Play States
Play By Clickable Map
Deploy: Click on territory to deploy, choose number to deploy and click again to make deployment
Assault: Click on a territory to Assault from, then on a territory to Assault (right click to Auto Assault)
Advance: Click on conquered territory to choose to advance, choose number to advance, then click again to advance. Click on conquering territory to advance zero.
Reinforce: Click on a territory to Reinforce from, then on a territory to Reinforce to. Click again to confirm.
Play By Keyboard and Mouse
N Key: Skip to next game, Jump to next game
B Key: Begin Turn
E Key: End Deployment, End Assaults, End Reinforcement
L Key: Later (decline to play spoils)
W,S Keys: Increase/decrease troop quantity (slow)
Q,A Keys: Increase/decrease troop quantity (fast)
Mouse Wheel: Change troop quantity by scrolling over the selected region.
CTRL Key + Click: You can always use CTRL-click instead of the right mouse button.
Middle Click: To advance to next stage (Begin Turn, End Assaults, etc.) click the middle mouse button anywhere on the map.
2010-07-01 17:01:56 - Game has been initialized
2010-07-06 22:29:25 - The Fuzzy Pengui eliminated HippieBroker from the game
2010-07-07 14:38:55 - The Fuzzy Pengui eliminated MNDuke from the game
2010-07-07 14:38:55 - Natewolfman, The Fuzzy Pengui won the game
2010-07-07 14:38:55 - HippieBroker lost 36 points
2010-07-07 14:38:55 - MNDuke lost 36 points
2010-07-07 14:38:55 - Natewolfman gained 36 points
2010-07-07 14:38:56 - The Fuzzy Pengui gained 36 points
2010-07-01 17:45:41 - HippieBroker: GL again!
2010-07-01 23:43:54 - MNDuke: gl guys hf
2010-07-02 23:19:14 - HippieBroker: nicely done guys...could you lose a roll sometime soon tho?? My partner is crying and it is not a pretty sight!! :)
2010-07-02 23:24:19 - HippieBroker: cute avatar fuzzy
2010-07-04 00:27:06 - Natewolfman: bloody ell, my bad in all 3 games, i JUST missed my time >.<
2010-07-04 19:23:58 - The Fuzzy Pengui: thanks hippie lol
2010-07-05 14:01:40 - HippieBroker: no worries doesn't want us to win this so you could miss 3 turns in a row and you'll still win
2010-07-05 14:03:13 - HippieBroker: at least I rolled 6's there that time! unfortunately so did you!
2010-07-06 02:54:04 - MNDuke: hippie for duke
2010-07-06 16:26:04 - HippieBroker: 12 guys to take out 3...sweet. don't think cc wants us to win this
2010-07-06 16:38:50 - HippieBroker: but based on how things have gone you will either roll brutal or perfect Nate! no middle ground in this game! GL
2010-07-06 17:32:19 - Natewolfman: moderate, 1-1 split then win 4v1, our teams luck is all in fuz not me :P
2010-07-06 17:32:34 - Natewolfman: offensivly speaking*
2010-07-06 18:43:37 - HippieBroker: well you picked the right partner then! lol (and you'll be happy to know you KICK ASS defensively!!)
2010-07-06 18:43:54 - HippieBroker: Defense wins championships. that's what every coach says!
2010-07-06 22:30:52 - The Fuzzy Pengui: holy crap - i was so excited about eliminating you, hippie, that i didn't realize nate only had 1 spot left...i almost had a heart attack until i realized he went next
2010-07-06 22:31:52 - The Fuzzy Pengui: good games though guys, it really was pretty lopsided which kinda bites, but thanks for being good sports about it.
2010-07-07 12:17:14 - Natewolfman: agreed, it was a pleasure :)
2010-07-07 13:20:51 - MNDuke: yeah its always fun to get ass lucky and steal some points
2010-07-07 13:22:07 - MNDuke: gg you guys roll very well
2010-07-07 14:40:52 - HippieBroker: gg guys. as i said 10 times b4...good luck in the next rd
2010-07-07 14:41:23 - HippieBroker: in future fuzzy---you should just take your partner out so you can cash again and then take me out (and then duke)
2010-07-07 14:41:52 - HippieBroker: that's probably safer---cause if you come up short wiping me out, then you lose the game for sure (even with our dice)
2010-07-07 14:46:15 - HippieBroker: and i don't think we were really good sports about it! lol We are normally much funnier and nicer. but getting dice fucked THAT MANY TIMES in 3 games is pretty hard to take sometimes.
2010-07-07 14:46:34 - HippieBroker: i'm sure you've been thru that too! GL keep rolling well! cheers