Play States
Play By Clickable Map
Deploy: Click on territory to deploy, choose number to deploy and click again to make deployment
Assault: Click on a territory to Assault from, then on a territory to Assault (right click to Auto Assault)
Advance: Click on conquered territory to choose to advance, choose number to advance, then click again to advance. Click on conquering territory to advance zero.
Reinforce: Click on a territory to Reinforce from, then on a territory to Reinforce to. Click again to confirm.
Play By Keyboard and Mouse
N Key: Skip to next game, Jump to next game
B Key: Begin Turn
E Key: End Deployment, End Assaults, End Reinforcement
L Key: Later (decline to play spoils)
W,S Keys: Increase/decrease troop quantity (slow)
Q,A Keys: Increase/decrease troop quantity (fast)
Mouse Wheel: Change troop quantity by scrolling over the selected region.
CTRL Key + Click: You can always use CTRL-click instead of the right mouse button.
Middle Click: To advance to next stage (Begin Turn, End Assaults, etc.) click the middle mouse button anywhere on the map.
2010-02-19 15:34:48 - reckedracing: DF cant do any attacks right now
2010-02-19 22:12:57 - #1_stunna: and let stunna win
2010-02-19 22:13:00 - #1_stunna: sounds great
2010-02-20 15:55:36 - reckedracing: sorry demon, i hit auto instead of end assault
2010-02-20 15:55:45 - reckedracing: dont have clickies anymore and wasnt paying attention
2010-02-20 15:56:23 - reckedracing: i'll trade you bonuses to make up for it
2010-02-21 21:52:51 - the.killing.44: I thiink I'll keep my borders at 420
2010-03-14 09:52:57 - #1_stunna: Nyvek for Stunna.
2010-03-23 23:06:36 - the.killing.44: waseemalim for tk44
2010-04-01 16:26:44 - #1_stunna: so i paid to flip the board
2010-04-01 16:26:53 - #1_stunna: expect this game over by the weekend
2010-04-30 17:20:31 - reckedracing: sorry all, i went AWAL for a bit, good luck with the rest of this game
2010-05-06 18:48:32 - karelpietertje: for all of you who are worried about my very aggressive position, I will back out as soon as I have recovered to 1200 troops.
2010-05-07 00:55:44 - #1_stunna: are you fucking uts
2010-05-07 00:55:46 - #1_stunna: nut*
2010-05-09 23:39:38 - the.killing.44: lollollolloll
2010-05-09 23:40:41 - the.killing.44: jop i would like your purple territories please
2010-05-11 12:56:53 - karelpietertje: okay, I'll backout at 1200 troops
2010-05-11 14:04:01 - #1_stunna: i was just messing with you
2010-05-18 22:33:24 - #1_stunna: wow the most rounds in 1 day
2010-05-23 21:10:29 - #1_stunna: josko.ri for stunna
2010-06-07 12:11:22 - the.killing.44: bai guise
2010-06-07 17:52:21 - KingOfGods: :(
2010-06-07 21:58:21 - the.killing.44: shit i didn;t mean do begin…thought this was 5…50
2010-06-10 09:35:52 - #1_stunna: josko.ri is playing for stunna next 2 weeks
2010-06-10 17:50:14 - the.killing.44: OKAY
2010-06-13 23:50:25 - KingOfGods: stunna, you can take away from kp's bonus :p
2010-06-20 10:01:29 - karelpietertje: sjnap for KP
2010-06-21 15:05:11 - #1_stunna: dont kill me
2010-06-21 22:22:06 - #1_stunna: let me get another bonus
2010-06-21 22:22:59 - KingOfGods: how about sugarland?
2010-06-21 22:27:52 - #1_stunna: thought about it
2010-06-21 22:32:35 - karelpietertje: how about city estates?
2010-06-21 22:35:42 - KingOfGods: he has to kill a 400 stack either way ;)
2010-06-21 22:35:49 - KingOfGods: might aswell get the higher bonus :P
2010-06-25 02:29:26 - the.killing.44: yo take fruit pickers someone!!!!!!!!!
2010-06-25 12:57:45 - #1_stunna: its on my list to take
2010-06-30 19:34:23 - karelpietertje: that's pretty :)
2010-07-16 14:36:34 - #1_stunna: can you kill me please
2010-07-19 21:56:31 - the.killing.44: stunna you can win right now lol
2010-07-20 15:50:47 - #1_stunna: oops
2010-07-20 15:50:56 - #1_stunna: i wasnt even paying attention
2010-07-21 13:06:23 - #1_stunna: want to keep it going?
2010-07-21 13:10:00 - karelpietertje: dontkillmepliex :(
2010-07-21 13:15:07 - #1_stunna: FINALLY!!!
2010-07-21 13:15:23 - #1_stunna: gg lanyards
2010-07-21 13:18:20 - karelpietertje: :P
2010-07-21 21:07:22 - the.killing.44: I REMEMBER WHEN THIS GAME STARTED
2010-07-21 21:07:27 - the.killing.44: I BID IT FAREWELL
2010-07-21 21:07:46 - the.killing.44: 9/9/09 ^.^