Play States
Play By Clickable Map
Deploy: Click on territory to deploy, choose number to deploy and click again to make deployment
Assault: Click on a territory to Assault from, then on a territory to Assault (right click to Auto Assault)
Advance: Click on conquered territory to choose to advance, choose number to advance, then click again to advance. Click on conquering territory to advance zero.
Reinforce: Click on a territory to Reinforce from, then on a territory to Reinforce to. Click again to confirm.
Play By Keyboard and Mouse
N Key: Skip to next game, Jump to next game
B Key: Begin Turn
E Key: End Deployment, End Assaults, End Reinforcement
L Key: Later (decline to play spoils)
W,S Keys: Increase/decrease troop quantity (slow)
Q,A Keys: Increase/decrease troop quantity (fast)
Mouse Wheel: Change troop quantity by scrolling over the selected region.
CTRL Key + Click: You can always use CTRL-click instead of the right mouse button.
Middle Click: To advance to next stage (Begin Turn, End Assaults, etc.) click the middle mouse button anywhere on the map.
2009-04-03 04:43:32 - vax: gg
2009-04-03 11:12:19 - RADAGA: Good luck all
2009-04-03 18:38:22 - Iron Maid: good luck
2009-04-06 11:21:33 - RADAGA: Sorry folks. was away from computers during weekend.
2009-04-07 10:45:06 - Digibomb: 9-5-(9)-7-5-7 (Red)
2009-04-07 10:45:13 - Digibomb: oops
2009-04-07 10:45:15 - Digibomb: :D
2009-04-07 10:45:22 - Digibomb: was a self note :P
2009-04-07 23:13:50 - aristotea: red: would you be interested in a peace treaty between S3 and F1?
2009-04-08 11:21:37 - RADAGA: Vax: how did you managed to do that? You lost no armies almost against my stack of 10.
2009-04-08 11:21:57 - RADAGA: I need someone that teaches me how to do that
2009-04-08 17:13:07 - vax: dude i was SOOO drunk when i did that i thought it was a dream till i checked it again !
2009-04-08 17:13:28 - vax: (while sober )
2009-04-08 17:14:12 - vax: besides i think that payback for me not gaining a sinlge territory in round 4 of another game!
2009-04-08 22:11:25 - Hesoos: OK pink
2009-04-08 23:53:08 - aristotea: OK red: we have peace between S3 and F1 then. DEAL.
2009-04-08 23:53:26 - aristotea: geee I will have a whisky or 2 before my next play then; let's see if it works
2009-04-14 18:33:19 - Hesoos: gg Radaga
2009-04-14 18:40:15 - RADAGA: Good luck for you. I had little this time :)
2009-04-16 12:06:38 - vax: sorry about that guys...
2009-04-16 21:09:53 - aristotea: sorry red, you didn't move from N3 so I couldn't reach blue, I lost with you a lot there! :-(
2009-04-17 10:15:03 - aristotea: but red, why do you keep protecting blue in N3? I don't get it...
2009-04-17 10:54:28 - aristotea: red: I would like to help with blue but you leave me no choice. Do you want to break our treaty so that I can give it a try from S3 via F1? Now I cannot attack do it cause I have peace with you in F1.
2009-04-17 13:01:54 - Digibomb: Well, I don't mind much... but since 2 people are already eliminated... can we play individually....? Anyways, thats you guys take...
2009-04-17 13:22:50 - aristotea: good point, though we are 4 playing still and yellow is obviously playing for your advantage... but yeah I take your point
2009-04-17 15:46:57 - Digibomb: sorry but I didn't get how yellow is playing for my advantage?
2009-04-18 19:39:10 - Hesoos: wtf with you blue???
2009-04-18 19:40:21 - Hesoos: hey pink, you have a freeway in Africa to attack blue
2009-04-18 22:26:45 - Digibomb: Hey buddy, don't get angry... what's the problem? I am just trying to play an attacking game...
2009-04-18 22:27:18 - Digibomb: What do you want...? that I just sti there and gather armies and dont attack with them?
2009-04-19 05:10:38 - MC Don Key: It is a pink game at this point get ready for the big lose
2009-04-19 09:53:13 - aristotea: well yellow, I guess if red is quick enough he will get you.. sorry I couldnt have you close to me as you were always waiting to attack me from start
2009-04-19 09:54:55 - Digibomb: well red snatched green from me.. and now yellow going to him :(
2009-04-19 22:12:31 - Digibomb: well, now its looks like pink's game for sure... he has got much bigger than my liking :(
2009-04-20 01:33:53 - aristotea: ??
2009-04-21 08:11:05 - Digibomb: good game guys