Play States
Play By Clickable Map
Deploy: Click on territory to deploy, choose number to deploy and click again to make deployment
Assault: Click on a territory to Assault from, then on a territory to Assault (right click to Auto Assault)
Advance: Click on conquered territory to choose to advance, choose number to advance, then click again to advance. Click on conquering territory to advance zero.
Reinforce: Click on a territory to Reinforce from, then on a territory to Reinforce to. Click again to confirm.
Play By Keyboard and Mouse
N Key: Skip to next game, Jump to next game
B Key: Begin Turn
E Key: End Deployment, End Assaults, End Reinforcement
L Key: Later (decline to play spoils)
W,S Keys: Increase/decrease troop quantity (slow)
Q,A Keys: Increase/decrease troop quantity (fast)
Mouse Wheel: Change troop quantity by scrolling over the selected region.
CTRL Key + Click: You can always use CTRL-click instead of the right mouse button.
Middle Click: To advance to next stage (Begin Turn, End Assaults, etc.) click the middle mouse button anywhere on the map.
2010-08-01 16:51:25 - hotfire: i hate singles myself
2010-08-01 20:55:23 - Seulessliathan: kill nasty pink!
2010-08-02 15:19:29 - Lindax: lol@seul
2010-08-02 15:19:48 - Lindax: steve: I didn't invite, just posted in callouts....
2010-08-02 15:19:57 - Lindax: don't know him
2010-08-02 15:20:18 - Lindax: but I agree
2010-08-02 18:23:37 - GabonX: God forbid Yellow should take out Blue! What in heavans was I thinking?!
2010-08-02 18:24:14 - GabonX: I like having 8 players on the map...
2010-08-02 18:24:31 - GabonX: Err, 7.. Whatever
2010-08-02 18:26:55 - steve066: ty lindax
2010-08-02 18:27:51 - steve066: hello seul!!
2010-08-02 18:28:06 - steve066: nicest guy in cc
2010-08-02 18:30:14 - steve066: gabon it appears you dont realize that giving another player an easy kill can start him on the road to running the map
2010-08-02 18:30:41 - GabonX: No, I know that, I just don't think we're there yet
2010-08-02 18:31:27 - GabonX: But we'll see
2010-08-02 18:33:28 - steve066: most guys who have played a lot of flat rate or no spoils need time do adjust their styles
2010-08-02 18:34:06 - steve066: granted there is no current danger
2010-08-02 18:34:53 - steve066: but i''ll be hanging like ripe fruit when hotfire needs a snack
2010-08-02 18:36:32 - steve066: my point being let removing me from corner can rebound to your disadvantage
2010-08-02 18:36:41 - steve066: sigh
2010-08-02 18:37:02 - GabonX: Then I suggest that everyone attack hotfire, seeing as how he's in such an advantageous position...
2010-08-02 18:38:18 - steve066: uh oh hot fire bodyguarding me in paean
2010-08-02 18:38:37 - GabonX: I think that's the smartest thing under the ciscumstances...
2010-08-02 18:39:11 - steve066: why do i feel i'm being fattened up for the feast?
2010-08-02 18:39:38 - steve066: well it is earl gabon
2010-08-02 18:39:42 - steve066: early
2010-08-02 18:40:05 - steve066: and i see your play has not been malcious
2010-08-02 18:41:02 - steve066: so let us simply move on
2010-08-02 18:43:53 - GabonX: Fair enough..
2010-08-02 23:05:24 - Scott-Land: not sure how you wouldnt cash there steve ( unless you had 2 pair ) and if so, the drop prolly shouldve been in Stones Pass
2010-08-02 23:06:20 - Scott-Land: 9,2 ( or 8,3 ) vs 8 is no gimmie
2010-08-03 17:05:05 - hotfire: eat up hansel
2010-08-06 04:39:43 - steve066: damn you are correct scott
2010-08-06 04:41:27 - steve066: hotfire i considered referencing the hansel ans gretel witches oven but though it to obscure
2010-08-06 04:42:11 - steve066: now that i know you sharp i will feel free
2010-08-06 04:46:14 - steve066: scott i erred in thinking paean and gear could only come through ironquest
2010-08-06 04:46:46 - steve066: or i've made a good excuse
2010-08-06 04:47:15 - steve066: did have 2 pair and was frettin'
2010-08-07 00:37:14 - Scott-Land: damn.... they cant make it easy can they
2010-08-07 00:39:26 - Scott-Land: that blows... had to pull my 10 i dropped for scotty to make the kill on green
2010-08-07 00:47:49 - Scott-Land: dang dice
2010-08-07 00:58:49 - Scott-Land: wow.... 12,4 vs 9 and you have 6 left...
2010-08-07 00:59:56 - Scott-Land: waste of time.... gg -- sorry fellas
2010-08-07 01:00:47 - Scott-Land: as usual a cake sweep gone to shit
2010-08-07 05:49:27 - Phatscotty: uh, ok
2010-08-07 11:06:19 - RedFun: gg Lindax
2010-08-07 11:07:45 - RedFun: also failed to sweep ....
2010-08-07 11:11:33 - Lindax: wow
2010-08-08 04:13:47 - steve066: wow
2010-08-08 04:15:18 - steve066: gg all