Play States
Play By Clickable Map
Deploy: Click on territory to deploy, choose number to deploy and click again to make deployment
Assault: Click on a territory to Assault from, then on a territory to Assault (right click to Auto Assault)
Advance: Click on conquered territory to choose to advance, choose number to advance, then click again to advance. Click on conquering territory to advance zero.
Reinforce: Click on a territory to Reinforce from, then on a territory to Reinforce to. Click again to confirm.
Play By Keyboard and Mouse
N Key: Skip to next game, Jump to next game
B Key: Begin Turn
E Key: End Deployment, End Assaults, End Reinforcement
L Key: Later (decline to play spoils)
W,S Keys: Increase/decrease troop quantity (slow)
Q,A Keys: Increase/decrease troop quantity (fast)
Mouse Wheel: Change troop quantity by scrolling over the selected region.
CTRL Key + Click: You can always use CTRL-click instead of the right mouse button.
Middle Click: To advance to next stage (Begin Turn, End Assaults, etc.) click the middle mouse button anywhere on the map.
2009-07-04 21:43:35 - Clanlord Carl: whats there not to like about that ?
2009-07-04 21:44:08 - Shatners Bassoon: because when you have your front what's to stop you hitting my single?
2009-07-04 21:44:26 - Redfelt: it seems I have nothing to offer
2009-07-04 21:44:46 - Clanlord Carl: - and i agree shats this has been a brutal hard fought game.....with some of the players losing their cool
2009-07-04 21:44:48 - Redfelt: except for a little drunken
2009-07-04 21:44:50 - Shatners Bassoon: back in a minute....away to pour a large rum
2009-07-04 21:45:32 - Redfelt: hey shats remember our last 3-way
2009-07-04 21:45:34 - Clanlord Carl: plenty to offer - u agree to take some of shats stuff in return for a i wont attack you for x turn s - as an opener
2009-07-04 21:45:56 - Redfelt: I got fucked and didn't even get a reach around
2009-07-04 21:46:06 - Clanlord Carl: or ill give u X if u agree to take Y off shats - use your imagination
2009-07-04 21:47:38 - Redfelt: I only see a little of the board, can't tell who's the strongest
2009-07-04 21:48:19 - Shatners Bassoon: do the math redfelt
2009-07-04 21:49:16 - Shatners Bassoon: Carl loves to play these little mind games
2009-07-04 21:50:50 - Redfelt: well for me its all gravy as I wrote this game off long ago
2009-07-04 21:51:01 - Shatners Bassoon: and yes i do remeber the last 3 way red......but Carl is way smarter a player than Dan(who i agree did practically hand the game to me on a plate)
2009-07-05 03:52:01 - Clanlord Carl: flattery will get you everywhere shats
2009-07-06 23:52:20 - Clanlord Carl: redfelt be VERY careful attacking me - ive just uncovered shats little 'stash' and it ISNT pretty.
2009-07-07 02:04:36 - Redfelt: I`ll take that into consideration
2009-07-10 02:26:42 - Redfelt: i enjoyed more when we were attacking
2009-07-16 21:40:00 - Clanlord Carl: seriously cant afford a tit for tat redfelt....
2009-07-16 23:41:51 - Redfelt: tit was much larger then your tat
2009-07-17 18:28:33 - Shatners Bassoon: well you could move the massive army you've planked on my border Carl.............
2009-07-18 04:13:28 - Clanlord Carl: you have nothing to worry from that shats.....purely defensive
2009-07-18 04:15:02 - Clanlord Carl: its not to counter you .....its to counter a large redfelt army
2009-07-18 06:41:45 - Redfelt: bah......I have no large army, just a close group of friends
2009-08-03 18:04:31 - Shatners Bassoon: you guys fancy a tie breaker?.....random map,esc,sunny,chained?
2009-08-03 22:23:29 - Clanlord Carl: no tiebreaker....needed i suspect
2009-08-04 20:20:28 - Shatners Bassoon: ......................................................
2009-08-07 00:16:32 - Clanlord Carl: damn at it again.
2009-08-07 21:09:54 - Shatners Bassoon: i hope your brother passed on my concerns Carl?
2009-08-08 10:32:59 - Clanlord Carl: what concerns?
2009-08-08 13:37:25 - Shatners Bassoon: i PM'd him to tell him you were gonna miss your turn but he doesn't have your p/w...he said it was most unlike you to i just said that i hoped everything was ok with you.
2009-08-08 16:30:01 - Redfelt: couldnt go out like a bitch, not with that stack pointed at me
2009-08-09 00:40:14 - Redfelt: sigh.....
2009-09-02 09:50:58 - Clanlord Carl: red just reducing the pressure on that border
2009-09-02 21:39:22 - Redfelt: yeah thats cool
2009-09-04 21:32:36 - Clanlord Carl: red u need to decide who you want to win......
2009-09-04 21:32:44 - Clanlord Carl: if u attack me against was wins
2009-09-04 21:32:50 - Clanlord Carl: again *
2009-09-04 21:35:24 - Clanlord Carl: if u dont ill leave u alone
2009-09-04 21:35:43 - Shatners Bassoon: was?
2009-09-06 08:57:37 - Chariot of Fire: yep, we've just unearthed his multi lol
2009-09-06 08:58:00 - Chariot of Fire: Carl's clueless. Kill him
2009-09-06 09:01:15 - Chariot of Fire: It's obvious it has to be red & grey vs orange. Just both go for him this turn with all you've got and then you'll have a 50/50 shot at winning
2009-09-07 02:02:18 - Clanlord Carl: hmm not at all obvious chariot.....only simple players only consider men / turn - the fact is red has a ton of men stored up
2009-09-07 02:02:47 - Clanlord Carl: if red doesnt hit shats this go he wins
2009-09-09 17:47:18 - Shatners Bassoon: as always Carl...a great
2009-09-10 06:04:45 - Shatners Bassoon: gg Red
2009-09-10 12:09:07 - AAFitz: finally
2009-09-10 18:08:37 - Clanlord Carl: nice work shats my impatience let me down - i figured 40 v 27 + 15 would win in the end