Play States
Play By Clickable Map
Deploy: Click on territory to deploy, choose number to deploy and click again to make deployment
Assault: Click on a territory to Assault from, then on a territory to Assault (right click to Auto Assault)
Advance: Click on conquered territory to choose to advance, choose number to advance, then click again to advance. Click on conquering territory to advance zero.
Reinforce: Click on a territory to Reinforce from, then on a territory to Reinforce to. Click again to confirm.
Play By Keyboard and Mouse
N Key: Skip to next game, Jump to next game
B Key: Begin Turn
E Key: End Deployment, End Assaults, End Reinforcement
L Key: Later (decline to play spoils)
W,S Keys: Increase/decrease troop quantity (slow)
Q,A Keys: Increase/decrease troop quantity (fast)
Mouse Wheel: Change troop quantity by scrolling over the selected region.
CTRL Key + Click: You can always use CTRL-click instead of the right mouse button.
Middle Click: To advance to next stage (Begin Turn, End Assaults, etc.) click the middle mouse button anywhere on the map.
2009-06-02 15:50:55 - phantomzero: my 37 total armies will crush you!
2009-06-02 15:50:58 - phantomzero: hahaha
2009-06-02 15:51:12 - phantomzero: you stand no chance against the fierce armies of the phantom...
2009-06-02 15:51:26 - DIBS: Less than you...
2009-06-02 15:51:39 - Peter Gibbons: you might be surprised...
2009-06-02 15:51:57 - Peter Gibbons: yeah you actually do have army superiority
2009-06-02 15:52:04 - DIBS: lol.....I think we're all reduced to piddly forces now
2009-06-02 15:52:06 - Peter Gibbons: I knew you had more than me but thought you'd have less than yellow
2009-06-02 15:52:18 - Peter Gibbons: which, again, is the issue with this map
2009-06-02 15:52:27 - Peter Gibbons: you need to spend so much to gain territories and bonuses here
2009-06-02 15:52:45 - Peter Gibbons: in fog, it's very deceptive... when I had that 20 up in Amur and agreed not to buidl... my biggest other stack was always 8
2009-06-02 15:52:48 - phantomzero: nice! I'm winning at something
2009-06-02 15:52:56 - Peter Gibbons: I'd get my armies, use them all, then do it all over again
2009-06-02 15:53:25 - phantomzero: I've been stuck in the corner the whole game, trying to get enough to do something
2009-06-02 15:53:36 - phantomzero: I don't think this is going to end very soon!
2009-06-02 15:54:13 - DIBS: crap...
2009-06-02 15:55:31 - Peter Gibbons: what the hell yellow???
2009-06-02 15:55:38 - Peter Gibbons: what the hell was the point of that?
2009-06-02 15:56:18 - Peter Gibbons: I hope green romps over you
2009-06-02 15:56:27 - DIBS: Because I thought you went & took all of South Africa again....error on my part.....
2009-06-02 15:56:42 - Peter Gibbons: 5 cards, army superiroty and he's on your border... and you go at me
2009-06-02 15:56:49 - Peter Gibbons: WHAT?
2009-06-02 15:56:54 - Peter Gibbons: I took no neutrals
2009-06-02 15:56:55 - Peter Gibbons: come on
2009-06-02 15:57:25 - DIBS: Hey....wasn't on purpose....mistake.
2009-06-02 15:57:54 - Peter Gibbons: even if I did (which a simple read of the log shows it's impossible).... I still wouldnt' be the threat
2009-06-02 15:58:09 - Peter Gibbons: I just noted green had superiority and I quite clearly have to prepare a defense against him
2009-06-02 15:59:52 - Peter Gibbons: now I don't know what is going to happen but it would be helpful for us both if you didn't do taht again
2009-06-02 16:00:23 - DIBS: Did I say sorry? Sorry. I made an error. You are 100% that I too should have been trying to build defense....I got carried away. It happens.
2009-06-02 16:00:56 - DIBS: I promise I'll only do it again when I'm 80% or more sure you are going to thump us :)
2009-06-02 16:02:25 - DIBS: Looks like phantom is done for the day.....I don't think I hindered you too much red. Hurt myself more since Green has most of his stack facing me.
2009-06-02 17:42:44 - phantomzero: sorry, at work, so work had to give! lol...
2009-06-03 03:29:00 - DIBS: In hindsight I should have kept going another turn.....the troop generation from that side of the globe is huge
2009-06-03 03:29:48 - DIBS: gg Peter.....this is yours.
2009-06-03 03:30:36 - DIBS: Either you honestly underestimate your strength consistently or you really are good at misdirection. I'll remember for the future ;-)
2009-06-03 17:41:35 - Peter Gibbons: I underestimated the worth of holding all South Africa and Europe... and the fact Australia can't get at Europe through the Naval Superiority
2009-06-03 17:42:14 - Peter Gibbons: I truly was not misdirecteing earlier though.... blue was huge in Egypt and West Africa (green could see half of that) and I was spending ALL my troops each turn going down from Warsaw, though Europe, to break him
2009-06-03 17:42:25 - Peter Gibbons: I was gaining no traction, that's why I made the agreement with you
2009-06-03 17:43:14 - Peter Gibbons: when you hold just Russia, despite the large bonus, you're really not in good shape... and that's where I was when you thought I was "winning"
2009-06-03 17:45:40 - phantomzero: what I don't understand DIBS is why you attacked me last turn insead of red?
2009-06-03 17:45:45 - phantomzero: gg Peter
2009-06-04 04:11:51 - DIBS: I had hit Peter the turn prior fairly big.....I underestimated the speed in which one can regain the troop gen.
2009-06-04 04:13:30 - DIBS: he doesn't even realize he does it....manipulated me in the chat to think that he was 'hurting' from my attack.
2009-06-04 04:14:19 - DIBS: I won't make the same mistake again(2 games now he's done that to me).
2009-06-04 04:15:10 - DIBS: lol....and my dice stay true to form(crap)
2009-06-04 04:22:04 - Peter Gibbons: good game yellow
2009-06-04 04:22:08 - Peter Gibbons: and sorry I couldn't finish green
2009-06-04 04:22:41 - Peter Gibbons: and believe me or not, I was being truthful the whole time--the way it worked out in the end surprised me
2009-06-04 04:23:31 - Peter Gibbons: I've learned a lot about this map
2009-06-04 19:09:19 - phantomzero: gg