Play States
Play By Clickable Map
Deploy: Click on territory to deploy, choose number to deploy and click again to make deployment
Assault: Click on a territory to Assault from, then on a territory to Assault (right click to Auto Assault)
Advance: Click on conquered territory to choose to advance, choose number to advance, then click again to advance. Click on conquering territory to advance zero.
Reinforce: Click on a territory to Reinforce from, then on a territory to Reinforce to. Click again to confirm.
Play By Keyboard and Mouse
N Key: Skip to next game, Jump to next game
B Key: Begin Turn
E Key: End Deployment, End Assaults, End Reinforcement
L Key: Later (decline to play spoils)
W,S Keys: Increase/decrease troop quantity (slow)
Q,A Keys: Increase/decrease troop quantity (fast)
Mouse Wheel: Change troop quantity by scrolling over the selected region.
CTRL Key + Click: You can always use CTRL-click instead of the right mouse button.
Middle Click: To advance to next stage (Begin Turn, End Assaults, etc.) click the middle mouse button anywhere on the map.
2011-04-09 07:05:31 - Eddy_26: he only has to play like once a month, i have to look at it everyday! lol
2011-04-09 07:06:59 - initus: xD
2011-04-14 06:00:28 - initus: Well I suppose we all have the power to end it, it is just the matter of choosing who will go down with you...
2011-04-16 07:53:19 - PepeAtila: It is a very difficult situation since I think if I fight with one of you the other will win. So I recommended to decrese troops "little by little". But it is anyway difficult
2011-04-16 07:53:31 - Eddy_26: I'd rather not suicide a 221 round game away
2011-04-16 07:53:50 - Eddy_26: decreasing troops might work
2011-04-17 06:26:07 - PepeAtila: first step always lower than 1600 ?
2011-04-17 06:31:25 - initus: all I see this doing is giving you the advantage, pepe :P
2011-04-17 06:32:22 - initus: and if we are going to try to equally even the troop numbers, the bonuses will also have to be equalized and in that case we might as well keep this many troops because it wouldn't really make any sort of difference :/
2011-04-18 02:14:16 - Eddy_26: well we could fix that by directing an extra attack or two to him each round
2011-04-18 02:14:28 - Eddy_26: well, it's kind of a fix anyway
2011-04-18 19:08:10 - initus: superficially I suppose, though not entirely satisfactory
2011-04-18 19:41:23 - PepeAtila: I don't see the advantage!! I also did when I got 1000 and that is why now I am weaker. I was meaning everyone can attack as he wants for 1st rule "sharing" the hits... Attacking both to me I will better suicide against the 1st to do it.
2011-04-18 19:56:11 - PepeAtila: Because in this way I would have nothing to do.
2011-04-18 20:07:45 - PepeAtila: * well I guess we should still the same till 12- 22nd- 2012
2011-04-19 02:40:35 - Eddy_26: I didn't mean full on hitting you or anyone, but merely tapping each other a few times
2011-04-19 02:40:46 - Eddy_26: each turn that is
2011-04-19 19:28:24 - initus: Pepe, you have the highest bonus and the lowest number of troops, putting a ceiling on troop numbers and then lowering it will only help you, that was my point
2011-04-20 07:56:35 - PepeAtila: initius, I have -100 troops, but as you say for me is better to continue the same way ... :) I guess in 100 rounds more I will have the same troops :) to put a ceiling was just an idea to stop the weapon raise! :)
2011-04-20 08:01:49 - PepeAtila: Eddie I am sorry I didn't understand "an extra attack" ... perhaps can we look for a better solution? f.example wasting 10 troops each round, but it is more difficult to control it and to do it.
2011-04-20 09:41:14 - initus: a ceiling will only quicken your ascent, while this puts it off awhile
2011-06-23 19:01:14 - initus: might be time to start the talks up again
2011-06-24 15:05:04 - PepeAtila: I don't know what is the solution. Perhaps from now 2000 for each one and later this ceiling of 2000
2011-06-26 09:14:45 - Eddy_26: yeah, I'm for a ceiling of 2000 to start off with
2011-06-27 15:53:25 - PepeAtila: Initus should begin
2011-06-29 03:30:52 - initus: besides me having trust issues and you having the bigger deploy, I would rather that you go first...
2011-06-29 07:51:12 - PepeAtila: done ... 2000
2011-06-29 13:26:45 - Eddy_26: aaand done...sorry, had to take you guys under to get me there
2011-06-29 13:27:06 - Eddy_26: 1950 this round?
2011-06-29 13:27:25 - Eddy_26: heh, after all that I didn't get a card =/
2011-06-29 18:58:27 - initus: are we doing a rapid descalating? To my understanding it was just a ceiling, but if you guys want that
2011-06-29 18:59:00 - initus: de-escalation*
2011-06-29 20:21:47 - PepeAtila: Ed should decide
2011-06-30 12:48:38 - Eddy_26: we might as well. with this many troops each there's no room to move
2011-08-03 03:21:51 - initus: Off by a few... but happy 300+
2011-09-04 05:34:35 - Eddy_26: drunkmonkey for eddy
2011-10-08 15:08:46 - Eddy_26: frog for eddy
2011-10-17 23:29:58 - PepeAtila: after one year darth emperor strikes back :D
2011-10-18 09:22:37 - initus: noooooooo
2011-10-18 20:50:25 - PepeAtila: darth for Pepe
2011-10-18 20:51:07 - PepeAtila: lol, I'm so scary initus?
2011-10-19 09:11:08 - initus: seemed like an appropriate response
2011-10-20 20:37:25 - PepeAtila: darth
2011-10-29 14:18:08 - PepeAtila: darth again
2011-11-15 14:40:16 - PepeAtila: pepe is playing
2011-12-26 09:50:07 - Eddy_26: frog
2012-01-07 19:26:27 - initus: well that's one way to end the game...
2012-01-07 22:50:13 - PepeAtila: good moment for you
2012-01-07 23:38:26 - initus: yeah, it was nice playing with you in this year and a half endeavor...
2012-01-08 05:20:00 - initus: good game