Play States
Play By Clickable Map
Deploy: Click on territory to deploy, choose number to deploy and click again to make deployment
Assault: Click on a territory to Assault from, then on a territory to Assault (right click to Auto Assault)
Advance: Click on conquered territory to choose to advance, choose number to advance, then click again to advance. Click on conquering territory to advance zero.
Reinforce: Click on a territory to Reinforce from, then on a territory to Reinforce to. Click again to confirm.
Play By Keyboard and Mouse
N Key: Skip to next game, Jump to next game
B Key: Begin Turn
E Key: End Deployment, End Assaults, End Reinforcement
L Key: Later (decline to play spoils)
W,S Keys: Increase/decrease troop quantity (slow)
Q,A Keys: Increase/decrease troop quantity (fast)
Mouse Wheel: Change troop quantity by scrolling over the selected region.
CTRL Key + Click: You can always use CTRL-click instead of the right mouse button.
Middle Click: To advance to next stage (Begin Turn, End Assaults, etc.) click the middle mouse button anywhere on the map.
2009-12-15 04:57:50 - Ugomo: you are not in the situation to attacking tahts will make you more weak and green win this game anyway, we cant take back the lead now
2009-12-15 11:02:10 - espias60: right. after i take back all u took away
2009-12-15 16:02:29 - theplague: blue your still growung fastest (troops due per turn(
2009-12-15 16:43:08 - Ugomo: well, maybe you are to peacefull with us, we are near dead:P
2009-12-15 17:31:12 - espias60: blue i suggest u take ur troops out of Western USA. They are gonna make me lose too much troops
2009-12-15 17:31:48 - espias60: this game is greens.
2009-12-15 17:33:26 - espias60: i still dont understand ur interest in America. we even had a couple of turns we didnt attack each other. peace sometimes is the best alternative
2009-12-15 17:33:58 - espias60: u lost so many troops taking AGAIN USA
2009-12-15 17:34:28 - espias60: it has been a great game
2009-12-15 17:56:35 - Ugomo: you dont control north america only want to have more troops for rebuild my army and attack green after
2009-12-15 17:56:58 - Ugomo: your strategy was so bad that you cant attack green
2009-12-15 17:58:02 - Ugomo: its you wo cost me so many troops because you dont understand with chained reinforcements you must have big attack , not so many little army everywhere who cant attack
2009-12-15 17:59:06 - Ugomo: your strategy work better with unlimited reinforcements not with chained
2009-12-15 18:04:35 - Ugomo: if you dont want I take nort america defend it better...I must take territory and I attack weak army.
2009-12-15 18:07:49 - Ugomo: dont ask why you cant defend it, you can reinforce your troops in one shot to protect better...
2009-12-15 18:08:16 - Ugomo: can=cant
2009-12-15 21:05:18 - espias60: my strategy is the reason im still alive in this game. dont need to argue with you.
2009-12-16 01:54:14 - espias60: incredible.
2009-12-16 01:55:11 - espias60: the mother of the child, please
2009-12-16 17:03:39 - Ugomo: sorry but the only way i cant try to win this game its by take more territory from you since green defed well is cant complain about that its your stay alive strategy force me to do that
2009-12-16 17:03:52 - Ugomo: I dont play to be alive.. I play to conquer and win a game!
2009-12-16 17:04:09 - Ugomo: can
2009-12-17 13:55:53 - Ugomo: really you suck terribly in this game espias...I attack green last turn, its was your last chance to make some dommage to green before he will attack you in sout america...but now its too late. you lost precious army to attack mexico.
2009-12-17 13:58:12 - Ugomo: I dont care about losing the game, and you will not win it anyway but last turn was your last chance to maybe change the game!!
2009-12-17 20:46:00 - espias60: ur full of it buddy
2009-12-18 19:35:11 - Ugomo: well nice finally you played a good turn, maybe we can be back in the game :P
2009-12-20 00:33:37 - espias60: stop being so naive. u should be in COngress. seriously
2009-12-20 19:11:09 - theplague: I just lost 10 - 0 against you espias in Guineas
2009-12-22 02:43:09 - espias60: how can i attack green if u take out my bonus, kid? play smarter
2009-12-22 13:42:54 - Ugomo: lol you cry because you lost a bonus of 3?
2009-12-22 13:43:34 - Ugomo: wow you are more idot i was thinking!
2009-12-22 13:46:17 - Ugomo: and say goodbye to your 22 army...what an idiot move to put this army at this place when i will have a 24 bonus + 4 spoils
2009-12-22 13:49:02 - Ugomo: really its must be you to play smarter
2009-12-29 18:42:53 - theplague: wow a 70+ round game where 3 times I had a lead seized back from me
2009-12-29 18:44:21 - theplague: Ugomo without telling you how (in case we meet again) you single handedly let me win this game (at least 3 times) you made the same big mistake. gg guys and gl in your other games
2009-12-29 18:44:50 - theplague: unless of course by some miracle you seize it back from the edge again
2009-12-29 21:35:43 - Ugomo: I dont think I have a lesson to learn from you, its only a game and each game its different because we dont play each time in the same situation with the same players.
2009-12-29 21:37:13 - Ugomo: but you are very slow to conquer us, you give us some chance to be back, trying to eliminate us in same time.
2009-12-29 21:38:23 - Ugomo: that nearly cost you the game before, but espias dont help me very much on this game:P
2009-12-29 23:49:53 - theplague: I am not interested in teaching you anything. I was simply thanking you for helping me win THIS GAME
2009-12-29 23:50:41 - theplague: and your very short sighted. There are many games with different players that have some repetitive situations
2009-12-29 23:51:13 - theplague: If their wasn't than there would be no point in learning tactics, strategy or situational awareness
2009-12-29 23:52:05 - theplague: You can try and tell yourself that no war ever presents a previous situation. So every war ever fought before has simply been won by luck
2009-12-29 23:52:49 - theplague: No maneuver is ever advantageous in a war scenario because there are never repeated situations.
2009-12-29 23:53:56 - theplague: You are right that I almoest lost the game 3 times. Absolutely. and once again thanks for letting me off the hook each time
2009-12-29 23:55:08 - theplague: well anyway good game and good luck in your other games
2009-12-29 23:57:16 - theplague: Looking back through the chat you have done everything right and everybody else did everything wrong.
2009-12-29 23:57:36 - theplague: So I guess you were robbed
2009-12-30 00:02:21 - theplague: gg espias I am sure I will see you around
2009-12-30 13:47:12 - espias60: GG