Play States
Play By Clickable Map
Deploy: Click on territory to deploy, choose number to deploy and click again to make deployment
Assault: Click on a territory to Assault from, then on a territory to Assault (right click to Auto Assault)
Advance: Click on conquered territory to choose to advance, choose number to advance, then click again to advance. Click on conquering territory to advance zero.
Reinforce: Click on a territory to Reinforce from, then on a territory to Reinforce to. Click again to confirm.
Play By Keyboard and Mouse
N Key: Skip to next game, Jump to next game
B Key: Begin Turn
E Key: End Deployment, End Assaults, End Reinforcement
L Key: Later (decline to play spoils)
W,S Keys: Increase/decrease troop quantity (slow)
Q,A Keys: Increase/decrease troop quantity (fast)
Mouse Wheel: Change troop quantity by scrolling over the selected region.
CTRL Key + Click: You can always use CTRL-click instead of the right mouse button.
Middle Click: To advance to next stage (Begin Turn, End Assaults, etc.) click the middle mouse button anywhere on the map.
2008-09-30 17:43:53 - BBoz: Defending some against teal, but attacking pink. Not needing to defend against you though.
2008-09-30 17:44:15 - gordito: that was 2 rounds ago
2008-09-30 17:44:33 - gordito: he just forted last time
2008-09-30 17:44:55 - gordito: and i cant attack those 18 with my 11 - thats suicinde too
2008-09-30 17:45:19 - gordito: i want him to attack teal - doesn't mean hwe will
2008-09-30 17:46:05 - gordito: we will probably both loose - especially with my dice latley
2008-09-30 17:46:22 - BBoz: You know, I have said what I think of your play and how I think it shows that you two are working together or at least not at all worried about being attacked by each other. That implies an alliance, whether it was verbalized or not.
2008-09-30 17:46:35 - gordito: :-p
2008-09-30 17:46:42 - BBoz: I think you guys play so many doubles games, you are just used to working together and not worrying about fortifying with each other.
2008-09-30 17:47:09 - BBoz: But since you can't play full on against each other in Tournaments or Public games, you should probably refrain from those until you can
2008-09-30 17:47:30 - gordito: i know what you think - you know what i think - so now what . . .
2008-09-30 17:48:05 - gordito: i didn't ask to be placed in the same game as him - that just happened
2008-09-30 17:48:16 - BBoz: Now we let the mods decide what to do.
2008-09-30 17:48:36 - gordito: and i ahould have announced it at the beginning - sorry - it would have come up in chat anyway
2008-09-30 17:48:52 - gordito: we always rip on each other
2008-09-30 17:49:02 - BBoz: If you played the game full on against him as you would other players, it wouldn't be an issue with you two in the same game.
2008-09-30 17:49:04 - gordito: he is a jerk - so what
2008-09-30 17:49:45 - gordito: well it aint over - and you ant accuse someone of cheating because of their game strategy
2008-09-30 17:50:22 - gordito: we definately play different, and you do as well
2008-09-30 17:50:45 - gordito: that is what makes this so FUN
2008-09-30 18:02:08 - gordito: one point i would like to make - at the time that i took the 6spades and 7 clubs - i didn't know i was 1 away form taking his bonus - that is the truth - i was just trying to get my bonus without loosing to many armies
2008-09-30 18:02:58 - gordito: now that i have secured that straight - i will continue as i see fit - not as someone else dirrects me to do
2008-09-30 18:03:39 - gordito: i appreciate you guys helping me out !
2008-09-30 18:08:24 - BBoz: Can you at least see why people might think you two were working together by the way you both played?
2008-09-30 18:29:21 - gordito: it might seem that way but it was definately a coincidence
2008-09-30 22:03:05 - snakedoctor: man you guys are my opinion, i really don't even know what is going on in this game....yeah i have a flush, and yeah i spread myself out way too thin and then i realized that it was adjacent fort....i screwed it up,...
2008-09-30 22:04:30 - snakedoctor: now i am building up on the left where i was attacked....go ahead and take my bonus....i'll get it back later.....BBOZ....grow are sounding like a little cry baby about amazes me how much you care about this....
2008-09-30 22:05:50 - snakedoctor: and how come nobody else has talked about everyone else here, i am sorry if you think that i am in a secret alliance with orange but i am not.....
2008-09-30 22:07:33 - snakedoctor: if you are please express your concern and if everyone agrees, then i will bow out of this game but i find this to be utterly retarded and BBOZ needs to apologize to me and gordito for slander and being a jackass
2008-09-30 22:07:48 - snakedoctor: that is all i have to say about that
2008-09-30 22:07:58 - snakedoctor: end of discussion on my part
2008-10-09 20:09:26 - PAUL912: sorry about missed turn, computer problems
2008-10-09 20:31:37 - gordito: gg stonypony
2008-10-11 14:19:53 - gordito: gg ttb
2008-10-11 14:20:21 - gordito: and i didnt mean to fort/end - damn - hit wrong freaking button
2008-10-11 14:21:12 - gordito: was going for the royal flush
2008-10-11 18:23:11 - snakedoctor: please kill me...i hate this board
2008-10-11 20:33:31 - t-o-m: *whistles*
2008-10-11 23:45:49 - gordito: tell you the truth i hate this too, can't get where i wan to go
2008-10-11 23:48:22 - gordito: took me like 15 rounds to figure where the f'n royal flushes are
2008-10-12 00:55:12 - gordito: gg dimeat
2008-10-12 00:55:40 - gordito: sorry youo all had to listen to the ravings of a sore looser like BBoz, they ruin the games for us all
2008-10-12 00:56:10 - gordito: gg snake - sorry you were accused of this crap - i told you to play in the tourney in the first place
2008-10-12 00:57:25 - gordito: if anybody besides BBoz has any complaints let me know - by not saying anything you all must think thius is a load of BS too
2008-10-12 01:07:45 - BBoz: Yeah... Sorry guys... It's a shame Snake cippled Paul and ttblanch so Gordito could win the game. Seem's they have a pretty good track record of winning when they play games together. Not so much when they don't.
2008-10-12 01:31:04 - gordito: eat it BBoz - it was a fair game - you got eliminated first - hurts don't it - yoy play more games, become more experienced and you'll hopefully learn something - calling better players cheats cus you lost is poor sportsmanship
2008-10-12 01:31:43 - gordito: it was a good game all, sorry you all had to be a part of a sore loosers ravings
2008-10-12 01:31:55 - gordito: gg Paul912
2008-10-12 01:54:24 - BBoz: If you look back at other games I played, you will see I don't have an issue with losing. I only have an issue losing when players don't play fair.
2008-10-12 02:39:56 - gordito: you cant prove anything -stop whinning - its ridiculous