23:59 - adam666: gl all
2010-10-23 14:56:39 - Edgron: gl all
2010-10-25 08:01:11 - Backside: yeh glahf
2010-10-29 10:57:57 - HighlanderAttack: red-thanks for attacking my big stack--FOED--lol
2010-11-03 01:04:54 - JJ41375: Sorry HighlanderAttack. I wish I could even say how many troops you had that I attacked...don't remember.
2010-11-03 01:05:16 - JJ41375: Of course it has happened to me more than my share of times...
2010-11-04 00:54:42 - JJ41375: Wow really did Foe me. I know we haven't played that many games together, but we have played some.
2010-11-04 00:54:49 - JJ41375: I can't believe you foed me for 1 turn on 1 game.
2010-11-04 17:06:01 - Backside: >_>
2010-11-04 17:08:22 - Backside: what exactly is the point of HA to foe besides that u an't see each others chat and what exactly is point of complaining besides if u don't like that u can't share each others chat o.O
2010-11-04 17:11:45 - Backside: (u know that like over 99% of HA's games are tourney games. so it doesn't rly matter o.O)
2010-11-04 22:32:27 - shoop76: moop for shoop
2010-11-04 23:36:33 - HighlanderAttack: makes me happy to know who is a dick head :) and a dumb ass--that is the point
2010-11-04 23:44:01 - Backside: (thought so ^^) fair enough
2010-11-06 01:33:47 - JJ41375: I really wasn't trying to be a dick.
2010-11-06 01:34:26 - JJ41375: Sorry. I also didn't know that 99% of HighlanderAttacks games were tourney games.
2010-11-07 12:20:42 - shoop76: Sniper for shoop
2010-11-08 04:58:38 - HighlanderAttack: I know I can be an asshole--but it is the pathetic play that brings it out of me :)
2010-11-08 04:59:13 - HighlanderAttack: oh red--hope you enjoyed losing those armies--finally some good dice--makes me so happy :)
2010-11-08 17:41:18 - Backside: don't worry HA i'm just the same (or worse. quite sure i am :P and i don't mean the regular spam just to keep fingers warm :3, but when sumone makes a very bad move) ^^ tho i never revenge since i don't really care or believe in revenge (just generally)..
2010-11-08 17:44:46 - Backside: ...and it just hurts attacker as well as "defender" (or victim ^^) (well it always does, but then even more so (: )
2010-11-08 17:46:54 - Backside: btw nice joke foe, turned to be real foe what was actually joke as well >_>
2010-11-10 02:46:54 - JJ41375: Like I said HighlanderAttack I really wasn't trying to be a dick and I honestly do not remember how many troops you had.
2010-11-10 03:04:13 - JJ41375: I don't play this game to make enemies or piss anybody off on purpose.
2010-11-10 03:06:26 - JJ41375: So I guess if you want to be pissed for 1 move I made in this game there is nothing I can do about that.
2010-11-11 03:57:10 - shoop76: patrickaa317 for shoop
2010-11-11 03:57:28 - shoop76: JJ - HA can't see your text since he FOED you.
2010-11-11 03:57:58 - shoop76: HA - JJ is apologizing for his move
2010-11-11 06:16:35 - Backside: heh yeh ok red situation wrong. i guess it was a real foe then ^^
2010-11-11 06:19:21 - Backside: i'll quote myself a bit "what exactly is the point of HA to foe besides that u an't see each others chat" (well it's a quote so i guess i leave that "an't" be what i just noticed :P)
2010-11-11 06:19:59 - Backside: so yeh i thought that u realized that u infact can't see each others text if u are foed ^^
2010-11-11 22:41:45 - HighlanderAttack: ok JJ-my apologies for being an asshole in response
2010-11-11 22:41:54 - HighlanderAttack: I tend to take this too serious
2010-11-11 22:42:10 - HighlanderAttack: just saw all the chat-so glad to move forward from here if you are
2010-11-11 23:18:02 - Qwert: sorry for miss turn- mine telephon cable whas cut
2010-11-13 02:08:59 - JJ41375: Thanks. I misread what you said Backside. My bad.
2010-11-13 02:09:27 - JJ41375: I never bothered to understand the whole foe thing because it really never mattered to me.
2010-11-13 02:11:13 - JJ41375: Yes. HighlanderAttack. I am definately willing to move forward.
2010-11-13 04:52:59 - shoop76: patrickaa317 fo shoop
2010-11-14 03:45:35 - Backside: so this means that soap opera ends, u don't need middle guys to deliver messages and u are finally getting married. *snif* i always get so emotional in these situations.
2010-11-14 03:46:21 - Backside: just kidding... i don't actually get emotional in these situations ;P
2010-11-15 02:34:54 - HighlanderAttack: The only reason we had this issue was to let backside be the middle man
2010-11-15 12:24:14 - Qwert: shit
2010-11-15 12:43:58 - Qwert: shit hepend when you play fog
2010-11-15 12:44:19 - Qwert: but i try,because i doubth that will be in game for next round
2010-11-15 19:25:32 - Edgron: mmmmmm