Play States
Play By Clickable Map
Deploy: Click on territory to deploy, choose number to deploy and click again to make deployment
Assault: Click on a territory to Assault from, then on a territory to Assault (right click to Auto Assault)
Advance: Click on conquered territory to choose to advance, choose number to advance, then click again to advance. Click on conquering territory to advance zero.
Reinforce: Click on a territory to Reinforce from, then on a territory to Reinforce to. Click again to confirm.
Play By Keyboard and Mouse
N Key: Skip to next game, Jump to next game
B Key: Begin Turn
E Key: End Deployment, End Assaults, End Reinforcement
L Key: Later (decline to play spoils)
W,S Keys: Increase/decrease troop quantity (slow)
Q,A Keys: Increase/decrease troop quantity (fast)
Mouse Wheel: Change troop quantity by scrolling over the selected region.
CTRL Key + Click: You can always use CTRL-click instead of the right mouse button.
Middle Click: To advance to next stage (Begin Turn, End Assaults, etc.) click the middle mouse button anywhere on the map.
2010-07-03 16:46:26 - Chuuuuck: or we can play it out... doesn't bother me either way
2010-07-03 16:46:34 - Chuuuuck: I am only concerned because you all are freemiums
2010-07-04 00:33:01 - blacknight_13: this is my only game so i'm not worried...besides, i think that we'll end this in a couple of more rounds;)
2010-07-04 01:43:15 - japser_be: probably cause I'm about to suicide on blue if he keeps playing like this
2010-07-04 02:58:02 - Chuuuuck: don't forget to hit teal also... he is in the lead
2010-07-05 16:27:44 - blacknight_13: bigreuben i need a favour lol could you let me pass through South Atlantic Port/North Atlantic Port to reach my British territories and try to kill japser...? thanks;)
2010-07-05 16:29:59 - blacknight_13: i'm sure chuuuck won't step up and take Comanche Homeland...
2010-07-05 17:21:26 - bigreuben: sorry, didn't saw your message blacknight... I'll see what I can do next turn....
2010-07-05 22:30:14 - blacknight_13: ok...let's hope i'll make it:)
2010-07-06 23:30:24 - blacknight_13: guess i'll have to wait some more rounds:(
2010-07-07 06:13:58 - bigreuben: just one more.. I needed the connection and I couldn't use it later...
2010-07-07 12:31:44 - Chuuuuck: blue, to be honest i am getting a little upset that you have decided after this long to become so narrowminded and are just going to let teal win this
2010-07-07 12:31:54 - Chuuuuck: he has so many troops compared to the rest of us... doesn't make much sense
2010-07-07 12:32:07 - Chuuuuck: please remember that we have all been a part of this game for a long time
2010-07-07 13:01:58 - Chuuuuck: i just took out a lot of his troops....
2010-07-07 13:02:19 - Chuuuuck: you will notice his troops approximately = what the rest of us have combined... please only attack him if anyone
2010-07-07 14:32:20 - blacknight_13: well...i started attacking pink 'cause he attacked me first...i had my eyes on teal but pink changed my mind by attacking me...teal didn't do that...
2010-07-07 18:45:07 - Chuuuuck: i understand that... im just saying don't go too far and thrrow the game for us all
2010-07-08 01:33:04 - bigreuben: jesus chuck you have no end.... what have you done this game??? you didn't do any moves, just seated around and piled armies and now that your great strategy isn't really come through you want everybody else to come forward and help you win the game???
2010-07-08 01:34:14 - bigreuben: grab some balls and do something, stop asking everybody to help you to win, take the game and stop waiting for the game to come to you!!!
2010-07-08 12:16:22 - Chuuuuck: are you kidding me teal? the only reason you have dropped from 3000 armies is because you have attacked me and then i have out right killed over 1,000 of your armies
2010-07-08 12:16:46 - Chuuuuck: i haven't done anything else because attacking anyone else other than you helps you win the game... i apologize that i am not helping you win, but that isn't why i signed up
2010-07-08 16:35:05 - bigreuben: I'm kidding... Until I attacked your stck at france you didn't move all game long... For 250 rounds you sit and pile up waiting for everybody else to do your dirty job... And now you just straight forward asking blue to do your dirty job as if everybody
2010-07-08 16:36:45 - bigreuben: here owe you something... You want to do something do it... Stop telling everyone what they should do to move you closer to winning the game
2010-07-09 12:59:07 - Chuuuuck: ugh... whatever... i don't think anyone here is stupid enough to not beleive you are in the lead... let's leave it at that
2010-07-09 12:59:50 - Chuuuuck: i think it is over now anyway... gg all, nice win reuben (like i said all along)
2010-07-09 14:34:20 - bigreuben: it's not over and not even close to be over.... it's only over for you and that's the only one who you have in mind, and nobody else, so please stop telling everyone you want anything in their favor
2010-07-09 18:14:44 - japser_be: blue you ruined a good game
2010-07-09 18:15:32 - blacknight_13: calm down still have some rounds to play...depends on how you do it;)
2010-07-09 18:17:09 - blacknight_13: good game for whom japser? lol
2010-07-12 12:52:34 - Chuuuuck: i really don't realize how you all could of been so stupid the last few rounds....
2010-07-12 12:52:36 - Chuuuuck: this game is over....
2010-07-12 12:52:53 - Chuuuuck: i was right the entire time, but now teal has more armies than all of us put together... i think he can win no matter what
2010-07-12 14:24:06 - blacknight_13: someone has to win so it's obvious that someone has more troops than the other players put together...
2010-07-14 13:57:52 - bigreuben: It's amazing... everysingle time I have a huge advantage in numbers and chuck still kick me... really sick dice
2010-07-14 14:25:00 - blacknight_13: lol...finally we're coming to an end:)
2010-07-14 14:34:27 - Chuuuuck: blue
2010-07-14 14:34:39 - Chuuuuck: you still amaze me
2010-07-14 14:35:01 - Chuuuuck: you are talking about how we are coming to an end. we are coming to an end because teal is about to win!
2010-07-14 14:35:23 - Chuuuuck: notice i attacked him.... I am trying to still give any of the 3 of us a shot to win... and you just seem contempt with him winning
2010-07-14 14:35:45 - Chuuuuck: why didn't you deadbeat 6 months ago if you didn't care of trying to win yourself?
2010-07-14 14:37:25 - Chuuuuck: oh well, it is over now... gg teal, you were right in being persistent... not sure why these guys rolled over and let you have it though
2010-07-14 14:39:25 - blacknight_13: finish him and let's finish the game bigreuben;)
2010-07-14 14:43:04 - blacknight_13: and don't be such a bad loser chuuuuck...yes, you attacked teal but it was the only thing you did in months so you don't get to talk like that to those who played the game and didn't sit back watching like you did...
2010-07-14 15:05:11 - Chuuuuck: lol are you kidding? I was attacking teal the entire time you were attacking pink... I was just the smarter one attacking the leader of the game
2010-07-14 15:05:38 - Chuuuuck: There is no you and bigreuben "finishing the game"... it is just you letting him clean up now because he wins
2010-07-14 15:39:40 - blacknight_13: second place is better than third or fourth lol...
2010-07-14 15:55:31 - bigreuben: can't belive it's really over... chuck... it's not that you didn't played smart the last couple of rounds, it's that for 250 rounds your strategy was pile up and no attack... you actually started to play after I diceded that I don't want someone who play
2010-07-14 19:26:26 - bigreuben: like that to win... I liked jasper game much more and decided that you gonna be my target, only then you started to attack me, after I auted on your 800...
2010-07-14 19:28:25 - bigreuben: the thing is that your out of your element here... You don't know to play strategy based games, you good at freestyles, where better clicker with better computer takes the game.