Play States
Play By Clickable Map
Deploy: Click on territory to deploy, choose number to deploy and click again to make deployment
Assault: Click on a territory to Assault from, then on a territory to Assault (right click to Auto Assault)
Advance: Click on conquered territory to choose to advance, choose number to advance, then click again to advance. Click on conquering territory to advance zero.
Reinforce: Click on a territory to Reinforce from, then on a territory to Reinforce to. Click again to confirm.
Play By Keyboard and Mouse
N Key: Skip to next game, Jump to next game
B Key: Begin Turn
E Key: End Deployment, End Assaults, End Reinforcement
L Key: Later (decline to play spoils)
W,S Keys: Increase/decrease troop quantity (slow)
Q,A Keys: Increase/decrease troop quantity (fast)
Mouse Wheel: Change troop quantity by scrolling over the selected region.
CTRL Key + Click: You can always use CTRL-click instead of the right mouse button.
Middle Click: To advance to next stage (Begin Turn, End Assaults, etc.) click the middle mouse button anywhere on the map.
2010-10-27 13:29:13 - Therecanonlybe1: pink ok truce one round notice.
2010-10-28 05:39:00 - kevlar303: Cool. Sounds great. Just to clarify that hitting a 1 (either one of us or the rest of the board) does not break the one round's more about protecting the stack against great odds on this map for us
2010-10-28 05:40:28 - kevlar303: I hope that's clear...getting late and groggy :-)
2010-11-11 02:41:55 - kevlar303: GG Suzy1
2010-11-11 04:50:27 - Suzy1: thanks gg
2010-11-13 15:45:06 - downunder Inc: smart move cyan, killing us both....
2010-11-14 08:36:40 - VikingIII: u didnt give me much choice the way you kept building on Isle of Man....
2010-11-14 09:19:42 - downunder Inc: only tried to put a block the same size as you had...
2010-11-14 17:52:50 - VikingIII: no benefit for me hitting your bonus when u hare holding off pink and orange in the south - u dont need to
2010-11-14 18:28:25 - downunder Inc: true, but you did attack ;)
2011-01-01 00:22:58 - Therecanonlybe1: Happy New Year
2011-01-01 16:55:46 - kevlar303: Happy New Year as well!
2011-02-04 11:48:29 - downunder Inc: pink, why put those armies there? I need a card and am stuck in the middle, can't go north, can't go south
2011-02-12 19:28:10 - Therecanonlybe1: ok Viking this is what you ask for a long time.
2011-02-12 19:29:01 - Therecanonlybe1: gg for pink, orange and silver.
2011-02-19 19:18:35 - VikingIII: how do you feel about using south Leinster for spoils orange?
2011-03-16 13:10:49 - VikingIII: didnt see any reason to have a few men killed in D&G every round grey
2011-03-16 13:11:10 - VikingIII: up to you if you want to continue....
2011-03-17 06:19:21 - downunder Inc: wanted to level a bit, but you make a suicide action, stupid move
2011-03-17 14:04:00 - VikingIII: bad move maybe, but you cant expect me to just sit and let you use attacker advantage reducing my numbers
2011-03-17 14:05:11 - VikingIII: as for suicide - only if we let it be. If orange or pink try to take advantage they just leave the game open to the other one......
2011-03-21 11:58:03 - panusr: -*-
2011-05-23 04:43:55 - kevlar303: FY-2010-10-08 09:43:54 - Game has been initialized
2011-06-13 16:21:35 - downunder Inc: hmm, this way it will be october 2011 before we finish....
2011-07-26 06:13:52 - kevlar303: I'm thinking October 2012.........
2011-07-29 13:01:22 - downunder Inc: could be, this is a horrible stalemate
2011-07-29 15:38:24 - kevlar303: Well...when you stack up your armies that way, I'm not sure if you are inviting one of us to go hit Viking or just keeping the game interesting.....
2011-07-29 17:33:59 - downunder Inc: let's look at who is the biggest ;)
2011-08-12 15:22:23 - VikingIII: Gg orange
2011-08-17 17:04:51 - panusr: GG ALL
2011-09-12 00:58:26 - kevlar303: Sorry for the missed turn...Internet connect issues!
2011-09-16 08:35:54 - downunder Inc: kevlar, I will not keep attacking viking if you do not help
2011-09-29 05:33:06 - kevlar303: Down- do you feel like moving the Linconshire armies North? Feelling a bit nervous about your build up there
2011-09-29 14:36:37 - kevlar303: I'll take that as a no then. :-)
2011-10-04 19:37:21 - downunder Inc: sorry, just read your post
2011-10-04 19:37:42 - downunder Inc: am a bit stuck in the midde.....
2011-10-04 19:38:12 - downunder Inc: will move but we need to solve cyan ...
2011-10-05 08:15:31 - VikingIII: if pink increases his bonus by 8 this will be an interesting game.......
2011-10-06 04:16:36 - kevlar303: would still be less than what you are getting
2011-10-06 13:35:12 - VikingIII: :-) yep,but hard for downunder to compete......
2011-10-06 20:55:14 - downunder Inc: i do not have competition, i am stuck in the middle without any chance
2011-10-26 04:08:56 - kevlar303: Well Viking. Your next move might decide the game. I left you your bonus so you can take a
2011-10-26 10:59:50 - VikingIII: cant realy see a decisive move...... but you made a bold one, i'l give you that :-)
2011-10-27 06:02:30 - kevlar303: GG to both of you. I just couldnt' hold the assault from two players....may the best person win this one!
2011-10-27 11:11:27 - VikingIII: wow,, this i didnt expect when i opened the game - what happened? How did you 2 get to eachother??
2011-10-27 11:21:38 - VikingIII: gg all
2011-10-27 11:45:49 - downunder Inc: what
2011-10-27 11:46:12 - downunder Inc: what happened
2011-10-27 11:46:38 - downunder Inc: kevlar, did you attack me ?
2011-10-27 17:37:55 - kevlar303: Down- you staged your stack up against me and I went on the offensive rather than get attacked. I didn't know your intentions and took the initiative