Play States
Play By Clickable Map
Deploy: Click on territory to deploy, choose number to deploy and click again to make deployment
Assault: Click on a territory to Assault from, then on a territory to Assault (right click to Auto Assault)
Advance: Click on conquered territory to choose to advance, choose number to advance, then click again to advance. Click on conquering territory to advance zero.
Reinforce: Click on a territory to Reinforce from, then on a territory to Reinforce to. Click again to confirm.
Play By Keyboard and Mouse
N Key: Skip to next game, Jump to next game
B Key: Begin Turn
E Key: End Deployment, End Assaults, End Reinforcement
L Key: Later (decline to play spoils)
W,S Keys: Increase/decrease troop quantity (slow)
Q,A Keys: Increase/decrease troop quantity (fast)
Mouse Wheel: Change troop quantity by scrolling over the selected region.
CTRL Key + Click: You can always use CTRL-click instead of the right mouse button.
Middle Click: To advance to next stage (Begin Turn, End Assaults, etc.) click the middle mouse button anywhere on the map.
2009-06-22 05:58:41 - jleonnn: gl all
2009-06-22 05:58:51 - jleonnn: ps. if this taked to long, I hafta go
2009-06-22 06:00:43 - ETPsych: so go, we will gladly take your points
2009-06-22 06:01:16 - ETPsych: take your time Johnoa
2009-06-22 06:02:47 - jleonnn: very funny
2009-06-22 06:03:19 - ETPsych: I have all night
2009-06-22 06:05:19 - jleonnn: I have 1 1/2 hours
2009-06-22 06:05:33 - jleonnn: will you take your turn?!
2009-06-22 06:06:21 - ETPsych: what?
2009-06-22 06:07:04 - jleonnn: TAKE YOUR TURN!!!
2009-06-22 06:07:21 - ETPsych: sorry, no speak english
2009-06-22 06:08:32 - jleonnn: ????
2009-06-22 06:08:48 - jleonnn: sorry, was tping in chinese
2009-06-22 06:11:42 - ETPsych: sorry, no understand chinese
2009-06-22 06:13:00 - johnoa: well good game green, this one is all yours
2009-06-22 06:18:48 - jleonnn: yup
2009-06-22 06:20:40 - jleonnn: gg
2009-06-22 06:33:55 - ETPsych: far from over, this game is two on one
2009-06-22 06:36:17 - johnoa: well you do own 3 continents
2009-06-22 06:36:36 - ETPsych: not after your turn I dont
2009-06-22 06:38:30 - ETPsych: As I was saying before genius chimed in
2009-06-22 06:40:19 - johnoa: well if I didn't do that the game would be over in about 2 turns from now
2009-06-22 06:41:38 - ETPsych: no shit, but your statement was rediculous and you know it
2009-06-22 06:43:33 - johnoa: well, you made me attack you, so I thought that is what you wanted
2009-06-22 06:44:03 - ETPsych: what are you talking about??
2009-06-22 06:44:39 - ETPsych: You are a newbie to this game, now it all makes sense
2009-06-22 06:46:41 - johnoa: oh, maybe your right, I should have preserved my troops and let you hold the 3 continents
2009-06-22 06:47:49 - johnoa: so, are you an example of what vetrans play like? Throwing away your troops because you got emotional?
2009-06-22 06:48:12 - ETPsych: oh stop your crying
2009-06-22 06:48:21 - johnoa: are you a female? you must be.
2009-06-22 06:48:46 - ETPsych: nope, but you are obviously an asshole
2009-06-22 06:48:58 - ETPsych: who hides behind a computer screen
2009-06-22 06:51:15 - johnoa: oh yah, once again your right I'm hiding, because I have the option to not hide but yet I do...very observant
2009-06-22 06:53:16 - ETPsych: Now who is emotional. lol
2009-06-22 06:54:26 - johnoa: I'm not wanted you to have my card so he didn't attack you from n3
2009-06-22 06:55:24 - johnoa: blue get's my cards...once again green you let your emotions get the best of you
2009-06-22 06:55:32 - ETPsych: We handed blue this game on a silver platter
2009-06-22 06:55:47 - ETPsych: Your a douche bag
2009-06-22 06:56:07 - johnoa: not
2009-06-22 06:56:16 - johnoa: and he doesn't even want it
2009-06-22 06:57:06 - ETPsych: Blue isnt smart enough to take you out and get your cards
2009-06-22 07:01:24 - ETPsych: Or to get a card, lol
2009-06-22 07:01:40 - ETPsych: yikes, very sad
2009-06-22 07:02:53 - johnoa: yah, this is probably the worst played game I have ever been involved with
2009-06-22 07:17:35 - ETPsych: Now blue just made the biggest bone head play I have seen in quite a while
2009-06-22 07:18:57 - johnoa: this rate we might be able to stretch this game out to 30 rounds
2009-06-22 07:20:04 - ETPsych: Red, are you blowing blue for the win???
2009-06-22 07:25:45 - johnoa: I think he was on smack
2009-06-22 07:27:46 - ETPsych: lololololololololololololololol
2009-06-22 07:28:02 - ETPsych: Outstanding