Play States
Play By Clickable Map
Deploy: Click on territory to deploy, choose number to deploy and click again to make deployment
Assault: Click on a territory to Assault from, then on a territory to Assault (right click to Auto Assault)
Advance: Click on conquered territory to choose to advance, choose number to advance, then click again to advance. Click on conquering territory to advance zero.
Reinforce: Click on a territory to Reinforce from, then on a territory to Reinforce to. Click again to confirm.
Play By Keyboard and Mouse
N Key: Skip to next game, Jump to next game
B Key: Begin Turn
E Key: End Deployment, End Assaults, End Reinforcement
L Key: Later (decline to play spoils)
W,S Keys: Increase/decrease troop quantity (slow)
Q,A Keys: Increase/decrease troop quantity (fast)
Mouse Wheel: Change troop quantity by scrolling over the selected region.
CTRL Key + Click: You can always use CTRL-click instead of the right mouse button.
Middle Click: To advance to next stage (Begin Turn, End Assaults, etc.) click the middle mouse button anywhere on the map.
2010-09-22 08:41:36 - Game has been initialized
2010-10-01 15:20:54 - Chariot of Fire eliminated seechster from the game
2010-10-05 19:13:54 - sonicsteve eliminated Chariot of Fire from the game
2010-10-05 19:19:18 - sonicsteve eliminated Enormastitz from the game
2010-10-05 19:30:19 - sonicsteve eliminated Terry Nutkins from the game
2010-10-05 19:36:25 - sonicsteve eliminated RedBaron0 from the game
2010-10-06 05:22:18 - sonicsteve eliminated patrickaa317 from the game
2010-10-06 05:27:16 - sonicsteve eliminated Kinnison from the game
2010-10-06 05:27:16 - sonicsteve, Chariot of Fire won the game
2010-10-06 05:27:16 - patrickaa317 lost 10 points
2010-10-06 05:27:16 - seechster lost 10 points
2010-10-06 05:27:16 - Kinnison lost 10 points
2010-10-06 05:27:16 - RedBaron0 lost 10 points
2010-10-06 05:27:16 - Enormastitz lost 9 points
2010-10-06 05:27:16 - Terry Nutkins lost 9 points
2010-10-06 05:27:16 - sonicsteve gained 29 points
2010-10-06 05:27:16 - Chariot of Fire gained 29 points
2010-09-25 16:01:27 - Chariot of Fire: U guys are having a f'in laugh. what a joke
2010-09-28 10:32:35 - Enormastitz: Why would you do that Steve?
2010-09-28 11:05:12 - Chariot of Fire: why wd yr partner put a stack up next to us? If u look at how the game has been going it looks like it has been open day on us.
2010-09-28 11:06:15 - Chariot of Fire: let's face it.....who or what would you have attacked if your 7 had been left there?
2010-09-28 11:09:51 - Chariot of Fire: In R2 if u hadn't advanced a 3 on to Sairalin u and Steve wd have had somewhere to trade for a card. As it was u chose to leave 3,3 making it deliberately difficult. Esc is all about cooperation
2010-09-29 12:20:57 - Enormastitz: He put a big stack so no one would touch it. As its an esc game you would think it would be safe. He could have taken a 1 from loryl
2010-09-29 13:21:36 - sonicsteve: Not the best location for a 'safe' stack, mate. If he'd loaded you on Sairalin, we could have traded cards over Gwyilyra, but forting straight up to my stack like that alerted the archers on my towers that something might be afoot. Anyway, let's move on
2010-09-29 13:42:37 - Chariot of Fire: I wouldn't worry about it titz. Red hit my 6 on N.Amoniel for no good reason at all (I had put it there to stop someone trying for the bonus) and has now let your team mate take and hold the bonus when he cd have hit an easy 1 to break it. Madness
2010-09-30 02:59:41 - Kinnison: dtellis in for Kinn
2010-09-30 12:39:45 - Enormastitz: True. There is some unusual strategy about.
2010-10-02 05:58:43 - seechster: gg
2010-10-02 15:23:03 - Chariot of Fire: gg
2010-10-03 00:07:39 - patrickaa317: sorry chariot, i didn't see that bonus
2010-10-03 00:08:03 - patrickaa317: i didn't like the six you stacked next to me, that's telling me that you were aiming to hit me or my partner next
2010-10-03 00:08:32 - patrickaa317: i'd rather hit you before you hit me
2010-10-03 00:09:04 - patrickaa317: unfortunately i didn't realize that a bonus was sitting there otherwise I would have known you were going for that.
2010-10-03 00:09:27 - patrickaa317: only my second time ever playing this map
2010-10-03 03:40:14 - Chariot of Fire: Patrick - I wasn't going for the bonus at all (it's a noob move in an esc game). I simply put it there to stop anotherv team taking the bonus, but I see u helped them accomplish that by taking me out. Now neither I nor you are in that zone.
2010-10-03 03:41:56 - Chariot of Fire: and why wd I attack you when you have Zon & Port Alagar - a million miles away from any terrs I owned (I only had 2 terrs at the time)
2010-10-03 03:43:25 - Chariot of Fire: This game's as much about keeping your opponents safe as it is yourself, o/wise someone's going to clear the board. Hitting stacks is a crime
2010-10-04 22:27:00 - patrickaa317: take a deep breath
2010-10-04 22:27:08 - patrickaa317: i admitted fault for what I did
2010-10-04 22:27:40 - patrickaa317: If you want to keep telling me how I messed up that's fine but I already know it
2010-10-04 22:28:39 - patrickaa317: Nobodies life was negatively affected by my mistake in game 7673149
2010-10-05 02:41:16 - Chariot of Fire: sorry - I was just clarifying that it hadn't been my intention to use that 6 that was next to you. It had sat there quite peacefully from Round 1 'til Round 3. I wasn't telling you how u messed up at all - just explaining my motive. No foul. :-)
2010-10-05 19:42:50 - sonicsteve: gg guys
2010-10-05 23:15:41 - Kinnison: oh, fudge. *sigh* there is NO excuse for screwing up what should have been a victorious sweep... I just advanced down a dead line.
2010-10-05 23:59:06 - patrickaa317: gg guys
2010-10-06 05:28:28 - sonicsteve: cheers all
2010-10-06 05:31:52 - Chariot of Fire: all those grey hairs for a measly 29pts!
2010-10-06 05:32:01 - Chariot of Fire: gg folks