Play States
Play By Clickable Map
Deploy: Click on territory to deploy, choose number to deploy and click again to make deployment
Assault: Click on a territory to Assault from, then on a territory to Assault (right click to Auto Assault)
Advance: Click on conquered territory to choose to advance, choose number to advance, then click again to advance. Click on conquering territory to advance zero.
Reinforce: Click on a territory to Reinforce from, then on a territory to Reinforce to. Click again to confirm.
Play By Keyboard and Mouse
N Key: Skip to next game, Jump to next game
B Key: Begin Turn
E Key: End Deployment, End Assaults, End Reinforcement
L Key: Later (decline to play spoils)
W,S Keys: Increase/decrease troop quantity (slow)
Q,A Keys: Increase/decrease troop quantity (fast)
Mouse Wheel: Change troop quantity by scrolling over the selected region.
CTRL Key + Click: You can always use CTRL-click instead of the right mouse button.
Middle Click: To advance to next stage (Begin Turn, End Assaults, etc.) click the middle mouse button anywhere on the map.
2010-08-20 08:21:51 - Backside: well ithought to have 3 east ships and that area, but this goes as well ^^
2010-08-20 08:23:24 - Backside: doesn't rly matter
2010-08-20 08:25:04 - Backside: i wonder how aggressive u'll be next turn fins ^^
2010-08-20 22:50:13 - Finsfleet: damn it. :(
2010-08-20 22:50:20 - Finsfleet: terrible dice in a bad moment.
2010-08-21 07:10:39 - Backside: :)
2010-08-22 09:25:13 - Backside: lol got again 3 green cards in my hand ^^ wonder if i can get 10th green in row for jack :P
2010-08-22 09:25:30 - Backside: *jackpot
2010-08-23 13:19:10 - Backside: well didn't actually get 10th green in row so i never know ^^
2010-08-24 21:03:05 - Finsfleet: jug68 for finsfleet
2010-08-25 08:53:35 - Backside: btw just in case. fins or jug or who evere there is. i didn't do this cos i had something against u, but thought that GF has left the building for good and not coming back any time soon
2010-08-25 08:54:26 - Backside: well last seen in 21st at least in this game dunno when he's last seen in others
2010-08-25 08:54:36 - Backside: so just in cas
2010-08-25 08:55:15 - Backside: if he happens to come back. i'm gonna be working this back to 3-way
2010-08-25 08:55:26 - Backside: and no offense ^^
2010-08-25 08:55:51 - Backside: just attacking rolls and bonuses taken before u ^^
2010-08-25 15:49:51 - General Flashman: Sorry for missed turns - horrendous professional problems - not good being libelled on the front page of a newspaper!
2010-08-25 16:41:10 - Backside: aww was so ready to take this down and get 2 kills. now we need to get back to even ^^
2010-08-25 16:42:14 - Backside: btw GF i saw that u were in same group with me in map blaster. wonder if are u able to renew ur premium in time or want ^^
2010-08-25 16:43:00 - Backside: well obv u'd need to renew for continue in this one too, but yeh ^^
2010-08-25 16:43:40 - Backside: why exactly u were in front page?
2010-08-25 16:44:35 - Backside: (btw that's the reason i don't want to be poker celebrity, but just play poker for living. hate the other work besides pawning everyone in felt. that's funner ^^)
2010-08-25 17:03:51 - Backside: i bet it was more important news paper since the work ^^ so which?
2010-08-26 18:44:51 - Backside: too busy again xD
2010-08-29 16:41:34 - Backside: gosh this is so annoying to play 3-way game when one guy is missing either 2 or 1 turn in row and i never know when he's gonna be kicked out. when he decides to play, then he always attacks me. that's just .... pffffff.....
2010-08-30 15:04:36 - Backside: well one thing obviously is that i don't want that finsfleet gets a kill, but i can live with u getting 2.
2010-08-30 15:07:58 - Backside: tbh if this wasn't because u were busy, but a strategical missing. i would rant ur ass so much and foe u and never want to see u again cos it would've been sucha a bs. tho i can clearly see that it wasn't (rank has just been decreasing with such a speed)
2010-08-30 15:08:39 - Backside: so yeh sux to be me. still sucha bs, but nothing that can be helped.
2010-08-30 15:09:36 - Backside: tho if u let finsfleet kill me then i will still foe u obviously cos that would be sucha shitty move ;D well i doubt that u do ^^
2010-08-31 09:39:29 - General Flashman: Red - first of all, sadly my missed turns were not tactical - I just wish they had been - ie that the other circs referred to had not happened.
2010-08-31 09:40:28 - General Flashman: Secondly, you are the best psychological player of the game I have seen! You are very good at persuading people to do things, without them even noticing! Kudos to you!
2010-08-31 09:51:37 - Finsfleet: hmmm, interesting..........
2010-08-31 09:52:18 - Finsfleet: thank you guys..........
2010-08-31 11:18:40 - Backside: btw that was just tournament strategywise. i'd rather like GF collected the points, but yeh. i think it's more of meaningless.
2010-08-31 11:20:56 - Backside: only slight factor might be that u don't necessarily renew ur membership and i might get free pass to next round so that for i might prefer u to have 5 points rather than finsfleet ^^
2010-08-31 11:22:17 - Backside: well yeh i said that before u got that free kill in Dawn of Ages ^^ then u had 2 points and finsfleet had 4 :)
2010-08-31 11:23:13 - Backside: and cheers that's exactly what i do. not too good since u noticed lmao xD but cheers anyways ^^
2010-08-31 11:29:41 - Backside: this game was more just about pure strategy and chilling ^^ if only i knew for sure that u weren't gonna be kicked out either of those times :S i would have been more steady.
2010-08-31 11:36:27 - Backside: tho yeh i could've just played slower to get 3-way tie. would've been best after me getting 2 kills what i thought was gonna happen for sure :S
2010-08-31 11:38:19 - Backside: tho if i let fins have first attack on me i think i would've just handed 2 points to fins. so yeh there u have reason why that missing 2 turns in row thing pissed me off like so bad.
2010-08-31 11:38:33 - Backside: like i said i knew it wasn't intentional.
2010-09-01 19:25:30 - Backside: umm... fins...
2010-09-01 19:27:59 - Backside: wanna try to make this to last 36th round?
2010-09-01 19:30:43 - Backside: or meh seems that u are pretty much finished there. oh wells i'l sabotage by an inch :P
2010-09-01 19:32:15 - Backside: i mean both a little ^^
2010-09-02 20:12:37 - Backside: yeps ur right. i'm prolly just better of killing u and hoping that GF misses 3rd in row
2010-09-03 16:33:34 - General Flashman: silver - gg
2010-09-03 16:33:42 - General Flashman: sorry for the misses
2010-09-05 09:36:26 - General Flashman: gg - many thanks and sorryfor the hassles
2010-09-05 22:13:45 - Backside: gg