Play States
Play By Clickable Map
Deploy: Click on territory to deploy, choose number to deploy and click again to make deployment
Assault: Click on a territory to Assault from, then on a territory to Assault (right click to Auto Assault)
Advance: Click on conquered territory to choose to advance, choose number to advance, then click again to advance. Click on conquering territory to advance zero.
Reinforce: Click on a territory to Reinforce from, then on a territory to Reinforce to. Click again to confirm.
Play By Keyboard and Mouse
N Key: Skip to next game, Jump to next game
B Key: Begin Turn
E Key: End Deployment, End Assaults, End Reinforcement
L Key: Later (decline to play spoils)
W,S Keys: Increase/decrease troop quantity (slow)
Q,A Keys: Increase/decrease troop quantity (fast)
Mouse Wheel: Change troop quantity by scrolling over the selected region.
CTRL Key + Click: You can always use CTRL-click instead of the right mouse button.
Middle Click: To advance to next stage (Begin Turn, End Assaults, etc.) click the middle mouse button anywhere on the map.
2010-09-15 18:43:25 - Game has been initialized
2010-09-17 20:49:00 - HippieBroker eliminated n.n. from the game
2010-09-19 00:01:37 - stevkov eliminated kristijan_mk from the game
2010-09-19 00:05:38 - stevkov eliminated Commander9 from the game
2010-09-19 00:07:32 - stevkov eliminated Imyahuckleberry from the game
2010-09-19 09:11:55 - stevkov eliminated HippieBroker from the game
2010-09-19 09:11:55 - stevkov, n.n., kristijan_mk won the game
2010-09-19 09:11:55 - Commander9 lost 32 points
2010-09-19 09:11:55 - Imyahuckleberry lost 32 points
2010-09-19 09:11:55 - HippieBroker lost 32 points
2010-09-19 09:11:55 - stevkov gained 32 points
2010-09-19 09:11:55 - n.n. gained 32 points
2010-09-19 09:11:55 - kristijan_mk gained 32 points
2010-09-16 23:16:55 - HippieBroker: hate is a strong word. I don't like your yellow buddy for essentially telling me to hurry up
2010-09-16 23:17:27 - HippieBroker: i'm just saying stay freemium...the dice are better. been there myself
2010-09-16 23:17:57 - HippieBroker: but i don't have anything against you kris or any other freemium
2010-09-16 23:18:43 - HippieBroker: i'm serious...don't fork over the $25....that wasn't an was a tip. the site is going to hell and you have better things to do than spend it here on cc
2010-09-16 23:21:11 - HippieBroker: and just cause i said your dice are better (which they definitely were in these 2 denying that) doesn't mean you are bad players. i'm not trying to say you would have lost otherwise
2010-09-16 23:22:25 - HippieBroker: gg and wp...and yellow...if you are growing impatient cause you don't have a turn up...then find something else to do or fork over the $25 and join more games
2010-09-17 01:05:34 - Commander9: I pretty much agree with what Hippie said - he didn't direct anything you personally and never said you were bad players. He just wented his frustration on the dice.
2010-09-17 01:06:29 - Commander9: To be fair, all of you seem to make a pretty formidable team, but it's rather harsh when other team loses mainly because of the luck and are never given another chance. I'm a bit shocked that I actually won this 5v3 to break the region...
2010-09-17 12:37:08 - stevkov: damn, almost
2010-09-17 13:07:39 - kristijan_mk: dude, what ever you say, you can't hide your disrespect (lets not call it hatred) toward freemiums
2010-09-17 13:08:32 - kristijan_mk: the point of the games are to be finished (as much as i understand :) ) if for you the point is keep them as long as posible... than ok :)
2010-09-17 13:09:14 - kristijan_mk: and let's be honest, I didn't had good dices this game :)
2010-09-17 13:20:23 - n.n.: Teal, no offence, but you're a hypocrite :)
2010-09-17 13:27:33 - n.n.: Yellow, you are a hipocrite too !
2010-09-17 13:28:39 - kristijan_mk: and you pink are esspecially hipocrit! :)
2010-09-17 13:28:43 - n.n.: HALLOWED ARE THE ORI !
2010-09-17 13:29:27 - kristijan_mk: we should name our team Macedonian Hypocrit Team :D
2010-09-17 13:56:56 - Commander9: Pink, should that be funny?
2010-09-17 13:57:11 - Commander9: *is that supposed to be funny
2010-09-17 13:57:43 - Commander9: *sighs*
2010-09-17 14:31:00 - n.n.: *sighs* too :0
2010-09-17 15:42:51 - stevkov: i think you can stop bitching about bad dices now...
2010-09-17 20:46:52 - HippieBroker: no your dice haven't been great kris
2010-09-17 20:47:33 - HippieBroker: but when i'm sitting in a hospital all day and then come back after almost 24 hours to take my turns...of which i have 50 up...
2010-09-17 20:48:07 - HippieBroker: i don't go seeking out this game to try and appease yellow and get it done first.
2010-09-17 20:48:41 - HippieBroker: that was the point i was trying to make. i know he thought i was delaying it on could i be online for an hour and not have taken this turn?!?!?
2010-09-17 20:48:47 - HippieBroker: well there is your explanation
2010-09-17 20:49:26 - HippieBroker: gg NN....not sure wtf happened as i had given up on this game.
2010-09-17 20:52:34 - HippieBroker: i don't delay on purpose...not cool to you guys (even if we're getting crushed...i always go as quickly as possible so you can finish the game and grab another)
2010-09-17 21:22:44 - kristijan_mk: it's a bit paranoid to think that we (or some of us) thinks that you are delaying the move on purpose...
2010-09-17 21:24:07 - kristijan_mk: if we are online and you are online the game is much more interesting
2010-09-17 21:25:12 - kristijan_mk: yes, i know that you are "wonderfull" premium who "forked out" 25$ and that you have many games blah-blah-blah
2010-09-17 21:25:37 - kristijan_mk: but playing real time is much more interesting
2010-09-17 21:25:57 - kristijan_mk: and actually this makes us 1-1 with luck
2010-09-17 21:26:23 - kristijan_mk: let's hope that the third one will be less luck dependant :)
2010-09-18 00:19:41 - Commander9: 2010-09-17 17:42:51 - stevkov: i think you can stop bitching about bad dices now...
2010-09-18 00:20:39 - Commander9: May you please show where any I have bitched about dice, please?.. I lost a 11v6, but I didn't post it here.
2010-09-18 00:21:02 - Commander9: 2010-09-16 22:19:30 - Commander9 [team]: 11 v 6 fail.
2010-09-18 00:22:23 - Commander9: Yes, our dice have been uncomparably better this game and yours were nowhere near as they were last round, but the difference wasn't like it was last time where 1 team had perfect dice (almost) and the other team couldn't even take spoils a lot of time.
2010-09-18 00:23:32 - Commander9: I agree that playing RT is much more fun, but some of us have lives *gasps* and if Hippie has a close person that has cancer and chooses instead of playing CC whole day to stay with her and care for her, I don't think it sholuld be bashed.
2010-09-18 00:23:50 - Commander9: 2010-09-17 23:26:23 - kristijan_mk: let's hope that the third one will be less luck dependant :)
2010-09-18 00:24:02 - Commander9: I can only second that and hope that will happen.
2010-09-18 12:08:20 - n.n.: gg, see you in the next one.
2010-09-18 22:37:42 - HippieBroker: C9 for HB
2010-09-19 00:06:46 - stevkov: kristijan_mk for stevkov
2010-09-19 00:11:12 - kristijan_mk: gg red and green
2010-09-19 04:06:04 - HippieBroker: Commander9 for HB.
2010-09-19 04:06:07 - HippieBroker: gg all.
2010-09-19 09:12:20 - stevkov: kristijan for stevkov
2010-09-19 09:12:33 - stevkov: gg all