Play States
Play By Clickable Map
Deploy: Click on territory to deploy, choose number to deploy and click again to make deployment
Assault: Click on a territory to Assault from, then on a territory to Assault (right click to Auto Assault)
Advance: Click on conquered territory to choose to advance, choose number to advance, then click again to advance. Click on conquering territory to advance zero.
Reinforce: Click on a territory to Reinforce from, then on a territory to Reinforce to. Click again to confirm.
Play By Keyboard and Mouse
N Key: Skip to next game, Jump to next game
B Key: Begin Turn
E Key: End Deployment, End Assaults, End Reinforcement
L Key: Later (decline to play spoils)
W,S Keys: Increase/decrease troop quantity (slow)
Q,A Keys: Increase/decrease troop quantity (fast)
Mouse Wheel: Change troop quantity by scrolling over the selected region.
CTRL Key + Click: You can always use CTRL-click instead of the right mouse button.
Middle Click: To advance to next stage (Begin Turn, End Assaults, etc.) click the middle mouse button anywhere on the map.
2010-06-10 18:37:48 - Tezu: can't start new games, my premium ran out
2010-06-11 04:46:14 - Tezu: just got my premium back, so I'm up for the shadow game if you want to...
2010-06-11 18:56:59 - KingGarnettMVP: i would say lets do it....we don't need this ending with blood.....whoever makes the first move will be suiciding (and whoever they attack will suicide back and foe them)....its not worth continuing
2010-06-11 18:57:13 - KingGarnettMVP: Someone create the shadow and we can start whenever
2010-06-14 14:04:57 - notsosmart: but don't you want to go for the CC record? ;-)
2010-06-21 18:15:48 - notsosmart: Goddamnit
2010-06-21 18:15:51 - notsosmart: sorry teal
2010-06-21 18:15:56 - notsosmart: my computer is effing up
2010-06-21 18:16:02 - notsosmart: did not mean to do that at all
2010-06-21 20:59:56 - pavpav: how the hell do you still have the most people?
2010-06-22 10:21:40 - notsosmart: Looks like Tezu does now...
2010-06-22 14:23:20 - pavpav: but youre yet to cash in
2010-06-22 16:12:20 - Tezu: so? are we gonna create a shadow game?
2010-06-22 16:16:45 - notsosmart: can we wait a couple of weeks? I'm about to go off-shore and will need to have someome else take my turns...
2010-06-22 16:17:09 - notsosmart: it would be great if we could start one around the Fourth of July or thereabouts...
2010-06-22 17:23:18 - KingGarnettMVP: thats fine with me
2010-06-22 17:23:35 - KingGarnettMVP: so maybe start it on monday the 5th?
2010-06-22 18:39:24 - Tezu: thats cool
2010-06-22 21:04:59 - notsosmart: yea, that's fine]
2010-06-22 22:24:41 - notsosmart: goddmnit
2010-06-23 12:18:49 - KingGarnettMVP: more easy cards down there? well if you dont move out of lake 6....i might as well attack it :)
2010-06-23 22:19:45 - pavpav: you might as well =) or you can attack red and loose 3k less people =P
2010-06-24 03:02:57 - pavpav: haha =) nice move, red
2010-06-24 12:53:40 - KingGarnettMVP: well if we keep up with these wins this thing going away haha
2010-07-05 16:23:26 - KingGarnettMVP: so are we ready to start the Shadow Game so we can end this???? (or maybe start another 120,000 troop battle :) )
2010-07-05 19:01:46 - pavpav: im soo ready =)
2010-07-05 19:02:00 - pavpav: but maybe we should do it with fog of war this time?
2010-07-06 15:42:54 - KingGarnettMVP: I sent you all an invite to this game (with Fog/Unlimited)....I can change it if you want
2010-07-07 11:45:12 - notsosmart: I'm so tempte to do a sneak attack now... but of course, that would be suicide... and also kind of rude
2010-07-07 11:45:18 - notsosmart: *tempted
2010-07-09 12:32:09 - notsosmart: HAPPY ROUND 200 EVERYONE
2010-07-09 14:49:19 - pavpav: yeeei !! =)
2010-07-10 04:38:54 - notsosmart: The script that dynamically generates the drop-down menu for my stack of 23K is slowing my system to a crawl and crashing it.
2010-07-10 12:39:29 - KingGarnettMVP: do we know what the record is for total rounds/troops in a conquer game?
2010-07-11 01:25:46 - SneakySheep: i think you need more men guys
2010-07-11 16:37:52 - notsosmart: I don't know about escalating, but I recall seeing a flat rate game that lasted over 1000 rounds (!)
2010-07-14 11:39:45 - notsosmart: Alright, this ought to be fun. I'll get my popcorn ready! ;-)
2010-07-14 11:40:24 - notsosmart: BTW, I left everyone 5* ratings after the other game... one of the categories to click is "balanced play". That one made me laugh.
2010-07-14 17:33:21 - pavpav: hahaha
2010-07-14 17:36:03 - pavpav: im sorry for all the missed turns guys, im outa school so im far away from computers now most of the time.,,
2010-07-14 17:36:19 - pavpav: but i cant belive its over haha
2010-07-14 18:46:55 - notsosmart: no worries mate... enjoy your vacation!
2010-07-14 18:47:06 - notsosmart: and yes, I can't believe it's over either!
2010-07-14 18:47:52 - Tezu: congrats on the win notsosmart!
2010-07-14 18:52:01 - Tezu: leave my lake ministello 13 so i can suicide that stack
2010-07-14 18:52:07 - Tezu: take realm instead
2010-07-14 18:54:09 - notsosmart: read your comment too late... but it should work out.
2010-07-14 18:54:16 - notsosmart: thanks for the congrats...
2010-07-14 20:24:28 - notsosmart: GG Everyone!
2010-07-14 20:24:35 - notsosmart: 5* all around...