Play States
Play By Clickable Map
Deploy: Click on territory to deploy, choose number to deploy and click again to make deployment
Assault: Click on a territory to Assault from, then on a territory to Assault (right click to Auto Assault)
Advance: Click on conquered territory to choose to advance, choose number to advance, then click again to advance. Click on conquering territory to advance zero.
Reinforce: Click on a territory to Reinforce from, then on a territory to Reinforce to. Click again to confirm.
Play By Keyboard and Mouse
N Key: Skip to next game, Jump to next game
B Key: Begin Turn
E Key: End Deployment, End Assaults, End Reinforcement
L Key: Later (decline to play spoils)
W,S Keys: Increase/decrease troop quantity (slow)
Q,A Keys: Increase/decrease troop quantity (fast)
Mouse Wheel: Change troop quantity by scrolling over the selected region.
CTRL Key + Click: You can always use CTRL-click instead of the right mouse button.
Middle Click: To advance to next stage (Begin Turn, End Assaults, etc.) click the middle mouse button anywhere on the map.
- Players
- 6
- Game Type
- Triples
- Slots Per Player
- 1
- Initial Troops
- Automatic
- Play Order
- Sequential
- Spoils
- No Spoils
- Reinforcements
- Chained
- Fog of War
- No
- Trench Warfare
- No
- Round Limit
- None
- Round Length
- 24 Hours
6 |
Triples |
In a Triples game, trios of three team up against other teams. The last team alive wins |
Automatic |
Regions are randomly distributed at the start of the game and each region starts with three troops. |
Sequential |
A player is selected at random to go first and then subsequent players follow in turn. During a team game the play order alternates between the teams. |
No Spoils |
There are no 'spoils' in this game. |
Chained |
At the end of your turn you can reinforce once from one region to another (they must be connected by regions that you own). |
No |
Fog of War masks enemy positions that are not adjacent to your forces (or your team's forces). It also masks region and zone names in the log |
No |
You can only assault from regions held since the start of your turn. If you conquer a region during your turn you cannot assault from it until your next turn. |
None |
24 Hours |
Each player has up to 24 hours to complete a turn. You will get an email notification when it is your turn to play. |
Regular leaderboard scoring is in place for this game |
 | Triple Alliance: | 52 Territories, 9 Continents, Min Reinforcements: 3 |  |
Toggles change the setting temporarily, other settings are saved on a per map basis. For site-wide settings see our
Game Settings page.
2009-09-07 18:06:22 - Game has been initialized
2009-11-06 11:54:13 - Hatchman eliminated Toxicmickey from the game
2009-11-06 14:47:09 - Big Yuma Ripper eliminated TheSpaceCowboy from the game
2009-11-06 19:39:49 - Hatchman eliminated Wolffystyle from the game
2009-11-06 19:39:49 - Hatchman, Big Yuma Ripper, comic boy won the game
2009-11-06 19:39:49 - Toxicmickey lost 18 points
2009-11-06 19:39:49 - Wolffystyle lost 18 points
2009-11-06 19:39:49 - TheSpaceCowboy lost 18 points
2009-11-06 19:39:49 - Hatchman gained 18 points
2009-11-06 19:39:49 - Big Yuma Ripper gained 18 points
2009-11-06 19:39:49 - comic boy gained 18 points
2009-10-26 04:57:28 - Wolffystyle: I'll roll at 12:15pm cst for all spectators to watch....
2009-10-26 05:15:30 - Wolffystyle: Don't know why I thought that was a good idea.... 2-6
2009-10-26 05:16:07 - Wolffystyle: Rot in hell anyone who preemptively wrote anything about 4-4...
2009-10-26 05:56:50 - chephren: my ex-wife was born in I know why we separated
2009-10-26 10:05:36 - Hatchman: LMAO chep
2009-10-26 10:06:32 - Big Yuma Ripper: lol
2009-10-26 13:01:25 - nikola_milicki: holy shit cant believe my eyes, luv ya guys!
2009-10-26 14:24:55 - TheSpaceCowboy: oh well. . .gg all. . .quite the barnburner
2009-10-26 14:28:43 - TheSpaceCowboy: course, I will point this out
2009-10-26 14:29:01 - TheSpaceCowboy: back in the middle of September, Comic offered the first congratulations:
2009-10-26 14:29:06 - TheSpaceCowboy: 2009-09-16 05:18:26 - comic boy: gg
2009-10-26 14:29:27 - TheSpaceCowboy: and there have been several since t hen, so who knows
2009-10-26 14:30:17 - TheSpaceCowboy: 2009-09-23 10:27:28 - comic boy: That's it -- Our last hope I reckon.
2009-10-26 14:30:40 - TheSpaceCowboy: 2009-09-23 13:07:36 - hatchman: I'd say overall you guys have had slightly better dice when it counted
2009-10-26 14:31:55 - TheSpaceCowboy: 2009-10-12 14:19:09 - TheSpaceCowboy: guys, I know we have all played in enough games to appreciate how well thought out and well played this one was. The whole thing came down to just dice, and I really never say that.
2009-10-26 14:32:43 - TheSpaceCowboy: 2009-10-14 06:29:01 - TheSpaceCowboy: guess we all spoke a bit prematurely there.
2009-10-26 14:32:54 - TheSpaceCowboy: 2009-10-14 17:05:45 - Big Yuma Ripper: lol this is unreal!
2009-10-26 14:33:14 - TheSpaceCowboy: 2009-10-15 14:05:44 - Wolffystyle: I'd like to point out that 5 weeks ago, I was young, brave and naive. Now, these wrinkled hands, these aged eyes emit an aura of diffidence...
2009-10-26 14:33:46 - TheSpaceCowboy: 2009-10-16 23:07:57 - Big Yuma Ripper: dont change the pattern wolffystyle every time so far when one team got a lead there dice sucked and the other team made a comeback!
2009-10-26 14:34:15 - TheSpaceCowboy: OK, I will stop now. . but I thought some of our chat over the last couple of months was worth re-vistiing. . .gg all. . .
2009-10-26 15:02:08 - Hatchman: Well... At least we're all gracious, offering congrats profusely if a tad prematurely LOL
2009-10-26 15:02:27 - Hatchman: Let us take nothing for granted ever again
2009-10-26 15:02:34 - Hatchman: ... amen
2009-10-26 15:57:55 - Chuuuuck: this makes me sad.... i hope hatch rolls 0-10... haha
2009-10-26 17:02:53 - Big Yuma Ripper: 2009-10-26 05:07:12 - Big Yuma Ripper [team]: I am not going to say a word partner....i have seen this game turn to many times!
2009-10-26 17:03:24 - Big Yuma Ripper: lol Cowboy i was thinking the same thing when i wrote this to Hach in our chat ! lol
2009-10-26 18:19:16 - Hatchman: *grumble grumble grumble*
2009-10-26 21:32:06 - Chuuuuck: LOL, pretty even again
2009-10-26 21:34:57 - Wolffystyle: This whole time I've had magnetic dice in my pocket, and I've failed to use them! Shucks!
2009-10-26 23:20:15 - Hatchman: Had 8 for Woffy's 2 and 1 then had 4 for Woffy's 2 and 1... No one can seal the deal, or when they seem to, it won't hold.... freaky
2009-10-28 14:33:45 - Wolffystyle: Cheph- I know why you married her in the first place, though. The Las Uruguayas are devilishly good at making out. xD
2009-10-28 14:34:45 - Wolffystyle: Unfortunately, so are Los Uruguayos -
2009-10-28 14:39:05 - Wolffystyle: Hatchman, don't let your troops in Montevideo stray too far from the barracks or they may not make it back tomorrow morning to fight....
2009-10-28 14:43:15 - Hatchman: Aha that's why they fight so erratically!
2009-10-28 17:18:44 - chephren: Homer calls them "Uraguish" - that's good enough for me
2009-10-28 18:58:07 - Wolffystyle: 2007-12-19 03:29:59 - comic boy [team]: round 30, BYR, make sure that you drop Sergipe...
2009-10-31 16:10:22 - Chuuuuck: this makes me sad....
2009-10-31 16:10:54 - Chuuuuck: excellent game though guys, played with perfection THOTA and are equally deserving of this win as I feel we would be
2009-10-31 16:19:22 - Big Yuma Ripper: Thanks and i have to agree, this game has turned many and is not over yet! lol
2009-10-31 19:04:04 - Hatchman: We should all be awarded some sort of medal for this..
2009-11-01 14:46:26 - TheSpaceCowboy: everyone's thoughts and strategies were sound this game. . .well played has been an honor and pleasure to take part in this one. . .see you all around soon. . .perhaps sometime we can be on the same team and win in round 6 instead ;)
2009-11-01 14:57:23 - Big Yuma Ripper: Nodoubt Cowboy, It would be great to team with any of you guys sometime. We should all be able to play together well because we seem to think just alike! lol
2009-11-01 19:13:48 - nikola_milicki: GG yall
2009-11-01 19:43:37 - khazalid: *ahem* candidates *ahem*
2009-11-01 19:46:44 - Hatchman: Khaz got a cold?
2009-11-06 11:55:20 - Hatchman: gg Mickey, very good game
2009-11-06 14:49:42 - Big Yuma Ripper: very good game played guys, I am going to look back through this one and see just how many times you guys had it won then it turned and we had it won before it turned again..
2009-11-06 14:50:53 - Big Yuma Ripper: Never seen anything like it, cant say that we just beat you guys here just that it turned twice in a row for us instead of changing the last time, well played guys
2009-11-06 17:26:33 - Wolffystyle: Great Game to all!
2009-11-06 19:39:58 - Hatchman: Thanks everyone