Play States
Play By Clickable Map
Deploy: Click on territory to deploy, choose number to deploy and click again to make deployment
Assault: Click on a territory to Assault from, then on a territory to Assault (right click to Auto Assault)
Advance: Click on conquered territory to choose to advance, choose number to advance, then click again to advance. Click on conquering territory to advance zero.
Reinforce: Click on a territory to Reinforce from, then on a territory to Reinforce to. Click again to confirm.
Play By Keyboard and Mouse
N Key: Skip to next game, Jump to next game
B Key: Begin Turn
E Key: End Deployment, End Assaults, End Reinforcement
L Key: Later (decline to play spoils)
W,S Keys: Increase/decrease troop quantity (slow)
Q,A Keys: Increase/decrease troop quantity (fast)
Mouse Wheel: Change troop quantity by scrolling over the selected region.
CTRL Key + Click: You can always use CTRL-click instead of the right mouse button.
Middle Click: To advance to next stage (Begin Turn, End Assaults, etc.) click the middle mouse button anywhere on the map.
2010-09-06 20:56:09 - jallowe: Blue, I am your friend.
2010-09-07 17:46:26 - SIDI: Sorry Jallowe - you got a couple of turns of nice bonus' to help you recover somewhat from green. I had to relocate. I was in the middle of everybodies masses. I was trying to get my mass to St George and BC. Bad rolls.
2010-09-07 17:48:00 - SIDI: My next move depends a bit on yours.
2010-09-07 17:49:23 - SIDI: I could live with you collecting 6 while I take a 4 & 2.
2010-09-07 18:02:29 - jallowe: Made my move, let me know how you want to work the borders.
2010-09-07 18:35:30 - mattastrophe: lol. blue, you hit pink so hard, I'm now more afraid of you ;)
2010-09-08 00:59:48 - SIDI: Thanks jensenator for sitting. I am back. It looks like some crazyness happened. gg green
2010-09-14 16:41:01 - SIDI: Pink: it's a little early to take north america 4+2 and 6 was the agreement. 16 to 10 is too much. 60% more especially when we have equal troops.
2010-09-14 16:41:28 - SIDI: whoops not north america. duh! Ontario.
2010-09-14 20:40:27 - jallowe: I haven't taken Ontario
2010-09-14 21:08:15 - SIDI: No you haven't just putting it out there.
2010-09-14 22:37:11 - jallowe: It is in North America :)
2010-09-15 22:53:12 - SIDI: That's true.
2010-10-01 00:32:48 - SIDI: Why did you do that pink? My stack can't touch yours from there?
2010-10-01 17:47:28 - jallowe: I have no idea, I am totally confused what is going on. Wait there is nothing going on, so how can I be confused???
2010-10-01 22:50:16 - SIDI: Well the way things are going pink.
2010-10-01 22:50:56 - SIDI: We should meet in the finals and have a 50/50 chance to win this.
2010-10-11 12:16:18 - jallowe: Blue, put a few troops on Nord Du Quebec, so you can tap North Bay next round.
2010-10-11 16:24:01 - braveboy: Mattastrophe - time to attack pink - he seems to have a pact with blue - and you will be next...
2010-10-11 19:27:18 - jallowe: Red - I am Grey's best friend right now.
2010-10-11 21:00:34 - braveboy: your not mine.....
2010-10-12 01:49:07 - jallowe: I figured that.
2010-10-12 04:05:26 - SIDI: Pink I'll trade you Toronto for Nord de Quebec
2010-10-12 14:37:03 - jallowe: Why those 2?
2010-10-12 14:39:35 - SIDI: If I bring grey down at least if I strategic back to where my BIG stack is now I am still open to attack. And you don't lose your 18th spot
2010-10-19 00:03:59 - SIDI: So pink any thoughts? I know you took red out but I can't take grey out b/c I would lose too many troops.
2010-10-19 00:04:55 - SIDI: I would be willing to bring him down a bit. But then what?
2010-10-19 02:05:57 - jallowe: TBH, I really don't have any idea. Best option may be to have you take him down until we are even, and then take turns whittling him down??
2010-10-19 15:52:11 - SIDI: So if I go cote nord would you open cote nord back up?
2010-10-19 16:27:22 - SIDI: That is the problem. I would bring him down some if I knew that Cote nord would be open again
2010-10-19 16:30:25 - jallowe: Of course it would be open
2010-10-19 18:52:05 - SIDI: So you would reopen it for me?
2010-10-19 18:54:39 - jallowe: Yeah.
2010-10-19 19:10:38 - SIDI: whoops forgot I would need cote nord AND SAGUENAY opened. That is the path I'll have to take.
2010-10-19 19:50:52 - jallowe: ok
2010-10-19 22:49:45 - SIDI: Lol never mind, Pink did the 1st round for me. I guess it's on you now
2010-10-19 22:59:58 - mattastrophe: hmm, looks like I got hit too hard, pink. I think blue's got the advantage now.
2010-10-20 12:24:33 - jallowe: I thought the deal was to take out grey??? You are 150 ahead of me, and grey only has 142 left.
2010-10-20 15:37:52 - SIDI: Deal is still on. Didn't have the time to sit and roll. Not a fan of autoroll.
2010-10-21 00:36:12 - jallowe: Thanks for fucking me. I thought we would have split the territories and had a real 1-on-1. I did all the work, assuming you would not screw me over.
2010-10-21 00:38:23 - jallowe: I should have struck a deal with Grey.
2010-10-21 01:37:41 - SIDI: I am sorry you thought that. Our deal did not work out for you but I upheld my end of the deal. We split grey between us. I took out Grey like I said I would. We did meet heads up.
2010-10-21 01:38:36 - SIDI: You never mentioned anything abut spliting the territories. I don't know why you would assume that. You could have asked. I would have said "no"
2010-10-21 01:39:22 - SIDI: We did play a "real" heads up. It was just shorter then planned because I had some really good rolls.
2010-10-21 12:23:50 - jallowe: Because you played with integrity the whole game, and thought you would continue. Shame on me.
2010-10-21 12:24:48 - jallowe: Well at least this 5 month game is over.
2010-10-21 16:17:39 - SIDI: I think I finished this game with integrity too. I never lied to you. I took out grey. We met heads up.
2010-10-21 16:18:00 - SIDI: It was an epic 5 month game. Good game.
2010-10-21 16:54:56 - jallowe: Took out??? You mean finished off after I did all, and I mean "ALL" the work.
2010-10-21 16:55:31 - jallowe: I could have left him alone when we had the same amount of troops, but no I helped.