Play States
Play By Clickable Map
Deploy: Click on territory to deploy, choose number to deploy and click again to make deployment
Assault: Click on a territory to Assault from, then on a territory to Assault (right click to Auto Assault)
Advance: Click on conquered territory to choose to advance, choose number to advance, then click again to advance. Click on conquering territory to advance zero.
Reinforce: Click on a territory to Reinforce from, then on a territory to Reinforce to. Click again to confirm.
Play By Keyboard and Mouse
N Key: Skip to next game, Jump to next game
B Key: Begin Turn
E Key: End Deployment, End Assaults, End Reinforcement
L Key: Later (decline to play spoils)
W,S Keys: Increase/decrease troop quantity (slow)
Q,A Keys: Increase/decrease troop quantity (fast)
Mouse Wheel: Change troop quantity by scrolling over the selected region.
CTRL Key + Click: You can always use CTRL-click instead of the right mouse button.
Middle Click: To advance to next stage (Begin Turn, End Assaults, etc.) click the middle mouse button anywhere on the map.
2011-04-16 10:17:21 - CashPills: yellow, how about you and i do this "army deficit", but only attack blue until he starts to participate
2011-04-18 01:20:59 - jj3044: id rather wait a round for an answer... they may not even be reading the chat, maybe we should send them a PM
2011-04-18 01:23:37 - chiefsfan4ever: sup
2011-04-18 01:23:56 - chiefsfan4ever: sounds good to me
2011-04-18 01:24:02 - chiefsfan4ever: sorry hadn't been reading the chat
2011-04-18 01:24:22 - chiefsfan4ever: haha
2011-04-18 01:24:24 - chiefsfan4ever: yeah sure I'm in
2011-04-18 01:24:49 - chiefsfan4ever: only problem is I can't attack Yellow so green and blue will get the brunt of my attacking
2011-04-18 01:27:04 - jj3044: im sure that will work itself out haha
2011-04-18 01:27:16 - jj3044: ok so waiting on blue's input and we can start
2011-04-18 12:12:22 - CashPills: lets start now, i've been doing the past 3 turns
2011-04-18 12:12:46 - CashPills: we can force blue to particpate if each of us attacks him until he gets on board with the plan
2011-04-20 02:37:30 - meno71: i participated the last couple of rounds
2011-04-20 02:40:48 - jj3044: k, here we go! :)
2011-04-22 15:36:14 - meno71: crap, i hit auto-assault by mistkae
2011-04-22 21:41:32 - jj3044: lol thats ok :)
2011-04-22 21:48:12 - chiefsfan4ever: what the hell!!!!!!!!
2011-04-27 12:17:43 - CashPills: blue-1373
2011-04-27 15:08:15 - jj3044: I'm headed to vegas for a few days, but I let the sitters know of the arrangment and left a note to self regarding it.
2011-04-27 16:35:09 - CashPills: yellow, it looks like we're the only 2 doing the "army deficit" thing anymore
2011-04-27 20:03:01 - chiefsfan4ever: yeah after I lost a 600 troops I thought it was only fair I don't attack anymore
2011-04-30 02:44:00 - jj3044: oh geezus, green. i am using a macbook mousepad to do my attacks and accidentally autoed you, but we still hold more armies...i'm very sorry. careless, account-sitter mistake
2011-04-30 02:44:08 - jj3044: mkcummins here, btw
2011-04-30 10:04:15 - CashPills: i guess that's one way to get this game moving
2011-04-30 14:54:17 - CashPills: now that we've all been hit hard by an auto assault slip up, i say we keep going with the army deficit
2011-04-30 14:54:25 - CashPills: everyone in?
2011-05-01 23:02:27 - jj3044: hi everyone, I am back. I'm in if we all are. Why did someone stop int eh first place?
2011-05-02 00:16:11 - chiefsfan4ever: cuz I lost 600+ troops when blue auto assaulted me
2011-05-02 00:23:22 - jj3044: lol the deal was that we had to lose AT LEAST 1 more than we deployed. the fact he auto'd you accidentally didnt matter
2011-05-02 12:15:55 - CashPills: red-855
2011-05-07 20:31:33 - mexicaneagle5: wow, you guys have been playing this game for a year and a half
2011-05-07 20:36:42 - mexicaneagle5: i will have grandkids before you finish this game, and im not even married yet
2011-05-08 01:57:16 - jj3044: well, we are getting there...slowly!
2011-07-27 02:09:27 - jj3044: I'm gone for a few days... as a reminder to my sitters, need to kill more of MY OWN troops than I deploy.
2011-07-27 02:09:59 - jj3044: make sure to keep at least 20 on the enterances to my top left island... use my stack to burn the required troops
2011-07-27 02:10:11 - jj3044: oops, that was supposed to be note to self, LOL
2011-07-28 12:02:48 - jj3044: lubawski for jj until Monday
2011-07-31 01:05:42 - jj3044: I'm confused. I thought this was kill more of your own troops that deploy. For the 2nd round in a row, you both have more troops than last round.
2011-07-31 01:06:09 - jj3044: After my last turn, Green had 153, Blue 162. Now you have 160 and 172 respectively.
2011-07-31 01:07:30 - jj3044: Which means Green did't lose anything and Blue lost only 2.
2011-08-01 17:24:29 - jj3044: denise this turn
2011-08-02 17:55:55 - jj3044: so guys, whats going on? why did you fellas stop attacking?
2011-08-02 17:56:08 - jj3044: or... attacking enough?
2011-08-02 17:56:11 - jj3044: im back, by the way
2011-08-20 18:49:35 - jj3044: i think this may be the end guys, gg
2011-08-20 18:57:42 - CashPills: nice move
2011-08-20 19:24:42 - jj3044: ty. im just glad this one will be over... 822 rounds. shhesh!
2011-08-21 09:33:11 - CashPills: gg, and good idea about the deficit thing
2011-08-21 09:33:32 - CashPills: who knows how long this would have gone on without it
2011-08-21 17:33:38 - jj3044: agreed!