Play States
Play By Clickable Map
Deploy: Click on territory to deploy, choose number to deploy and click again to make deployment
Assault: Click on a territory to Assault from, then on a territory to Assault (right click to Auto Assault)
Advance: Click on conquered territory to choose to advance, choose number to advance, then click again to advance. Click on conquering territory to advance zero.
Reinforce: Click on a territory to Reinforce from, then on a territory to Reinforce to. Click again to confirm.
Play By Keyboard and Mouse
N Key: Skip to next game, Jump to next game
B Key: Begin Turn
E Key: End Deployment, End Assaults, End Reinforcement
L Key: Later (decline to play spoils)
W,S Keys: Increase/decrease troop quantity (slow)
Q,A Keys: Increase/decrease troop quantity (fast)
Mouse Wheel: Change troop quantity by scrolling over the selected region.
CTRL Key + Click: You can always use CTRL-click instead of the right mouse button.
Middle Click: To advance to next stage (Begin Turn, End Assaults, etc.) click the middle mouse button anywhere on the map.
2010-05-10 15:59:46 - Keebs2674: no, not suiciding...trying to get some motion in this game, but no one's taking advantage of it. Let's go another 168!
2010-05-11 11:38:02 - chansigril: there's some motion :)
2010-05-11 19:49:15 - joedomvince: Can't believe this one is still going since Sept 7th!
2010-05-11 22:44:44 - theflycassanova: dang
2010-05-11 22:44:48 - theflycassanova: gg green :)
2010-05-13 11:02:22 - chansigril: wat? game isn't over just yet cassanova :)
2010-05-13 17:03:05 - mwsupra: 35 army bonus? i'm jealous.
2010-05-15 00:05:17 - chansigril: meh, it's not all it's cracked up to be :P
2010-05-15 03:47:46 - mwsupra: yea... you get a big bulls eye on your head lol
2010-05-15 23:50:38 - chansigril: well i was trying to let it go but now it's on :)
2010-05-15 23:55:13 - chansigril: alright folks, we have to rally against supraman. once i am overwhelmed, that's game and he is too superior for me to battle alone.
2010-05-15 23:55:48 - chansigril: i was not pressing the hostilities but clearly he has been collecting his large bonus for too long lol
2010-05-16 15:57:23 - mwsupra: yes, of course... without your help, he won't get his 35 army bonus ;-)
2010-05-17 00:11:32 - chansigril: ah well, gg all. my money is on supra lol
2010-05-17 14:27:17 - mwsupra: if i used all my armies to completely eliminate you it would make me too weak... so with that being said i'm sure you'll be just fine. that's the situation all of us are in right now, and why this game isn't moving very much.
2010-05-19 12:24:01 - theflycassanova: and red shows his money is on red
2010-05-20 01:17:23 - mwsupra: doubt it. if i didn't know any better, i would say you were diverting attention away from your stashed away armies.
2010-05-20 05:31:40 - theflycassanova: sigh. I wish. green, then yellow, then green again busted me. no stash
2010-05-20 05:31:46 - theflycassanova: red on the other hand...
2010-05-20 23:53:26 - chansigril: hrm, red seems to be hitting me as well now...
2010-05-22 17:04:09 - Greybeard: Are you colour blind?
2010-05-22 17:06:14 - Greybeard: unless you mean taking unprotected factions within the city - that is hardly "hitting".
2010-05-22 23:01:54 - chansigril: sorry, thought you hit city of nasirlyah, was mistaken lol
2010-05-23 14:22:11 - Greybeard: not me m8. So is someone else making it look vulnerable? ...
2010-05-30 06:11:34 - theflycassanova: ah paybacks a bitch
2010-06-30 16:41:42 - theflycassanova: cmon red, finish me off already!! this is cruel and unusual
2010-06-30 16:41:56 - theflycassanova: gg all, sooo happy its over for me !
2010-06-30 18:37:06 - Greybeard: Ok i'll rescue you from the living
2010-09-06 22:52:25 - mwsupra: happy one year anniversary!
2010-09-13 23:03:33 - joedomvince: I quit conquerclub about a year ago. Just logged in again. Can't believe this is still going. Die hards!
2010-09-25 18:14:31 - Keebs2674: woo year! Time to attack!
2010-09-25 18:14:50 - Keebs2674: some one follow me's the chance!
2010-09-28 15:20:42 - Keebs2674: aw, come guys are
2010-10-01 08:58:47 - Greybeard: Sorry Keebs, I had been on autopilot for this game
2010-10-01 23:43:13 - chansigril: rime to attack does not dwell on me exclusively :P
2010-10-26 19:33:39 - chansigril: well isn't that something.
2010-11-03 19:46:36 - Greybeard: Wow, Blue is now getting 51 troops!
2010-11-04 01:57:29 - mwsupra: its bound to happen. else this game will last forever ;-)
2010-11-04 02:55:32 - Keebs2674: I'm glad someone is attacking.
2010-11-05 17:27:13 - Greybeard: oh well. that was fun :-S
2010-11-20 01:18:22 - Keebs2674: deadbeat, after all this?
2010-11-21 01:15:05 - mwsupra: could have been unintended, i almost missed my 3rd turn once by just taking a couple days off :P
2010-11-21 20:14:01 - chansigril: sorry for the recent missed turns, was in training in chicago and almost impossible to get on. shame after so long to be out of it but great game folks!
2010-11-22 20:42:38 - Keebs2674: ah, no problem
2010-12-01 11:44:55 - Greybeard: gg blue
2010-12-02 01:21:21 - mwsupra: thanks. can't say this would have happened without green dropping since i know he had a lot of armies. didn't mean to leave ya in there for another round, just messed up clicking :P
2010-12-02 13:43:09 - Keebs2674: finaly! Good game guys
2010-12-02 17:35:38 - Greybeard: what's one more round :-S
2010-12-02 22:05:48 - mwsupra: 1 year 3 months... personal record for me at least :P gg all!
2010-12-07 01:55:39 - chansigril: gg mwsupra, been quite the battle!