Play States
Play By Clickable Map
Deploy: Click on territory to deploy, choose number to deploy and click again to make deployment
Assault: Click on a territory to Assault from, then on a territory to Assault (right click to Auto Assault)
Advance: Click on conquered territory to choose to advance, choose number to advance, then click again to advance. Click on conquering territory to advance zero.
Reinforce: Click on a territory to Reinforce from, then on a territory to Reinforce to. Click again to confirm.
Play By Keyboard and Mouse
N Key: Skip to next game, Jump to next game
B Key: Begin Turn
E Key: End Deployment, End Assaults, End Reinforcement
L Key: Later (decline to play spoils)
W,S Keys: Increase/decrease troop quantity (slow)
Q,A Keys: Increase/decrease troop quantity (fast)
Mouse Wheel: Change troop quantity by scrolling over the selected region.
CTRL Key + Click: You can always use CTRL-click instead of the right mouse button.
Middle Click: To advance to next stage (Begin Turn, End Assaults, etc.) click the middle mouse button anywhere on the map.
2010-09-19 08:40:31 - JerryB: Wohoo, one year now. Where is the champagne?
2010-09-20 02:52:59 - roconnor: So who is going to blink?
2010-09-20 04:34:06 - srsny: Drinking a Prohibition Ale, does that count?
2010-09-21 20:55:19 - roconnor: Good beer choice.
2010-10-20 17:56:54 - JerryB: sorry for the missed turn
2010-10-22 19:16:08 - roconnor: and me.
2010-10-22 19:16:14 - roconnor: (for mine that is)
2010-11-21 20:08:57 - srsny: yawn......
2010-11-22 04:31:50 - roconnor: Sorry for the miss again. Something wierd is happening to my email notifications - I seem to not get them sometimes.
2010-12-05 15:13:45 - Erland: sorry jerry, that was a mistake--I just hit autoattack by accident
2010-12-06 02:01:57 - srsny: hate it when that happens...
2010-12-06 04:44:47 - roconnor: yep - but at least the game got a little more interesting.
2010-12-06 14:18:30 - srsny: yep :-)
2010-12-06 18:56:15 - JerryB: very intersting - but it seems to as if I have to pay the bill for that
2010-12-24 20:57:52 - roconnor: A card!
2010-12-24 22:07:10 - srsny: Holy Shit! THat was not intentional on my part! Darn it.
2010-12-24 22:08:24 - srsny: That was. :-)
2010-12-25 00:00:28 - roconnor: I there I was thinking you were just trying to make it interesting :)
2010-12-25 00:01:06 - roconnor: Happy Holidays. My best wishes to all of you. I wonder if this will end in 2011?
2010-12-26 19:47:25 - srsny: And Happy Holidays to you as well! I have a feeling it will....
2010-12-26 19:47:36 - srsny: Wonder where we are on the longest active games list?
2010-12-27 13:45:43 - srsny: 53rd, it appears....
2010-12-28 04:23:08 - roconnor: That is not a very good showing. Out of interest what was the longest?
2010-12-29 16:24:43 - srsny: Longest started on 7/3/07, is on round 3690, and has over 112,000 armies on the map.
2010-12-29 19:04:28 - roconnor: I feel inadequate.
2010-12-29 19:06:11 - roconnor: We could agree to a rule that we have to use up at least the same number of units as we deploy per turn. It normally gets things back to an interesting level.
2010-12-30 21:03:38 - srsny: i'm game.
2010-12-31 15:41:02 - roconnor: We just need the nod from Jerry and Erland.
2011-01-02 12:52:23 - Erland: OK I'll do it
2011-01-03 18:03:37 - roconnor: Jerry ?
2011-01-05 13:45:55 - JerryB: sorry - I was out of town and a friend took turns for me - I agree
2011-01-05 15:00:27 - roconnor: ok - we are set
2011-01-07 01:13:53 - Erland: crap! I accidently hit auto attack. that was overkill!
2011-01-07 16:46:49 - srsny: darn it.
2011-01-07 16:49:11 - srsny: and, how convenient, with our new agreement, it leaves me with no one else to attack except blue! It was a nice move, actually.
2011-01-09 18:20:05 - srsny: So just to confirm, we are all using up the same number of troops we get each round, yes? I'm going on the honor system and not counting here.... ;-)
2011-01-09 20:19:20 - JerryB: well you would only have to count to five to check me :)
2011-01-10 15:06:54 - roconnor: I am
2011-01-10 15:07:15 - roconnor: Including from cards.
2011-01-17 15:39:09 - roconnor: sorry for the miss - just moved house & no internet.
2011-01-17 23:53:10 - roconnor: sorry - I will use up the deferred next time.
2011-02-06 15:58:44 - roconnor: sorry for miss - will use the 12 deferred next round.
2011-03-04 02:25:39 - roconnor: thanks for the game erland
2011-03-04 15:00:30 - srsny: gg erland.
2011-03-14 10:59:06 - Erland: thanks; good luck everyone
2011-03-21 07:43:43 - JerryB: gg roconnor
2011-03-21 14:09:36 - roconnor: good game jerrb - well played.
2011-03-21 20:13:45 - srsny: GG Jerry, and you too, roconnor.
2011-03-21 21:16:01 - roconnor: thanks for the game all
2011-03-22 07:28:02 - JerryB: thanks for the long and enduring game