Play States
Play By Clickable Map
Deploy: Click on territory to deploy, choose number to deploy and click again to make deployment
Assault: Click on a territory to Assault from, then on a territory to Assault (right click to Auto Assault)
Advance: Click on conquered territory to choose to advance, choose number to advance, then click again to advance. Click on conquering territory to advance zero.
Reinforce: Click on a territory to Reinforce from, then on a territory to Reinforce to. Click again to confirm.
Play By Keyboard and Mouse
N Key: Skip to next game, Jump to next game
B Key: Begin Turn
E Key: End Deployment, End Assaults, End Reinforcement
L Key: Later (decline to play spoils)
W,S Keys: Increase/decrease troop quantity (slow)
Q,A Keys: Increase/decrease troop quantity (fast)
Mouse Wheel: Change troop quantity by scrolling over the selected region.
CTRL Key + Click: You can always use CTRL-click instead of the right mouse button.
Middle Click: To advance to next stage (Begin Turn, End Assaults, etc.) click the middle mouse button anywhere on the map.
2010-06-25 20:30:18 - jj3044: eventually, someone will make a move
2010-06-25 20:30:27 - jj3044: keep it up, you'll see!
2010-06-25 20:30:42 - jj3044: once the move has been made, it will be a free for all again
2010-06-28 23:25:26 - befera: If you all are going to keep double teaming me, I shall pick a winner in this game with a coin flip and destroy the other player...
2010-06-28 23:40:36 - jj3044: from the looks of it we are spreading it out pretty well, actually...
2010-06-29 17:27:24 - befera: Up until this round, I went from 150 troops ahead of the nearest guy to 150 troops less than the closest guy... Bitter I am
2010-06-29 21:19:56 - jj3044: thats just cause you were the leader with the most troops and largest deploy. I gaurentee you we will all stay pretty even until we get down to like 500 troops each, then the fun starts!
2010-07-02 22:04:22 - roconnor: sorry about that - lost count a bit
2010-07-09 16:42:55 - jj3044: mkcummins for jj. trying to follow the rule...
2010-07-09 16:44:13 - jj3044: i killed 19 of my own...hope that was right.
2010-07-09 16:44:40 - jj3044: then took 10 more...
2010-07-09 17:33:37 - befera: Sort of, we're trying to keep the troop count fairly even until down to about 500.
2010-07-10 04:09:41 - jj3044: thanks, but what am i suppose to attack...tough to tell from the logs without terits being swapped...
2010-07-10 04:11:59 - jj3044: nevermind...think i got it.
2010-07-12 02:13:11 - jj3044: i'm back!
2010-07-16 22:25:39 - befera: Revenge never pays Yellow...
2010-07-16 23:20:27 - roconnor: Funny - I was thinking the same thing....
2010-07-17 19:07:13 - befera: You mean after you sought revenge and realized it was a bad idea?
2010-07-18 23:32:36 - roconnor: Sorry for the missed. Traveling - thought I would get internet, but did not work.
2010-07-19 05:20:10 - roconnor: My bad - I forgot the 2nd deploy did not let you attack. I will rectify next turn.
2010-07-19 05:23:44 - roconnor: Befera - I can not even credit myself that. I just wanted my bonus back, and saw that could I break one of yours cheaply for a round. To play nice I vacated Punchbowl for you.
2010-07-23 14:55:31 - befera: Don't you hate when you deploy and click finished before attacking....
2010-07-24 15:09:45 - befera: So how much longer do we go depleteing 20+ a turn...?
2010-07-24 16:32:52 - jj3044: usually we keep doing it, because the game will end strategically with players being forced to make moves
2010-07-24 16:33:01 - jj3044: it usually gets pretty interesting
2010-08-01 02:54:34 - jj3044: mkcummins for jj again...for the next 2 weeks. honeymoon this time
2010-08-01 02:56:07 - jj3044: whoops...forgot me card.
2010-08-01 13:00:22 - befera: mkcummins - remember, the rule is attack Yellow!
2010-08-01 19:18:41 - befera: I'm taking credit for the most exciting turn yet!!! And, I think I was fairly fair in spreading out the attacks, thank you very much....
2010-08-03 13:08:09 - jj3044: lubawski for jj
2010-08-04 01:46:58 - roconnor: lubawski - I think we are still following the deploy and burn agreement. However I will skip until you fix.
2010-08-04 19:32:00 - jj3044: No problem. Sorry. I scrolled up in game chat and saw that John wrote it in caps. I'll make up for it this round.
2010-08-05 19:54:51 - befera: ouch.... Lil help Yellow??? ;)
2010-08-05 19:55:14 - befera: correction.... a lot of help!
2010-08-06 00:16:03 - roconnor: certainly more exciting
2010-08-06 13:57:19 - jj3044: lol. jj has around 20 of these games going. I can't stand them.
2010-08-06 14:22:14 - roconnor: thanks for the game befera
2010-08-06 15:33:12 - befera: I don't want to die!!!!!
2010-08-06 15:33:17 - befera: Sadness....
2010-08-06 15:33:53 - befera: Let's play again!
2010-08-06 15:34:00 - befera: Do Over!!!
2010-08-07 00:46:13 - jj3044: lol. You'll have to wait until JJ gets back from his honeymoon around mid August.
2010-08-07 00:51:26 - jj3044: Show me a Red set!!!
2010-08-07 00:51:52 - jj3044: Good game on JJ's behalf befera
2010-08-07 01:56:16 - roconnor: On the ropes .....
2010-08-07 14:37:04 - jj3044: If you don't have a 3 carder, this one should be over, barring a mistake on my part.
2010-08-07 15:31:35 - roconnor: Thanks for the game all.
2010-08-07 16:25:43 - jj3044: Thanks for giving jj the win guys. This is a nice wedding present for him. My wife and I didn't make it to his wedding because she went into labor the morning prior to. Hopefully this will make up for it. : )
2010-08-07 16:30:29 - jj3044: gg roconnor and befera.
2010-08-08 02:49:03 - roconnor: Congratulations to you to!