Play States
Play By Clickable Map
Deploy: Click on territory to deploy, choose number to deploy and click again to make deployment
Assault: Click on a territory to Assault from, then on a territory to Assault (right click to Auto Assault)
Advance: Click on conquered territory to choose to advance, choose number to advance, then click again to advance. Click on conquering territory to advance zero.
Reinforce: Click on a territory to Reinforce from, then on a territory to Reinforce to. Click again to confirm.
Play By Keyboard and Mouse
N Key: Skip to next game, Jump to next game
B Key: Begin Turn
E Key: End Deployment, End Assaults, End Reinforcement
L Key: Later (decline to play spoils)
W,S Keys: Increase/decrease troop quantity (slow)
Q,A Keys: Increase/decrease troop quantity (fast)
Mouse Wheel: Change troop quantity by scrolling over the selected region.
CTRL Key + Click: You can always use CTRL-click instead of the right mouse button.
Middle Click: To advance to next stage (Begin Turn, End Assaults, etc.) click the middle mouse button anywhere on the map.
2009-12-18 05:56:17 - Eyestone: I assure you it wasn't intentional. I had planned to log in on time, but something unexpected came up and I was a few minutes late.
2009-12-18 05:59:20 - Eyestone: This also might look like a stalemate.
2009-12-20 18:08:44 - owenator: I was just kidding Eyestone
2009-12-20 18:08:54 - owenator: going to have to agree about the stalemate
2009-12-20 23:36:45 - Eyestone: I kind of figured so, after my post ;) If everyone agrees on the stalemate, we might do a play-off to settle the game between the remaining players?
2009-12-22 05:15:09 - Iccinot Nabrus: I agree to stalemate.
2009-12-22 16:01:47 - owenator: I've already agreed
2009-12-23 07:41:15 - Eyestone: tedi and nano? What do you say?
2009-12-24 07:15:24 - Nanogram: okay
2009-12-26 07:53:44 - Eyestone: mr blue? Are you with us?
2009-12-28 20:23:44 - Eyestone: I'm setting up another game with us 5 then(tedi agreed in a PM). I'll make it sunny though, so the risk of getting another stalemate is reduced significantly.
2009-12-28 20:24:01 - Eyestone: The winner of the other game get's to win this one by the other players suiciding themselves on each other. *virtual handshake* ;)
2009-12-28 23:16:15 - Iccinot Nabrus: Thanks eyestone.
2009-12-29 09:53:37 - owenator: grond for owen
2009-12-31 15:46:16 - Eyestone: stahr for Eye
2010-01-01 18:39:28 - owenator: ummm....stahr you should read game chat before you do anything
2010-01-02 13:04:20 - Eyestone: sorry about that... eye's back again.
2010-01-08 04:24:36 - owenator: just horsing around
2010-01-08 05:45:41 - Nanogram: OK. Are we friends again?
2010-01-10 05:51:11 - owenator: glad you got the point.
2010-01-10 06:56:03 - Nanogram: What is your point? Nothing that happens in this game is of any consequence.
2010-01-10 06:57:15 - Nanogram: What you or I do in this game is meaningless and pointless until the tie-breaker is settled.
2010-01-10 06:57:55 - Nanogram: Am I missing something? Why do you care about your territories in this game?
2010-01-12 03:20:53 - owenator: that's kind of hypocritical of you to say. So now you're complaining about MY actions when you started it all in the first place?
2010-01-12 03:21:18 - owenator: and to for what? Oh yes....let me quote your own words: meaningless and pointless
2010-01-12 03:22:29 - owenator: when you mutually agree to something, it's the principle and thus, about an honour system
2010-01-12 03:23:17 - owenator: if EVERYONE else is only hitting single's, why on earth do you all of a sudden hit stacks? Don't you think I could have done that long time ago?
2010-01-12 03:23:56 - owenator: If you want to keep arguing about the same thing without understanding what I've repeated, then that's your problem and obviously there are some integrity issues
2010-01-12 03:24:57 - owenator: anyone who knows me here on CC and has played with/against me, very well know that I take pride in a simple thing as honour. And if you want to keep arguing about the same thing again - then our conversation is finished.
2010-01-12 03:25:46 - owenator: FYI guys - he suicide on a stack of more than 300 armies
2010-01-12 03:26:47 - owenator: keep doing what you're doing Nanogram. I'm not backing down.
2010-01-12 06:16:37 - Nanogram: Your just not getting it. I have already told you that you are welcome to kill as many of my units as you wish.
2010-01-12 06:18:06 - Nanogram: Go ahead. Nothing would make me happier.
2010-01-12 06:18:11 - Nanogram: Just leave me one territory so we can carry out our agreement on the tie breaker.
2010-01-12 06:19:14 - Nanogram: I am not complaining about your actions.
2010-01-12 06:19:45 - Nanogram: Nothing you can possibly do on this game makes any difference to me in the least.
2010-01-12 06:24:35 - Nanogram: It just doesnt matter.
2010-01-12 06:26:08 - Nanogram: You seem to be upset so I fortified to Japan. Please take China and Russia if it will make you happy.
2010-01-12 06:28:20 - Nanogram: Just do it with the highest level of integrity and honor and give it a lot of meaning and pointfullness.
2010-01-15 01:18:48 - Iccinot Nabrus: Sorry for the missed turn guys.
2010-01-19 00:32:33 - Eyestone: 1044 troops on naval superiority :D
2010-01-20 01:47:41 - Iccinot Nabrus: lol! Nice one eyestone. Did not think of that. :) As always, great battling you dude.
2010-01-22 05:29:55 - Eyestone: tried to divide the killings on different colours, struggled a bit with finding a big stack for my guys in the east but made it finally. have got 22 troops left + 282 on naval superiority. please kill me off if you can ;)
2010-01-22 22:11:55 - Nanogram: Looks like I'll win the other game next turn.
2010-01-22 22:12:45 - Nanogram: Can someone please attack Korea so I can get my troops out of Japan?
2010-01-22 22:13:30 - Nanogram: GG everyone
2010-01-22 23:22:29 - Iccinot Nabrus: GG all. Nice Nano.
2010-01-22 23:31:22 - Iccinot Nabrus: I have 85 in Afghan and 6 in Siam. Rest are singles.
2010-01-22 23:32:32 - Iccinot Nabrus: Opened up Korea.
2010-01-22 23:34:03 - Iccinot Nabrus: You have a good shot to take all of me Nano for the 5 cards.