Play States
Play By Clickable Map
Deploy: Click on territory to deploy, choose number to deploy and click again to make deployment
Assault: Click on a territory to Assault from, then on a territory to Assault (right click to Auto Assault)
Advance: Click on conquered territory to choose to advance, choose number to advance, then click again to advance. Click on conquering territory to advance zero.
Reinforce: Click on a territory to Reinforce from, then on a territory to Reinforce to. Click again to confirm.
Play By Keyboard and Mouse
N Key: Skip to next game, Jump to next game
B Key: Begin Turn
E Key: End Deployment, End Assaults, End Reinforcement
L Key: Later (decline to play spoils)
W,S Keys: Increase/decrease troop quantity (slow)
Q,A Keys: Increase/decrease troop quantity (fast)
Mouse Wheel: Change troop quantity by scrolling over the selected region.
CTRL Key + Click: You can always use CTRL-click instead of the right mouse button.
Middle Click: To advance to next stage (Begin Turn, End Assaults, etc.) click the middle mouse button anywhere on the map.
2010-05-13 14:04:48 - Hamtrigger: Fair enough.
2010-05-13 22:10:40 - thegreekdog: last round for truce stoneham
2010-05-13 22:10:50 - thegreekdog: i'll be attacking in round 72
2010-05-13 22:45:19 - GENERAL STONEHAM: So be it.
2010-05-18 13:40:03 - GENERAL STONEHAM: PINK, can't we just get along?
2010-05-18 14:26:11 - Hamtrigger: Sure.
2010-05-20 03:11:24 - Hamtrigger: You know green I've been breaking yellow.
2010-05-20 03:11:31 - Hamtrigger: I'm confused as to why you're attacking me xD
2010-05-20 12:01:26 - $t0kA: just tryin to even it out!
2010-05-20 20:00:39 - GENERAL STONEHAM: BIG mistake GREEN!
2010-05-20 20:01:13 - GENERAL STONEHAM: Yea right PINK, let's get along and you replied," SURE"
2010-05-20 20:01:24 - GENERAL STONEHAM: You lied to me!
2010-05-20 20:02:14 - GENERAL STONEHAM: With your huge bonuses, you're the real threat. I should've of broken you before you LIED to me.
2010-05-22 03:08:53 - thegreekdog: did someone lie to you stoneham?
2010-05-22 12:47:32 - GENERAL STONEHAM: Yes, my Jewish friend.
2010-05-22 12:48:07 - GENERAL STONEHAM: ...and my feelings are hurt.
2010-05-22 12:48:16 - GENERAL STONEHAM: boo-hoo
2010-05-22 12:48:36 - GENERAL STONEHAM: can I cry on your shoulder?
2010-05-23 17:24:27 - thegreekdog: absolutely buddy
2010-05-24 14:36:25 - GENERAL STONEHAM: Oh geeezes PINK, all those wasted lives for what?!?!
2010-05-24 18:50:58 - Hamtrigger: It takes two to make a baby.
2010-05-25 02:38:02 - GENERAL STONEHAM: Not with artificial insemnation
2010-05-25 08:54:19 - Hamtrigger: Oh? then who provided the semin?
2010-05-25 08:54:22 - Hamtrigger: semen
2010-05-25 20:19:01 - GENERAL STONEHAM: The test tube
2010-05-25 20:22:58 - thegreekdog: it took me 60 turns, but i can finally kill at least one of you
2010-05-25 20:23:13 - thegreekdog: i'm like a fucking paragon of patience
2010-05-26 14:08:03 - GENERAL STONEHAM: If there was a medal for patience, you would have one for this game.
2010-05-26 14:09:46 - GENERAL STONEHAM: Just remember before you go on your suicidal mission, that I helped you attain this position of being able to murder one of your neighbors by keeping GREEN down to a managable level.
2010-05-26 14:09:56 - GENERAL STONEHAM: In other words.....
2010-05-26 14:10:24 - GENERAL STONEHAM: Who's your friend? Who's your buddy?
2010-05-26 14:10:35 - GENERAL STONEHAM: I AM! I AM!
2010-05-26 14:12:22 - GENERAL STONEHAM: - $t0kA: ahahhah shut up you jew
2010-05-26 14:12:48 - GENERAL STONEHAM: He may hate Jews, but I don't.
2010-05-26 14:13:22 - GENERAL STONEHAM: I find Jewish babies delicious and tender.
2010-05-27 00:15:42 - GENERAL STONEHAM: Once again Ham, you got to provoke me, why?
2010-06-04 13:53:49 - GENERAL STONEHAM: Geeezes Ham, why? Can't we ever live in peace?
2010-06-04 19:35:39 - Hamtrigger: Because you're clearly in the lead, and sombody's gotta knock you down.
2010-06-04 21:47:04 - GENERAL STONEHAM: But why sacrifice yourself and die?
2010-06-04 21:47:18 - GENERAL STONEHAM: It's very sad to see you go.
2010-06-04 21:51:08 - Hamtrigger: Well, I didn't anticipate you sacrificing yourself to kill me.
2010-06-04 21:52:24 - GENERAL STONEHAM: It was mutual I guess, but how romantic is that?!?!
2010-06-06 05:04:08 - GENERAL STONEHAM: Gee, another suicidal run.
2010-06-06 05:04:26 - GENERAL STONEHAM: I'm gonna miss you GREEN.
2010-06-08 12:51:16 - GENERAL STONEHAM: GREEN, if you can't break BLUE's bonuses, it's game over.
2010-06-09 02:45:15 - thegreekdog: good game stoka
2010-06-09 13:37:17 - GENERAL STONEHAM: gg Greek Dog, really for a Jew you don't play too bad.
2010-06-09 13:38:05 - thegreekdog: thanks GS; good game to all
2010-06-09 20:46:01 - Hamtrigger: Good game.
2010-06-09 20:46:06 - Hamtrigger: I can't you won, bud.